
Man 2.0 Engineering The Alpha Bonusby admin on April 15, 2013STOPPP!  Don’t buy it from Amazon or Barnes and Noble….If you want to buy the book you will want to grab all the Man 2.0 Engineering The Alpha Bonuses that I’m offering plus the ones that John Romaniello and Adam Bornstein are offering on their official website.Look, at just some of the stuff they are offering if you buy from their site!The ALPHA Guide to Supplements & Nutrition 10% Coupon Code for True Foods Market 15% Off Coupon to US Wellness Meats The Roman Fitness Systems meal planner app (iOS) 3 Month Membership to Fitocracy Hero 3 Month’s Access To Our Facebook Coaching Group 2 Hour Coaching Call With Roman And Adam Free expedited order processing Free shipping worldwide Of course you can grab all the details here.And just because I believe in the book so much and I’m trying to help Roman out… I’ll throw in a couple of bonuses as well.You get everything pictured below.To claim these bonuses:1) click one of the links on this page and buy any number of Engineering the Alpha books2) send an email to email at nitricoxideshon @ with your receipt3) Spread the word about the book and this site.4) Enjoy the book and your awesome bonuses.Tagged as: Engineering The Alpha, Engineering The Alpha Bonuses, Man 2.0, Man 2.0 bonus, Man 2.0 bonuses, Man 2.0 Engineering The Alpha bonus, Man 2.0 Engineering The Alpha bonuses

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Man 2.0 Engineering The Alpha Bonus

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| E-mail| PrintHappy weightYesterday’s intro about intermittent fasting got a lot of attention so clearly a lot of you are interested in learning more about it. I hope many of you will take the time to read the free e-book I mentioned which explains everything in great detail. Dr Berardi spent six months testing many different methods before he wrote about it so he is truly speaking from experience.I am going to take the weekend to prepare my next blog about this topic, because it really is important to talk about every angle, positive and negative, and I want to be thorough.I have to say, much of what Dr Berardi explains in his book is spot on and as I have been exploring two of the IF methods it has been so helpful to have his experiences to draw from as reassurance when I am hitting the tough moments. My workouts at the gym have definitely been tough.But I will also say, I have had a lot of pleasant surprises too.In the meantime it’s important to know that IF is definitely not for everyone, and I would not recommend it to anyone unless they had a really good handle on the necessary basics of  nutrition first. If you can’t even stick to a well balanced, clean diet 90% of the time without implementing fasting, you definitely won’t be able to keep a handle on it with IF


Intermittent fasting. I'm amazed! – Real [Fit] Life

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Yesterday the nightly news in Canada aired with a segment on Intermittent Fasting, and your truly was in it.You can watch the clip below.This was a great eye opener for me as it reminded me that even after all these years, it’s the most basic anti-fasting scaremongering that is still the most prevalent.Back in 2007 when Eat Stop Eat was first published dispelling the myth of muscle loss while fasting was the major topic of the book. Since then the book has expanded, and in the fitness world ‘muscle loss’ is rarely brought up as a side effect of fasting anymore. But this television segment was a great reminder that to people first coming across Intermittent Fasting, this is still the major concern.And it’s not just Intermittent Fasting.It’s the most basic concerns that still hold back most of Health and Fitness.High Protein –> But what about your Kidneys? Squats –> But what about your knees

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Intermittent fasting on television | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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I’ve Been Paleo For 5 Months, And Am Never Looking Back 6 Comments Monday, March 11th, 2013 Written by: Sarah ElRahebDear Mr. Robb Wolf,Your book changed my life. That’s not an exaggeration or a snazzy opener to grab your attention; it’s the sober, honest truth.Beginning in July 2011, I began to have bouts of nausea and vomiting in the mornings, seemingly unrelated to food, but extremely penetrating and invasive to my life’s usual rhythm. I’d wake up almost every day extremely nauseated, and would generally vomit 2-3 days per week


Robb Wolf – Testimonial – 46lbs in 5 months

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| E-mail| PrintA new diet has become all the rage in Britain and is now making landfall on our shores as well. It’s called the “Fast Diet” and millions of weight loss candidates already swear by it.Like all commercial diet programs, this one promises quick results without much effort and little changes in established eating habits. Followers can eat anything they want for five days but then have to undergo a fasting period of 48 hours where they cannot consume more than 500 to 600 calories per day.The authors, Dr. Michael Mosley, a medical journalist, and Mini Spencer, a food and fashion writer, claim they both have experienced amazing weight loss successes themselves while experimenting with various forms of intermittent fasting

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Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss, a Bad Idea | Timi Gustafson RD …

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This is what High Intensity Interval Trainng is all about. In this bad-ass video clip cover model Joe Donnelly, and M&F Science editor Dr. Dan Reardon get to work with a brutal fat scorching, muscle building HIIT routine.

