Live Longer

Life Extension.
My personal opinion from reviewing the fasting/caloric restriction (a term I hate) research is that there really isn’t anything non-medical we can do to greatly extend our lifespan.
On the other hand, there is a LOT of things we can do to keep from ending our lives prematurely…which sadly I believe is the fate of most people living in North America.
Live to 150? Probably not yet.
Live to 100 and spend as much of those years ‘with it’ as possible…not a completely unreasonable goal.
So what can you do to avoid being like everyone else? (IE NOT cutting 15 years off your life and dying of a preventable disease)
1. Eat Less
2. Stress Less
3. Weigh Less
Numbers 1 and 2 are easy (ESE) and pretty self explanatory.
Number 3 is where I think my next couple paragraphs may start an on-line fist fight.
So here it goes.
Most people reading this really want me to say that […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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After all the good Irish food & drink from Paddy’s Day I figured some of you guys might need a little cleansing food for the weekend. This is a great seasonal dish highlighting some beautiful lamb and  veggies that some people may not use or even know of. I grew up eating turnips all the time. They have a delicious sweet nutty flavour. They’re in season right now but with spring just here you should take advantage of these great veggies while they last. Those of you who know my cooking style will know I’m all about simple delicious food and this definitely fits the bill. I didn’t want to mask the great natural flavour of the grass-fed lamb so I just enhanced it with some flavourful fresh garden herbs.
Serves 4
2 racks of grass-fed lamb (16 chops)
1/4 tsp salt – […]

Original post by thehealthyirishman

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Garlic Pulled Pork

Search through a few cookbooks or food blogs for a pulled pork recipe and you’ll find that everyone has a slightly different approach. Some cooks add broth and tomatoes, some sear the meat at the beginning, some cook the pork in a crock pot and others go all-out with a charcoal grill. Each cook will claim their recipe is the best, but we’ll let you in on a secret: no matter how you cook pulled pork, it’s going to be delicious.
We like the approach Pat “Allbeef Patty” Levine submitted for the Primal Blueprint Cookbook Challenge because it’s straightforward and fool-proof and still has tons of flavor. As Pat told us, “the beauty is that it’s very affordable and it’s more of a “method” than a recipe” – which means you can alter the seasonings to your own taste. The method Pat speaks of is slow-cooking at a low temperature. Low […]

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The basis of Tabata Training is 4 minutes of intense interval training/circuit training. What you are doing is taking an exercise we'll use sprints as an example here.
Sprint as hard as you can for 20 seconds
Walk for 10 seconds
Repeat 7 more times for a total of 8 sets.
So what you have is a total of 4 minutes workout time.
Tabata Training can be done with a number of different exercises the idea is to use an exercise that gets the whole body involved or at least the major muscle groups.Tabata Training can be done with Barbells, Dumbells, Kettlebells or just Bodyweight exercises. I'll give you some other exercises and routines to try in a minute but first let me give you some background and how Tabatas work.
Tabata Training was developed by Izumi Tabata (imagine that) at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. They did a study on […]

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This is a guest post written by Brad Kearns, my long-time friend and integral member of the Primal Blueprint team. He’ll be speaking at this year’s PrimalCon, instructing athletes and non-athletes alike on how to properly train for endurance events the Primal Blueprint way.
Greetings MDA readers. It’s been a wonderful experience to work closely with Mark Sisson over the past two years on the Primal Blueprint book and the many ambitious projects we have announced for 2010. I look forward to meeting PrimalCon attendees in April and discussing the application of Primal Blueprint principles to endurance training. Mark and I go back over two decades, when we first crossed paths on the professional triathlon circuit in the 80’s. Mark was my coach and mentor for the majority of my professional career, helping guide me into training and lifestyle practices that were counter to Conventional Wisdom (sound familiar?) and basically save […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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This post is for all of those people who:

Want to live a long life, and
Want that long life to be full of health, vitality and general awesome-ness

Because seriously, who wants to live until 100 if you have to spend the final 20-30 years of your life hooked up to machines and/or driving around in one of those motorized scooters because of your poor lifestyle choices
Luckily for you, I am here to help.
The True Cost of Health & Fitness Spending
Sadly, in our modern world, the biggest threat to living a long, healthy, vital and generally awesome life is our lifestyle.

