See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

  • Go Michele
This post was originally published on this site


As a smart woman interested in health and fitness, you’ve probably heard more than once that you should eat plenty of foods high protein, such as tuna, beef, and chicken. These foods are touted to help you build and maintain muscle, which will boost your metabolism and help you get stronger, so you can out-squat the guys in your gym. You’ve probably even heard that you should eat protein at every meal and snack, to help meet your daily protein needs.




Perhaps, delicious as they may be, the thought of eating chicken or steak all day long makes you want to gag. Plus, the price of meat can be quite high, and your wallet can handle only so many luxuries. Well, this bit of good news may come as a surprise: you don’t have to specifically eat meat or fish with every meal and snack to meet your protein requirements.


You can include vegetable-based proteins, such as hummus and tahini, in your healthy eating plan and still support your goals of being strong and fit. However, unless you’re a vegetarian (which is totally fine and will still support your health and fitness goals), I advise you to try not to eat these vegetable-based proteins all the time. I say this for a couple of reasons:


  1. Most plant-based sources of protein tend to be high in fats that might put you over your caloric needs for the day, and may cause weight gain or stall fat loss
  2. Due to their low protein content, they may make it difficult for you to meet your goal protein requirements (which, for an active woman is approximately 25 to 35% of your total caloric intake).


To make it easy, think of the protein-containing foods in your diet as falling into two categories: foods that are full of protein, and foods that include some protein. This way, you can get a wide variety of protein foods in your diet, and avoid gnawing on steak all day long. Aim to eat at least half of your meals from the full protein list, and the remaining meals from the some protein list. The guideline is to have at least one of these choices every time you eat, but if you have both in one meal, that’s perfectly fine, too.




Including a protein food in your meals or snacks can help regulate caloric intake and provide a regular supply of amino acids, the building blocks of protein to your hard-working muscles (more on that below). Both of these benefits are particularly important for active women.


Before we dig into specific protein foods, let’s discuss why protein is important, what it is, and how much of it you should actually consume.


Importance of Dietary Protein


Protein’s important roles in nutrition and health cannot be overemphasized. It is quite appropriate that the Greek word chosen as a name for this nutrient is proteos, meaning “primary” or “taking first place.” Protein foods are nutritionally essential because they consist of a foundation of amino acids, which the body needs in order to make its own proteins (like muscle tissue and enzymes) and nitrogen-containing molecules (like creatine and urea) that make life possible. Each type of protein in the body is unique in the types of amino acids it contains; as such, it’s important to consume a variety of proteins to supply a wide range of amino acids for optimal body protein production and repair.


Another benefit of some dietary proteins is that they will help you obtain a wide variety of healthy fats that your body needs for optimal health. Examples of these healthy, fat-rich proteins include salmon, beef, and eggs (yes, seriously). Despite what you’ve heard, animal fats, such as the ones found in beef and eggs are not unhealthy. We all know that monounsaturated fats (like those in olive oil) are good for the heart, right? Well, did you also know that half the fat found in a steak is the good-for-you monounsaturated fat, oleic acid? A steak contains 50% monounsaturated fats, 46% saturated fats and 4% polyunsaturated fats.




So, the fat composition of a steak is actually very good for your body. If you have the opportunity to eat grass-fed beef, it will also contain a nice portion of the very heart-healthy omega-3 fats.  With respect to eggs, there are numerous scientific investigations showing the importance of egg yolks for supporting optimal cardiovascular health and reduced risk of diabetes. (1-4) Thus, our fear of egg yolks is often unwarranted. They can be enjoyed moderately, given that egg yolks are a rich source of important antioxidants that protect our eyesight and brain health. (4)


What is dietary protein?


As you read above, protein in food is made up of hundreds of different types of compounds called amino acids. These amino acids, when connected in a particular order, create what we know as dietary protein. Dietary protein from different sources (eggs vs. beans, for example) has different amounts and types of amino acids, which makes them unique.


There are 20 amino acids, outlined in the graphic below. Nine of them are essential, meaning the body can’t make them, and needs to get them from the foods we eat. Also, one of the amino acids, arginine, is conditionally essential. The body may need it from a specific source during specific stages, such as during extreme illness, and when we are newborns, as we don’t make this amino acid in the first few months of life.




