
I stumbled across intermittent fasting (IF for short) by accident. In fact, I’d been using a form of IF for several years before I realized there was a name for it.It started in 1999, when I got into the habit of going to the gym first thing in the morning before eating anything. I’d been reading Body-for-LIFE by Bill Phillips, and “fasted cardio” was one of the things he recommended.

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My Intermittent Fasting Results – Muscle Evo

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Intermittent fasting has been widely discussed in the fitness industry for the last 10 years. Intermittent fasting is simply going a period of time with very few to no calories. To say it another way, intermittent fasting is consolidating your calorie intake into an 8- to 10-hour feeding window. Intermittent fasting can be done every day or only a few days a week.


Breaking Down Intermittent Fasting – The Four Percent

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MRT with Boot campThe sun is out and we are all geared up to get out and get active!! Whether it is going for a run, hitting the gym or playing a game of squash, as long as it move us towards that summer body –we get involved!!Here at Train, our home in the heart of Sandton, we are very fortunate to be able to blast out an amazing outdoor session at any point … and for those of us that are really keen… brave the pool as cool down JJ Outdoor training is a great way to get you burning away at that unwanted muffin top whilst soaking up some vitamin D.. But what do you do in a boot camp session??A great training method that you can use in your boot camp style training is MRT, Metabolic resistance training.No Magic – MRT is essentially fast-paced circuits, where you move from one exercise to the next with little rest in between.MRT workouts have been proven to be one of the most effective training methods for fat loss, both in and outside of the gym!The amount of calories you burn in an MRT workout can easily rack up or exceed 600 calories, depending on the routine.Topping that, the (EPOC) excess post-exercise oxygen consumption increases dramatically.As mentioned in previous articles EPOC OR afterburn, measures the energy expended to return your body to its normal, resting state after a workout!! Yes – equilibrium- that which your body is forever working towards

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Metabolic Resistance Training | Infitness

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Did you also go totally over the top with food and drinks during the holiday season? Many people did and then made a new years resolution to clean up their life style. The ambition to lose weight, stop smoking and drinking, start running and become the Mr or Ms Beach of the Year is as high as Mount Everest. At least until around now, mid-Jan, when reality hits and getting up earlier to prepare a healthy breakfast or getting out the door for a long walk or hitting the gym suddenly seems harder than climbing Mount Everest. Suddenly the extra time people found in the first half of January is gone again and before we’re into February most people are back to old habits.Any surprises here

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Lose weight and have more energy with intermittent fasting …

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Want to lose weight? Then throw away the pills and powders. Strength training is the miracle weight loss aid you’ve been searching for. Here’s why…Strength Training Pays Eternal Fat Loss DividendsUnlike traditional cardio, strength training’s fat loss effects don’t end once your workout does


7 Reasons Strength Training is a Miracle Weight Loss Aid | COACH …

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Hey! How Do I Get Off This Thing? 12 Comments Monday, December 30th, 2013 The cookies are stale, the parties and gatherings are over, the holidays have come and gone for another year and the damage has been done.


Hey! How Do I Get Off This Thing? – Robb Wolf

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Happy Holidays Lovey!I didn’t sleep well last night and I think it was because I wasn’t in my own bed (I was awake for about 3 hours in the middle of the night)… but anyways all day I’ve been pretty lethargic and lacking in energy. My goal over the holidays is to stick to my workout schedule and try to make the healthiest choices possible when it comes to what I’m eating and drinking.

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I Workout T'was The Night Before Christmas Tabata Workout

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HIIT is a builder, not a burner – it builds the powerplants you need to burn. For you as loyal SuppVersity readers, the fact that HIIT is the #1 growth promoter for your mitochondria is no news. That 4×4 minutes of HIIT per week are yet already enough to promote significant increases in the mitochondrial counterpart of mTOR, PGC-1? – the master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis (Wu. 1999) – will probably still comes as a surprise.

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4×4 Minutes of HIIT Per Week That's All It Takes For Already Well …

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Top Ten Signs You Could Be Suffering From Autoimmunity 2 Comments Sunday, December 1st, 2013 Guest post written by Tara Grant:You’ve been Paleo for a couple years and things are great. Your weight is down, your energy’s up, your hormones are balanced—diet and exercise are locked down tight. You’re PAF 90% of the time and feel like a rock star most days.

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Robb Wolf – Tara Grant – Top Ten Signs You Could Be Suffering …

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The last week of Shake Up November is upon us. If you will recall; my intentions in creating this challenge was to shed some light on whether or not breakfast is really the most important meal of the day, the difference between “shaking it up” and juicing, the nutritional breakdown of a typical American breakfast, to share recipes and encourage you all to get some quality nutrition in your bellies to start your day off strong, and to create an eBook with shake recipes – But…there’s still one topic I’d like to cover. Intermittent Fasting and whether or not it’s right for you.Last week Monday I wrote about how, what, and when we eat has an affect on our hormones; which can directly affect how efficiently our metabolism is working. Keeping in mind that each person is different, composed of different genetics, some sleep/rest more than others, some exercise/train harder and more frequently than others…this is why it’s so hard to convince the general population that just because you read about a new diet/fitness trend on the internet and that “it gets you results quick and easy” it may not be right for you. The general rule of thumb: If it sounds too good to be true; it probably is.First, I know plenty of people who follow and intermittent fasting protocol and have great success in eating this way, their energy levels are great, they sleep well, they don’t have unusual cravings, and are able to maintain desired leanness and lower levels of body fat

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For What It's Worth~: More on Metabolism: Intermittent Fasting …

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