Too little physical activity
Too much sitting
Too much of the wrong foods
Too little of the right foods
Chronic low level stress

Not good.
But, maybe that’s just the way things have to be. Maybe it’s a yin-yang kind of thing.
For all of the benefits of our modern society, there have to be some drawbacks.
Maybe the cost […]

Original post by healthhabits

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I was thinking about something the other day when killing myself on the stepmill machine doing intervals at the highest setting. Am I able to push hard at the highest setting because I am in decent shape, or is it just because I am a sicko who can push through pain? Part of me thinks that I am just good at pushing hard even when my body tells me to back off. In the spring and summer I play tennis for hours with a good friend of mine who is the same age and works out year round as well. We are both winded and drenched with sweat within 30 minutes of playing, but push on. Again I ask myself, am I in good shape or do I simply have a high pain tolerance. Let's discuss this topic in more detail. I don't have a concrete answer, but would love […]

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2000 Calories

2,000 Calories
Ever wonder what it looks like?
Health Canada recently put together a website called “My Food Guide” that tells you what you are supposed to eat.
So here’s how it works
You enter your gender and your age and it tells you how much of each food group you are supposed to eat.
For me it was:
8 Vegetables and Fruit
8 Grain products
2 Milk and Alternatives
3 Meat and Alternatives
Next you get to pick the food you like…
For Fruits and Veggies I chose:

Broccoli (x2 servings)
Sweet Potato
Sweet Pepper (x2 servings)

For Grains I chose:

Bagel ( 0.5 bagels is a serving)
Oatmeal (3/4 cup is a serving)

For Milk and Alternatives I chose:


For Meat and Alternatives I chose:


Now that hard part…putting these things into meals:
Breakfast: 900 Calories

2 egg omelet with asparagus, avocado. (1 meat, 1 veggie, 2 fruit)
1.5 cup oatmeal (2 grain)
glass of milk (1 Milk)
3 apricots ( 1 fruit)

Lunch: 650 Calories

1 Bagel ( 2 grains)
1 apple (1 fruit)
1 […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Dr. Craig McGiffin, one of the premier Outer Banks Chiropractic care-givers, shows the proper way to stretch a hamstring. Stretching should be a part of every workout. It increases flexibility, which gives the muscle longer fibers and the joints a larger range of movement, thereby reducing soreness and sports related injuries. It is just as important to stretch after a workout, as it is during.
As a member of the Outer Banks fitness club KnuckleUp, Dr. Craig knows first hand the importance of stretching during a workout.  He has been working out  at KnuckleUp for the past few years, and enjoys the challenge. He participates in both Boxing and Kickboxing. Dr. Craig has maintained a healthy body weight since he joined and is a frequent regular at the gym.
Dr. Craig knows the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition and regular exercise are paths to leading a healthy and pain free […]

Original post by knuckleup

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Last year, I posted two of my most popular articles:

1,000,000,001 Different Ways to Squat, and
1,000,000,001 Different Ways to Train your Chest

Today, we move on to biceps.

1,000,000,001 Different Ways to Train your Biceps
In an attempt to organize the million and one ways that you can train your biceps, I decided to organize all of these different lifts into different categories.

Unilateral / Bilateral
Stance / Body Orientation / Position of Load

Range of Motion
Tempo or Speed
Weight of Load as a % of 1 Rep Max Lift
Lifting Surface
Training Volume
Rest Periods


Elbow Flexion

Forearm Supination

Shoulder Flexion (weak)

Shoulder Transverse Flexion (weak)

Unilateral / Bilateral

1 Arm Curl / 2 Arm Curl

Stance / Body Orientation / Position of Load

Vertical Body Position – Standing / Kneeling / Sitting upright

Horizontal Body Position -Supine – Incline Bench

Arm Angle – Cross Body / forearms straight ahead / forearms flared out

Position of Weight relative to body midline – ex. […]

Original post by healthhabits

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