If you want to remember all the essential amino acids by name, here’s a great mnemonic: PVT TIM HALL:


(Remember Arginine is only conditionally essential)

(Remember Arginine is only conditionally essential)




In order to get all the essential amino acids that your body needs, you must consume foods rich in those amino acids. Foods that provide a wide variety and a balanced supply of the essential amino acids are those full of protein, also called complete protein foods. Complete proteins are derived from animal sources like meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and cheese. For the most part, if the food came from an animal, it will contain all essential amino acids that your body needs. Vegetarians, keep reading!




However, for those who don’t always eat protein from animal sources, or avoid meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and/or eggs altogether, there are some non-animal sources that provide all the essential amino acids in one sitting, such as soy protein (tofu, edamame, or soy protein isolate), hemp protein (hemp protein powder, hemp seeds, and hemp nut butter), and quinoa. You can also use a method called protein-combining to put partial proteins from vegetable sources together to make a complete/full protein meal as described below:




However, remember that plant-based protein sources usually deliver much less protein per ounce (or gram, whichever way you prefer to measure it), so your total intake of that food will need to be greater to meet your protein needs.


Overall, if you eat a variety of protein sources from both animal and plant sources, you will get a wide array of essential and nonessential amino acids that allow your body function and grow, repair, and rebuild. This is why it was stated above that not all of your meals need to contain meat, fish, or poultry. You can enjoy peanut butter and an apple for a meal or snack, and still get the protein your body needs at that meal.


The protein foods you choose should be based on your tastes and preferences, and we support whichever way you decide to reach your protein requirements. We just want to help make sure you indeed reach them.


Which brings us to our next topic: How much protein do you need?


Protein Requirements


The amount of protein we need is one of the biggest controversies in nutrition today because the bare minimum protein required for normal human function is not the same as the amount of protein that is optimal for your health and metabolism.


Say that again?


To rephrase, although the amount of protein our bodies “need” to function is very low, that does not mean that more protein is detrimental, or useless. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.


Per our nutrition governing bodies, the adult Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is just 0.8 g per kg body weight. Put this in normal terms, for a 135-pound woman (61.36 kg), this is just 49 grams of protein required per day. Calorically, this would add just 196 calories to her diet each day.


That’s not very much, right?


Adding more protein to our diets, contributes calories that we can burn off effectively, gives us amino acids we can use to build and repair muscle tissue, and stokes our metabolic fires so we can attain and keep a healthy body composition.


Think about it this way: Why is it that we’re advised to consume a finite amount of dietary protein, yet, we are told foods high in carbohydrates are limitless? Especially considering that nothing about a carbohydrate food is essential to life?


Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.


That’s right, ladies. You don’t necessarily need carbohydrates to survive (but, living without vegetables and fruits, would really just suck). Carbohydrate-rich foods do have their place, and ideally would be coming from whole-food sources (and, of course, from chocolate at appropriate times of the month!).


If you’re an active woman, it is true that you are encouraged to eat more dietary protein to help your body recover and grow from exercise. For women who strength train, the recommendation is 1.6-1.7 g protein per kg body weight, and for endurance-training women, the goal is 1.2-1.4 g/kg. These amounts of protein equate to 74 grams to 104 grams (296 to 417 calories) for our 135-pound woman. On the higher end, over 2.0 g/kg protein (122 grams or 491 calories) is considered “useless” because it doesn’t contribute to increased muscle protein synthesis (the “building and repairing” process for active individuals).


Although this amount of protein calories doesn’t seem like much, consider that whenever you eat a food rich in protein, it usually contains other macronutrients, like fats or some carbohydrate, making the total caloric content at least slightly higher (the exception may be completely purified proteins which have 100% protein calories, of which there are very few if any examples like this in our real diets). For example, a chicken breast, with 20 grams of total protein has more than just 80 calories due to the additional fats and minimal carbs found in a chicken breast (each gram of protein has 4 calories: 20 x 4 = 80).


