
More results in less time – Ian Tan shares the magic of High Intensity Interval Training One of the most common things that people do when they want to lose weight is to go run. It’s convenient and simple – just grab a pair of running shoes and head out. However, you might start to get sick of jogging after a while or some might find that the stubborn fat in certain areas isn’t going away.

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Turn the HIIT on | Cheryl Tay

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5 Shares Facebook 1 “> Pin It Share 2 “> 1 Google+ 0 (function() var po = document.createElement(“script”); po.type = “text/javascript”; po.async = true; po.src = “”; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); )(); “> Email — Email to a friend”> LinkedIn 1 “> 5 Shares × Going to get STRAIGHT to the fat-burning chase with this one…Enjoy!1.)    Resistance train 4 times a week.One is better than nothing, two will definitely offer you some results and health benefits, three is really awesome, but FOUR seems to be the Holy Grail of amount to times to lift weight a week.If you lift any more than 4 days per week, you probably aren’t recovering in between your workouts. If you are starting off with ZERO times per week, some say to start with ONE time per week, which is great. However, if you decide to only resistance train ONCE and you go ALL OUT, then you are probably going to be sore for 5 days.My suggestion is you lift 4 days a week, even starting out, BUT only do a few minutes. Do 4, 10-minute metabolic resistance workouts, like THESE for the first couple of weeks, THEN increase your weight and workout time.Click HERE to receive one FREE metabolic resistance training workout video every week.2.)    Circuit and Interval Programs for EfficiencyI don’t know about you, but I value my time dearly. I don’t like to waste my precious time doing tasks that don’t provide much value to my life, especially if it’s working out.

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8 Resistance Training Tips for Women

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Photo Credit: Foundation CrossFitHIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to lose weight:While the debate about the best way to lose weight rages on (probably until the end of time), we would like to highlight the greatness of high intensity interval training for it’s fitness & weight loss benefits.In a comparison between one group doing 4-6 30-second treadmill sprints (with 4-6 minutes of rest in between each), and the other group doing 30-60 minutes of steady-state cardio. After 6 weeks of training, the subjects doing the intervals had lost more fat. READ: 4-6 30-second sprints burns more fat than 60 minutes of incline treadmill walking. (University of Western Ontario)Additionally, there are a handful of reliable studies (by Laval University, East Tennessee State University, Baylor College of Medicine, and the University of New South Wales) that also prove that shorter, high-intensity cardio sessions result in greater fat loss over time than longer, low-intensity sessions.Woo-hoo! So now that we know HIIT Workouts are great for losing weight, how should you get started?Check out (and subscribe to!) our HIIT Training Plan page for tons HIIT workouts & new HIIT workouts every week Incorporate one HIIT workout into your usual exercise routine each week Switch from steady-state cardio workouts to interval workouts HIIT Workouts to Lose Weight:Walking: Repeat 10 times (30 minute workout) totalWork Interval: 2 minutes, Walk at 90% effort / 5.0-5.5 mph on the treadmill Rest Interval: 1 minute, Walk at 60% effort / 4.0-4.5 mph on the treadmill Running: Repeat as many times as possible in 10 minutesWork Interval: 100m sprint Rest Interval: 200m easy jog Swimming: Repeat 10 times (1000m total)Work Interval: 50m freestyle sprint Rest Interval: 50m easy breast stroke Cycling: Repeat 15 times (30 minutes total)Work Interval: 90 seconds max effort pedaling Rest Interval: 30 seconds easy pedaling Rowing: Repeat 8 times (4000m row) totalWork Interval: 500m, 90% effort Rest Interval: 500m, 60% effort Bodyweight: Repeat 5 timesWork Interval: 10 Burpees + 10 Jump Squats + 10 Push Ups Rest Interval: 30 seconds stretching Weightlifting: Repeat 5 timesWork Interval: 10 Back Squats + 10 Barbell Rows Rest Interval: 30 seconds plank Specialized HIIT Methods:1) Turbulence Training:8 reps of weight training alternated with 1-2 minute high intensity cardio, for 45 minutes maximum.2) Tabata Method:Each “set” is 30 seconds long, and consists of 20 seconds work alternated with 10 seconds rest.

