Long Duration Cardio (LIIS) VS High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)There has been an emergence of different running events the past few years, and more people are getting hooked joining the fun runs from 5km runs to full marathons. It seems that every fitness aficionado gears up for the upcoming long cardio run every weekend. But lately, more and more commercial gyms are advocating the ‘short but sweet’ type of cardio workouts in the form of HIITs. So which is more beneficial? We analyze the pros and cons of each workout and look at the how each fare against each other.Long Duration Cardio, aka LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) is a form of cardio program where an individual runs at a low to moderate intensity over an extended distance or duration (30 minutes or more)

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Long Duration Cardio (LIIS) VS High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT …

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