According to the Institute of Medicine, a reasonable and safe amount of protein that can be consumed in the diet is 10 to 35% of total calories. That means that the 135-pound woman can safely take in around 175 grams of protein when eating a diet of 2000 total calories (35% of 2000 = 700 calories/4=175), if that’s how her food intake ends up for the day.


I know you’re probably thinking, “ACK! Too many numbers!! Just give me the facts!”


Our simple recommendation is for you to include a protein choice every time you eat, whether that be a meal or a snack. Remember, that protein choice can be a partial protein source like nuts, seeds, or beans. For example, a mid-day snack of cashews, walnuts and raisins (and maybe a handful of chocolate M&Ms, because who are we kidding?), would be a good option.


Below is a list of typical serving sizes for meals and snacks. Ultimately, you have to tune your body into what it really needs. If you are still very hungry after a meal, try including more protein to increase satiety. If you feel like your can’t fit any more turkey in your cheeks, then cut back. Your protein requirements will vary from day to day, depending on your training and your body’s state of recovery.


First, a note:


All meat and dairy products should ideally be from grass-fed, pasture-raised and/or organic animals whenever possible and available. Fish and seafood should be wild-caught or from organic farms (Whole Foods marketplace sells farmed fish from quality fish farms). If these aren’t possible for you to obtain, don’t worry too much about it. Do the best you can with what’s accessible for you.


Do your best to skip all proteins that are deep-fried, covered in breading or heavy, sugary sauces, those that are highly processed (hot dogs, generic beef burgers), and those that contain preservatives (nitrates, nitrites).


Raw fish (sushi) and raw meats are OK in moderation. Minimize raw tuna and chunk light tuna in the can to reduce your exposure to mercury (no more than 1 to 2 cans of tuna per week, maximum).


A typical serving or portion of animal proteins such as beef, chicken, or fish is at least 3 ounces. A typical serving of cheese is about 1 to 2 ounces. A typical serving of eggs is 1-2 eggs.


FULL PROTEIN — Recommended Choices:


Beef and Bison (Buffalo): 3 ounces cooked = 22-27 grams protein

  • Jerky, nitrate/nitrite free
  • Lean ground
  • Steaks, round
  • Tenderloin, lean

Cheese: 1 ounce = 4-7 grams protein (choose organic if possible)

  • American
  • Brie
  • Camembert
  • Cheddar
  • Cottage
  • Feta
  • Goat cheese
  • Mozzarella
  • Swiss

Eggs, whole: 2 large = 12 grams protein (choose omega-3/DHA if possible)

Fish: 3 ounces cooked = 21-26 grams protein

  • Catfish
  • Cod
  • Eel
  • Halibut
  • Pike
  • Salmon, canned and fresh
  • Snapper
  • Tilapia
  • Trout
  • Tuna, fresh
  • Tuna, canned in water

Lamb: 3 ounces cooked = 22-27 grams protein

Milk & Yogurt: 1 cup = 8-24 grams protein (choose organic if possible)

  • Cow’s Milk
  • Goat’s Milk
  • Yogurt, plain
  • Greek Yogurt, plain

Pork: 3 ounces cooked = 22-27 grams protein

  • Chops
  • Lean Ground
  • Ham, low sodium
  • Tenderloin, lean
  • Canadian style bacon

Ostrich: 3 ounces = 30 grams protein

Poultry: 3 ounces cooked = 21-26 grams protein

  • Chicken and Turkey: breasts, ground, tenderloins, thighs, wings
  • Duck

Shellfish: 3 ounces cooked = 21-26 grams protein

  • Clams
  • Crab, not imitation
  • Lobster, not imitation
  • Mussels
  • Oysters
  • Shrimp
  • Scallops

Whey protein powder: 1 scoop = 22 to 30 grams protein

Rice protein powder: 1 scoop = 22 to 25 grams protein

Hemp protein powder: 1 scoop = 22 to 25 grams protein

(Hemp Pro 70 from Manitoba Harvest is a great choice)


SOME PROTEIN — Recommended Choices:


Falafel: 3 ounces = 11 grams protein

Hummus: 1/3 cup = 5 grams protein

Beans and Legumes (these also count as recommended carbohydrate sources and are very high in fiber)

