Life Extension.
My personal opinion from reviewing the fasting/caloric restriction (a term I hate) research is that there really isn’t anything non-medical we can do to greatly extend our lifespan.
On the other hand, there is a LOT of things we can do to keep from ending our lives prematurely…which sadly I believe is the fate of most people living in North America.
Live to 150? Probably not yet.
Live to 100 and spend as much of those years ‘with it’ as possible…not a completely unreasonable goal.
So what can you do to avoid being like everyone else? (IE NOT cutting 15 years off your life and dying of a preventable disease)
1. Eat Less
2. Stress Less
3. Weigh Less
Numbers 1 and 2 are easy (ESE) and pretty self explanatory.
Number 3 is where I think my next couple paragraphs may start an on-line fist fight.
So here it goes.
Most people reading this really want me to say that […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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Filed under: Fitness