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HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to Lose Weight | Cody Blog

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Photo Credit: Foundation CrossFitHIIT: High Intensity Interval Training has been earmarked as one of the fitness trends you shouldn’t ignore in 2014. Although it’s gaining popularity as the most effective way to lose weight, build strength, and stamina – High Intensity Interval Training is not just another fad. Read on to learn why you should start interval training, and check out example workouts & training plans below.High Intensity Interval Training:HIIT workouts are structured by high-intensity, maximum effort “work” sets alternated with low-intensity, low-effort “rest” sets. You can make nearly any cardiovascular activity into a HIIT workout: Running, walking, cycling, swimming, rowing, weightlifting, and bodyweight movements can all be structured into a HIIT workout.


HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training 2014 | Cody Blog

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“I don’t have time.” That’s one of the biggest reasons used for not working out. I get it. You have your 9 to 5 (which many people put in more time than scheduled). You have your family, your kids’ activities, your committee meetings, volunteer work and other necessary obligations.

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Tabata Training – A Workout For Those Who Are Too Busy To …

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4 Minute Fat Burning Tabata Workout – Burn Fat up to 24 Hoursby Skinny Ms.It’s time to kick your fat blasters up a notch! What’s better than pure cardio that burns fat? Add a little weight to that cardio and burn even more fat! Something as light as two water bottles or two-pound weights can help give you that extra burn you’ve been looking for.  Tabata Interval Training is a workout that you do for only a few minutes, but burns fat up to 24 hours after your workout! In this slightly advanced tabata workout we are going to incorporate light weight and the high intensity of interval training to help you boost your metabolism and burn fat in record time!Ready to TRANSFORM YOU BODY? Check out Total Body Transformation Program for all fitness levels.What you need: water for hydration, a yoga mat or soft surface, some sort of light weight such as 3 pound weights or water bottles, and an interval timer

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4 Minute Fat Burning Tabata Workout – Skinny Ms.

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 On most days you head to the gym and ‘do the right thing’. You take out your training log, follow the reps and sets, add a little more weight than last week and walk out the door feeling pretty darn good about yourself. Other days, you’re not quite ‘feeling it’ and you spend less time squatting and more time chatting up the hot girl in the squat rack. Then there are some days you just walk into the gym feeling extra pumped and super focused. Sure you could bang out your regularly scheduled training program.


Muscle Building Fat Burning Workout: Get Crushed: Tabata …

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Los Angeles, CA — (SBWIRE) — 12/10/2013 — One fitness trend that exploded in 2013 was various forms of High Intensity Interval Training. While there were several variations of this form of exercise, Tabata training was one of the more popular ones. But as trends come and go, how can a person determine if one style of exercise is right for them, or if they should vary their workouts with other styles?With Tabata training, participants are given a fast-paced and exciting way to tone muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and burn calories during a short allotment of time. This sounds fantastic to anyone pressed for time, but in order to get the most out of the workout, it must be done correctly.Tabata is structured in 4 minute blocks composed of eight 20-second intense bursts of speed or strength exercises, then combined with eight 10-second rest periods

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Learning About Tabata Training | Dec 10, 2013 – SBWire

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High Intensity Interval Training… which constitutes a lot of the methodology which we have adapted for Scozzie and squash specific demands… gets a lot of press… and here’s a little more…


Scozzie Squash | HiiT

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Long Duration Cardio (LIIS) VS High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)There has been an emergence of different running events the past few years, and more people are getting hooked joining the fun runs from 5km runs to full marathons. It seems that every fitness aficionado gears up for the upcoming long cardio run every weekend. But lately, more and more commercial gyms are advocating the ‘short but sweet’ type of cardio workouts in the form of HIITs. So which is more beneficial? We analyze the pros and cons of each workout and look at the how each fare against each other.Long Duration Cardio, aka LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) is a form of cardio program where an individual runs at a low to moderate intensity over an extended distance or duration (30 minutes or more)

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Long Duration Cardio (LIIS) VS High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT …

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