Most beans (black, pinto, lentils, split, etc) have about 7-10 grams of protein in ½ cup cooked

  • Adzuki
  • Black
  • Black-eyed
  • Chickpeas
  • Fava
  • Great Northern
  • Kidney
  • Lentils
  • Lima
  • Navy
  • Pink
  • Pinto
  • Soybeans, whole: ½ cup = 14 grams protein
  • Split peas
  • Refried beans, organic, no added fats: ½ cup = 6 grams protein
  • White

Nuts and Seeds (these also count as recommended fat choices)

  • Almonds (considered the king of nuts): ¼ cup = 6 grams protein
  • Brazil nuts: ¼ cup = 5 grams protein
  • Cashews: ¼ cup = 5 grams protein
  • Chia seeds: 2 tablespoons = 3 grams protein
  • Flax seeds: 2 tablespoons = 3 grams protein
  • Hemp seeds: ¼ cup = 12 grams protein
  • Hazelnuts: ¼ cup = 4 grams protein
  • Macadamia nuts: ¼ cup = 3 grams protein
  • Pecans: ¼ cup = 3 grams protein
  • Peanut butter, natural: 2 tablespoons = 7 grams protein
  • Pistachios: ¼ cup = 6 grams protein
  • Pine nuts: ¼ cup = 5 grams of protein
  • Pumpkin seeds: ¼ cup = 8 grams of protein
  • Sesame seeds; ¼ cup = 6 grams of protein
  • Sunflower seeds: ¼ cup = 6 grams of protein
  • Walnuts: ¼ cup = 4 grams of protein


What’s About Protein Powder?


If you’ve been in the fitness world for any amount of time you’ve likely heard of (or have even used) protein powders, either in the form of whey, hemp, or soy, to name just a few common options.




The question you might have about all these powders is: “Are they necessary in my diet plan, and are they healthy?” No, you don’t need them in your daily diet, but yes, they can be healthy (depending on the brand and what’s in them in addition to protein).


We recommend a whole-food, natural diet, and protein powders aren’t necessarily considered “whole-food” or “natural.” Protein powders are extracts of protein from various whole foods. Whey comes from milk. Soy comes from soy beans. Hemp is isolated from hemp seeds.


Some people question if the extraction process is healthy or not (various heat processes and/or chemical applications may be used). Once isolated, do the proteins act in the same manner as they would in whole-food form? As far as safety and lack of side effects, unless you have an intolerance to any of these foods, the isolated protein should not have any negative effect on you.


Soy protein isolate is controversial though because there are many claims (some substantiated, some not validated at all) of digestive and/or hormonal alterations with long term, consistent use. For this reason, it’s best to only use this type of protein source sparingly, if at all.


If you are fine with dairy products, whey protein is the most common protein powder on the market. If you are looking to stay away from dairy, then other alternatives can be found in hemp protein, rice protein and/or pea protein.


Regardless what protein powder you choose, do your best to ensure it doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners or added “muscle building agents” that your body doesn’t need or won’t really benefit from. Just look for a product with minimal ingredients and additives. Also, keep a close eye on your digestive health with these products: if you get digestive distress, discontinue immediately—for your health and out of consideration for those around you.


But, why would you use these powders? Some people find that these powders can help them meet their daily protein requirements when other whole-food, lean-protein sources are unavailable. They can be made into shakes/smoothies that you can whip up quickly (no cooking, yay!), and take with you on the run, unlike opening a can or packet of tuna in your car while driving. They can also be added to foods low in protein (like adding to oatmeal), or consumed with veggies to make a complete meal.


Like was stated above: You don’t need these protein powders in your diet to get protein at all of your meals and snacks, but they sure can make it easier when you don’t have the time or desire to cook or prepare another protein option.


Here are some of my favorite brands:


Whey Protein Options:

Biotrust Low Carb (includes some casein and milk protein)

Stronger Faster Healthier, Pure Whey (from grass-fed cattle)

BiPro Natural Whey


Vegetarian Protein Options:

Manitoba Harvest Hemp Pro 70

Vega Performance Protein

Sun Warrior Rice Protein

Nutribiotic Rice Protein


So, what’s a girl to eat when it comes to protein?