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Training Techniques – Are You Ready for HIIT? – Muscle & Fitness

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I’m just about finished the next update of How Much Protein, and I think the new editions to the book will really help people understand my views on protein.However, on piece of research is too interesting for me not to share with you today…Most research conducted on the acute muscle building affects of post-workout protein have two interesting thing in common – they measure protein synthesis as a marker of muscle growth and the subjects in the studies are almost always fasted at the beginning of the study.Typically, the people in a study that is examining the anabolic affects of post-workout protein show up to the lab after an overnight fast, then will fast for an additional hour or two while the study is being set up. Then they workout, usually doing a a grueling leg workout of 8 sets of 8-10 reps using 80% of their 1 rep max on leg press. After the workout (which takes anywhere from 20-45 minutes) they are then given their post-workout drink either immediately or within an hour, and then they sit quietly while the researcher take measurements for 3-4 hours.It could be  anywhere between 12 to 16 hours of fasting before they are given the amino acids / protein.This type of research consistently shows that protein synthesis after a workout is higher with the addition of post-workout protein then without it, at least for the 2-3 hours that they typically measure.This is largely where we get the idea of  post workout protein having muscle building benefits.However, one group of researchers were curious if the pre-workout fasting was a confounder in these studies – If the large spike in protein synthesis found with post-workout protein was also a bit of an artifact of the fact that the subjects have been fasting.So they switched the design.They had a group of guys eat a standard dinner, then go to sleep. When they woke up they had a standardized breakfast containing about 500 calories and 30-50 grams of protein (depending on the subject)

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Post Workout Protein Dare | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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Note: The following is an interview with Brad Pilon, who’s best known for his work on intermittent fasting and his book Eat Stop Eat. I’ve been a huge fan of Brad and his approach to fitness for years now ever since I read the first edition of Eat Stop Eat back in 2008 so it’s pretty awesome to interview him on my site. Hell, without Brad I would still probably be eating 6-8 meals per day.1) So for those that don’t know, can you give us a super quick rundown of what intermittent fasting is and what your approach (Eat Stop Eat) is all about?Intermittent fasting is really nothing more than learning to take periodic, planned breaks from eating.

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Brad Pilon Interview – 7 Questions With The King Of Intermittent …

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Book & Lean-Out Update. 80 Comments Wednesday, June 24th, 2009 Hey there!Sorry for the dearth of material on the blog of late. I have been pretty hammered with travel, the gym growing and frankly, just spinning with my book. I’ve been unlear how to divide the material and make it accessible to the lay-person while keeping the science-y stuff that many people are looking forward to. The direction I’m going is essentially 2 books in 1


Book & Lean-Out Update.

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Being the first entry on this website, – I am going to share with you something that will be actually helpful in your goal to get the body you desire!Scratch that – This book is what you MUST READ to lose fat if you do not want to be concerned about counting calories and watching what you eat and what not.==> Let’s look at intermittent fasting in a different perspective with this review of Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon.The Introduction of Eat Stop EatBrad’s Eat Stop Eat system has become really popular amongst the media and everybody who wants an easy way to lose body fat without having to count calories or stick to a time table of eating 5 to 6 meals a day.There is nothing complicated in this method. It is simple a book that shows you how to live your life the way you want without having to limit your self in watching what you eat or staring at that clock to eat every 2 to 3 hours or counting calories and portion sizes of everything you eat.>> Click Here for Try on the Eat Stop Program for $9.99I personally don’t like being controlled. I have a big family and in order to socialize well especially with my work and my business, I really get stressed out with all of the problems I mentioned above.How Does Eat Stop Eat Work?What the diet basically suggests is that you follow one or two 24 hour fasting periods twice a week where you will eat nothing but stick to water and zero calorie foods and beverages.That’s just the conclusion of Brad Pilon’s powerful book, but the principles behind this system and the right way to make it work to lose a lot of fat fast is outstanding.In order to lose 1 lb of body fat, you need to burn 3500 calories. When you eat normal five days a week and perform one or two 24 hour fast periods, you basically cut down on a calorie intake of over 1500 to 3500 calories!Of course you will now be worried about starvation mode and muscle loss

Original article: 

Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat Reviewed – The Verdict is… |

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