I ranted a little about diet approach, leptin and the set-point theory on bodybuilding.com. Figured it could make for a decent post here. I added some extras in the form of a short review on the effects of intermittent fasting on leptin.

Short background on leptin and set-pointLeptin is a master-hormone with downstream effects on other hormones related to metabolism (T3/T4, neuropeptide-Y, epinephrine, among many others).
In the short term leptin is regulated by under-and overfeeding. More to the point, anything that causes fat mobilization from adipose tissues will drop leptin; this is basically unavoidable.
In the long-term, leptin is regulated by total amount of fat mass. A drop in leptin affects the other hormones negatively and vice versa. Low leptin equals an increase in hunger and metabolic rate, much like high leptin equals a decrease in hunger and increase in metabolic rate.
Generally speaking, lean people have low levels of leptin while obese […]

Original post by noreply@blogger.com (Martin Berkhan)

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Too true? Too Harsh?
What are your thoughts?

Original post by Brad Pilon

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I’m in Awe…

Before I say anything else I want to express my extreme gratitude to everyone involved. In fact, gratitude is too watered down a word to describe how I feel. I am in awe of the support. I set out to generate some much-needed exposure for the book and had my fingers crossed for a top-ten showing, but I didn’t know what to expect. The response from the primal/paleo/low carb community has exceeded my wildest dreams and is validation that we are all headed in the right direction.
Fellow bloggers, friends, and you, the Mark’s Daily Apple tribe, have collectively chipped in to push The Primal Blueprint to the top of all health-related categories in which The Primal Blueprint is listed, and to the #2 position of all books sold on Amazon.com. This is just astounding. To see a self-published book with grass-roots support go up against major publishers like Knopf and […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Dear Mark’s Daily Apple reader,
Since the release of The Primal Blueprint readers like you have helped propel my book to the top of the Amazon.com book charts; it’s been as high as #4 on the bestselling Health and Fitness list. But I think we can do better. In the next 24 hours I’m looking to push The Primal Blueprint to #1, so I’ve put together an irresistible offer. It’s a win-win situation – you get all kinds of free gifts and get to have a hand in helping spread the word, and I get The Primal Blueprint the sort of exposure it needs to affect real change.
This offer is only available for the next 24 hours. It expires at 12 pm PST on Thursday, March 18.
Your special free gifts include:

1) A personal invite to a private 2-hour Live Webcast Q&A Session. Ask me anything you want. I’ll be answering as […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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The next generation of U.S. Army soldier will be exposed to a basic Combat Training program that has been radically re-designed to make him/her:

More Powerful
More agile/mobile

Less likely to suffer from overuse injuries
More likely to rebound quicker from acute injuries
And more capable of performing the tasks required of a modern soldier

In essence, the new training program is designed to create Warrior Athletes.
No more…

long distance runs
bayonet drills
and high rep sets of chin-ups and push-ups while being screamed at by this guy

Instead, the new BCT program has recruits doing…

Interval sprint training
Low rep / High Power/Speed sets
Timed sets
circuit training
maximum of 30 minutes of running per session
hill sprints
shuttle runs
hand to hand combat using pugil sticks
“core” training
anaerobic endurance training
while being screamed at by this guy

Soldiers need to be able to move quickly under load, to be mobile under load, with your body armor, your weapons and your helmet, in a stressful […]

Original post by healthhabits

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How to Lose Weight…
Let’s cut straight to the heart of the matter.
We want to lose weight, and we want good advice.
Eating less to lose weight makes sense.
But we get told differently.
‘Eat less’ turns into ‘Eat better’ and then into ‘Eat healthy food choices, eat frequently to keep your metabolism revving and your blood sugar stable and DON’T SKIP MEALS!’
‘Eating Less’ becomes STARVATION MODE and METABOLIC SLOW DOWN and LOSING MUSCLE and all sorts of other things that are so bad for you they warrant all capital letters.
So what’s going on?
Is the scientific community actually THIS split on the issue?
Bigger things are at play.
Here’s the giant pink elephant in the middle of the room that nobody wants to talk about:

Americans spend 1.5 TRILLION ON FOOD PER YEAR.
Nobody wants to give up those kinda profits!
If you eat less, profits suffer.
1.5 TRILLION….that’s a LOT.
If you eat less, people lose their jobs.
If you […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Hey there, it’s Darrin Walton from http://www.FitWarriors.com and I have a couple interesting stories to tell you… well I will tell one and Certified Nutrition Specialist Mike Geary will tell you one.

