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Original post by dominic Paris

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Mention the term "muscle tone" on many of the major bodybuilding forums and prepare to get flamed. I don't spend much time over on those sites unless I notice a surge of traffic coming from a forum to this blog. Typically I upset someone for challenging their locked in notion of getting in shape. A member of one of those forums will then post something inflammatory about a particular post of mine. Then I get a few dozen homophobic and sexist comments sent my way (the owners of those forums must be proud). This post will address the term "muscle tone" and why I use it on a regular basis, despite being a pet peeve of the bodybuilding forums.

[Just another creative photo for you. Mannequins can be kind of creepy, but that is what gives them their charm.]
Thank God for Mark Rippetoe and His Book!

I owe my understanding of how […]

Original post by admin

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KnuckleUp Fitness now carries the USA Jiu Jitsu badge

We are proud to announce that KnuckleUp Fitness Outer Banks has become the first USA Jiu Jitsu charter school in North Carolina.
USAJJ is a non-profit organization founded by some of the most respected and distinguished participants in Jiu Jitsu over the past 50 years.
USAJJ seeks to establish Jiu-Jitsu in the United States as an official amateur sport, to provide a governing body, to standardize rules for tournaments and set standards for promotions.
They also seek to provide guidance to individuals wishing to participate in the sport, either as operators of schools & academies or students just wanting to learn.
The organization helps foster relationships among those individuals and companies providing products and services to the Jiu-Jitsu community. The idea is to make the sport approachable and available to everyone.
According to KnuckleUp’s GM Morrison Butler and USAJJ Membership Director Chris Stolzman, the benefits that current students […]

Original post by knuckleup

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In last week’s exploration of Primal Snacks we delved into the world of non-potato chips. This week, it seemed fitting to explore non-cracker crackers. Although saying these Sunflower Sesame Crackers submitted by Jess (from Girl Gone Primal) aren’t real crackers just because they aren’t made from flour doesn’t really seem right. They look like crackers. They taste like crackers. Most importantly, they withstood the ultimate cracker test: dip-ability. You can dip Sunflower Sesame Crackers into any number of Primal dips and they won’t shatter into a pile of crumbs.
Most of the time, sliced raw vegetables are our favorite dipping device. But if you need variety every once in awhile, crackers made from seeds or nuts are a tasty alternative. The process is easy if you have a food processor. The only tricky part is rolling the dough, but if you aren’t obsessed with having uniformly shaped crackers this part is […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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I wonder, is the Super Bowl as popular in Canada as it is here? All week I’ve posted healthy Super Bowl grub on my site but then I started thinking….if we happen to fall off the wagon a bit and chug a few unexpected beers, shouldn’t I have a ‘make-up’ recipe ready to rock for Monday? Being healthy is all about balance and planning ahead, right?
I’m still new to the Paleo way of eating but I think I’ve a good idea here. What I really try to do with food, besides creating easy healthy recipes, is to shop and eat sustainably and seasonally. With all my recipes you are encouraged to use what ever is in season in your area, which might be different than my area especially because I’m planted in sunny Southern California, as I often like to remind DR. (Better not make him too jealous or my […]

Original post by thehealthyirishman

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Monday’s “Dear Mark” sparked a great discussion about raising healthy kids, but the conversation really got going (in the comment board and forum) when readers lamented the hard-headedness of their parents.
Yes, we too often paint younger folks as the impulsive, devil-may-care madcaps or hapless Pied Piper targets. Truth is, there are plenty of those qualities in every age demographic. Kids aren’t the only ones who can dig in their heels after all. So, to take on the flipside of Monday’s question, what’s a Primal child (of any age) to do when Mom and Dad are the ones whose health needs a major overhaul?

I venture to say that many more people find themselves in the role of concerned progeny than those who commented Monday. Far too many of us, I imagine, have been grudging witnesses over the years to our parents’ destructive health habits – whether it be crummy diet, complete […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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You’re on your own today folks. It’s my birthday and I don’t like to work on my birthday.
Talk to you next week

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Original post by healthhabits

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Ok so you might find the next few links interesting. These are from around the web, just random snippets that I’ve picked up in my reading, but I found some very cool information in them. You might too. Here goes…
Outstanding Online VideoBoxing Lessons for Beginners : Boxing Abs …
Cardiovascular exercise is the most effective exercise for burning a ton of calories, and will help rip off the fat on the mid-section.Increase your punching.
LA Boxing Video Our boxing workout in San Diego is the workout that made us famous. We provide high quality boxing workouts in a clean and safe environment. 858 484-7269 Distributed by Tubemogul. …
The top New Year’s resolution Gyms in Shanghai |
Personal daily work out: “I do a lot of walking and climbing steps (faster than waiting for the escalator). I do Thai boxing twice a week, rebounding, weight training, rubber tube exercises, running and a bit […]

Original post by dominic Paris

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You’re on your own today folks. It’s my birthday and I don’t like to work on my birthday.
Talk to you next week

Original post by healthhabits

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The Health Habits Diet

Like most personal trainers, my business has been built on word of mouth.
When my clients lose weight and get fit, their friends notice and I pick up a new client.
And, considering that most of my clients are interested in melting off body-fat, diet & weight loss has become a bit of an obsession for me.
So, when it comes to dietary recommendations, I need to get it right.
That’s why, at it’s core, the Health Habits Diet is a modified Paleo-style diet.

Apple Glazed Turkey Breast

Because based upon the scientific research and my first hand experience, there is no better way of eating for general health and gradual weight loss than Paleo.
You’re eating foods that are high in nutrients and relatively low in calories
And while, it’s always a big transition for new clients, the ones who buy into the concept and trust me (even for a month or so) always see great results….always.
But, […]

Original post by healthhabits

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