In last week’s exploration of Primal Snacks we delved into the world of non-potato chips. This week, it seemed fitting to explore non-cracker crackers. Although saying these Sunflower Sesame Crackers submitted by Jess (from Girl Gone Primal) aren’t real crackers just because they aren’t made from flour doesn’t really seem right. They look like crackers. They taste like crackers. Most importantly, they withstood the ultimate cracker test: dip-ability. You can dip Sunflower Sesame Crackers into any number of Primal dips and they won’t shatter into a pile of crumbs.
Most of the time, sliced raw vegetables are our favorite dipping device. But if you need variety every once in awhile, crackers made from seeds or nuts are a tasty alternative. The process is easy if you have a food processor. The only tricky part is rolling the dough, but if you aren’t obsessed with having uniformly shaped crackers this part is […]

Original post by Worker Bee

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