I may not have said anything about this but the similarities were so close its funny.

First I will let Mike tell you about his experience and at the end I will tell you mine. Enjoy and think about what is in your cart at the store… you will see what I mean.

Here’s Mike Geary’s story.

I was at the grocery store today picking up some ingredients for a black bean & brown rice with seasoned venison strips dish I was planning to make, when an interesting thing happened…

I had gone straight to the grocery store after training a couple clients at the gym. Well, as I was grabbing some frozen veggies, a friendly lady (who must have seen that I was a fitness coach from my shirt), asked me my advice on a couple frozen prepared box meals she was picking out (by the way, those prepared frozen meals are usually highly processed crap loaded with sodium and other chemicals).

Now I will say that this woman was VERY overweight, and she mentioned that she has “tried everything” to get rid of all of the excess body fat and always failed.

Keep in mind I hear about 50 people a day tell me they’ve “tried everything” to get in shape. The problem that they don’t realize is that they’re trying all of the wrong things…they’re trying all of the gimmicks and fads that are out there instead of just adopting a TRUE healthy active lifestyle.

Back to the woman in the store…

So we started chatting about her struggles with getting in shape, and I began scanning her grocery cart. If I can remember, these were some of the contents she thought were healthy:

*Slim fast shakes (far from healthy…they’re actually loaded with high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and a bunch of other chemicals)

*Fat Free Rice Cakes (ok…despite so many people believing these pieces of crap are healthy…they really are nothing but pure refined starch with zero fiber, which basically breaks down immediately into sugar in your body, spiking insulin and promoting fat storage…doesn’t sound so good anymore, huh)

*Protein bars “Scientifically Slim Body Engineered” or some BS statement like that (I took a gander at the ingredient list of these so called “healthy” protein bars and sure enough… hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and enough sugar alcohols to give you diarrhea for a week!)

*Canned fruit in syrup (I guess she could do worse here…but still, why not just eat fresh whole fruit which still contains the skins, fiber, active enzymes, etc, instead of resorting to processed, canned fruit that’s been cooked and loaded with syrup)

*Reduced Sugar Dessert Cakes (ok, so these are loaded with artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, preservatives, and a chemical ingredient list about 15 lines long)

Do you see what’s going on here? This is the same scenario that I see all the time.

Most people are fooled by what the FRONT OF THE BOX says, leading them to believe what they are buying is healthy. On all of these items, the FRONT of the packages had all kinds of great sounding things like “fat free”, “reduced sugar”, “high protein”, “low cholesterol”, “low carb”, etc.

However, the TRUTH is on the BACK OF THE BOX! Ah yes, the ingredient list and nutrition info is where the real truth is. However, I’ve realized that most of the general public doesn’t know how to fully understand the ingredient list and nutrition info, so they rely on the advertising claims on the front of the package to guide them.


If you notice, this woman thought she was doing great with her grocery shopping and buying all kinds of healthy stuff for her and her family.

In reality, EVERYTHING she was buying was highly processed and full of chemicals and industrially refined ingredients. No wonder “nothing has worked” for her to get in shape and lose the body fat… she actually hasn’t been doing anything right. She’s been mislead by all of the confusing marketing, labeling and conflicting nutrition info in the mass media.

Have fun and choose wisely on your next grocery store trip!

Stay lean,

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist

See what I mean? You CAN NOT go by what the ads or the front of the box says flip it over and read what you are putting in your body.

