Mention the term "muscle tone" on many of the major bodybuilding forums and prepare to get flamed. I don't spend much time over on those sites unless I notice a surge of traffic coming from a forum to this blog. Typically I upset someone for challenging their locked in notion of getting in shape. A member of one of those forums will then post something inflammatory about a particular post of mine. Then I get a few dozen homophobic and sexist comments sent my way (the owners of those forums must be proud). This post will address the term "muscle tone" and why I use it on a regular basis, despite being a pet peeve of the bodybuilding forums.

[Just another creative photo for you. Mannequins can be kind of creepy, but that is what gives them their charm.]
Thank God for Mark Rippetoe and His Book!

I owe my understanding of how […]

Original post by admin

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