So anyway here is my story:

My son is going on a school outing up snow shoeing at our local ski resort Bogus Basin and had this wild idea he needed a foot long sub for yeah you guessed it $5 (that jingle going off in your head? … Yeah that is the power of mass advertising)

As we are in there building his sub a group of people come in and you could tell they had just come from working out at the big corporate gym down the road. They were talking about how good a workout they had just completed and how hungry they were now and really needed to replenish their bodies.

I nearly busted out laughing when one woman says to the other “ I worked really hard so I am going to have the foot long chicken special, chips a pop and two cookies.”

Now grant it you can eat healthy in these places, think of Jared… but you absolutely can not over eat and you still have to skip the specialty sub’s that are loaded with sugars and chemicals that is not to mention the cookies. Her meal was in the nationhood of double what she realistically burned at the gym. So unless they were there just for the social aspect it was a wasted trip for sure.

Unfortunately this sort of thing is happens way to often and it leaves people frustrated that they are not losing the body fat so they quite going to the gym thinking … oh its just my genetics. Well … I say no way José to that because all you need is a bit of guidance and accountability and I am great at telling people what to do…ha haaa.

But seriously now.

If you want to discover the TRUTH about what it really takes to eat a truly healthy diet that maximizes your metabolism, brings your hormonal balance back to normal, reduces cravings, and strips off body fat faster than you’d believe is possible… it’s all found in my Warrior Fit Body Solution program at http://fitwarriors.com/wfbs/membership.html

Here’s what some of my students are saying about their experiences with this program:


Those are just a few examples. Come by a experience it for yourself!

Live lean, strong and happy,

-Darrin Walton

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There’s nothing like a receiving an email from a reader that chronicles their Primal journey. It makes my day. This one, from active forum member Timothy Williams, was sent in a couple months ago (and then an update last week). Timothy has seen tremendous results following the Primal Blueprint principles. Read his inspiring success story and then begin (or continue) your own. Grok on!
Hello Mark,
Thank you for your kind email. I’m a little star-struck to be addressed in person! I want you to know that I am a huge fan of your web site, and it has radically changed my life, even though I’ve only known about it for a few weeks. Allow me to explain a bit.

I stumbled across MDA a few weeks ago on the recommendation of one of my favorite writers, Karen de Coster. I was blown away by the wealth of practical conclusions on MDA, all […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Angie getting ready

When you’re as serious about fashion as Angie is, staying fit and in shape isn’t even a question. So when KnuckleUp first opened, Angie was right on board. She enjoys all the classes at KnuckleUp, and loves to come workout.
When she isn’t getting fit in the gym, Angie and her partner, Brandi Midgett Morris, run the top online designer fashion boutique MidgettGray.com. Originally Angie ran a local boutique on the beach. But with her passion for fashion and years of experience, it was only a matter of time before she went into business for herself.
MidgettGray.com is online only, and features contemporary, high-end designer clothing for formal and casual wear. A lot of the clothes Angie has to offer are the same makers you read about in magazines, the “What’s Hot in Hollywood” type of fashion. Angie jokingly refers to some of her clothing choices as designer denim.
MidgettGray.com is […]

Original post by knuckleup

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I like to visualize Ben Johnson crushing Carl Lewis when I do my HIIT sprints

So, there I was.
I had just finished a set of killer HIIT sprints….when the Lance Armstrong clone to my left asked me “what’s the deal with that workout”?
I think I croaked something about anaerobic this and EPOC that…and was about to hop off the bike when he said…
“that’s just a fad..like Atkins. If you want to get fit, you HAVE to do cardio”
Stifling my hulk-like rage, I asked…
“What do you mean I have to do cardio?”
From there, he proceeded to tell me why cardio rocks and why high intensity training (HIIT, HIRT, resistance training) sucks.
Double arggghhhhh!
Hulk (me) was getting mad.
But, instead of smashing, I flipped him one of my business cards (along with a certain finger) and suggested he read the following study which shows (once again) how HIIT kicks cardio butt
And here’s the study.
According to […]

Original post by healthhabits

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