As noted above, if you aim to include a protein choice at every meal and snack throughout the day, you will get the protein your body needs to repair, rebuild, and thrive. Remember that not all these choices need to be “full protein” choices (like chicken). You can can consume “some protein” choices in your snacks to save time and money, since many require no cooking and are affordable.


Here is a sample meal plan for one day to give you an idea how this can work:



1 egg, 1 cup egg whites, spinach, chopped tomatoes and seasoning of choice, eaten with a slice of Ezekiel sprouted grain bread



2 tbsp natural peanut butter with an apple or banana



White Bean and Tuna Salad: ½ cup canned, rinsed, white beans, with 1 can drained tuna, over mixed greens, topped with Balsamic vinegar.

Have with ½ cup to 1 cup berries (i.e., raspberries)



Peanut Butter Cookie Larabar (the nuts are your protein choice)


½ cup Hummus with baby carrots and sliced cucumbers


Post-workout (if applicable):

1 serving Whey or Vegetarian Protein powder in water



4 oz baked Salmon, 2 Cups steamed broccoli drizzled with olive oil, and 1 Cup baked butternut squash




  1. Ballesteros MN, et al   One Egg per Day Improves Inflammation when Compared to an Oatmeal-Based Breakfast without Increasing Other Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Diabetic Patients . Nutrients. (2015)
  2. Adnan I et al.  Regular egg consumption does not increase the risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Med Sci Monit 2007; 13(1): CR1-8
  3. Rong Y et al. Egg consumption and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. BMJ. 2013 Jan 7;346
  4. Blesso CN et al. Whole egg consumption improves lipoprotein profiles and insulin sensitivity to a greater extent than yolk-free egg substitute in individuals with metabolic syndrome. Metabolism. 2013 Mar;62(3):400-10.


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Close your eyes and imagine the perfect grilled cheese: The bread is perfectly buttered and crispy, and the cheese is gooey and stretches easily when you pull the two halves of the sandwich apart. Beautiful, right?

If you want this idea of grilled cheese perfection, the first place you need to start is cheese. What do you tend to pick up at the supermarket? According to science, here’s what you need to look for.


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After peeling and trimming fruits and veggies, we’re left with scraps that often get tossed in the compost bin or the trash. But think twice before tossing these odds and ends — there are actually quite a few delicious uses for common kitchen scraps.


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Seasonal bounty doesn’t end with the first autumn frost. While my favorite cool-weather food (butter, duh) is available year-round, there are some other seasonal items worth keeping an eye out for in the store over the next few weeks. Here are six of the ones I’m most excited about.


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This time of year it’s all about the long and slow cooking. When it comes to cuts of meat that require a little extra coaxing, both stewing and braising can make tougher cuts — like shanks, brisket, chunk, and round — tender enough to slice with your fork. We always knew they had a soft side.

Vegetables, never to be left out of the party, benefit from braising and stewing as well. As with meat, vegetables, including everything from bitter winter greens to green beans, grow tender and enriched with flavor from a braise or stew.

If both braising and stewing require a good deal of time over a low heat, what makes them different?


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It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

real_life_stories_stories-1-2I wanted to share with you and your readers my love of the activity known as AcroYoga, or sometimes Acrobatic Partner Yoga. I think of it as the missing piece that really brought my primal lifestyle full circle and improved my life!

A little bit of background about me: I’m 26 years old and I’ve been following PB for about four years. I first found MDA when my best friend, now partner, Alex shared a recipe from the site. I started reading and couldn’t stop. Before going primal, I’d always been pretty healthy and in shape, but I was plagued by body image issues, and was constantly counting calories and punishing myself for eating too much. Primal life changed that for me. I learned the difference between calories and nutrition, and started to feel good about the food I ate. I went strictly Primal for a while before I found the healthy balance that worked best for my metabolism. I really feel like I’m living my best life now!

When I first tried Acro three years ago, I had already been following a mostly Primal lifestyle for a year or two: getting plenty of sleep, eating my healthy fats, eschewing grains and sugars, and exercising. I had lost fat, gained muscle, my endurance had increased to 11, and I had some nice muscle definition. I had heard about AcroYoga and thought it seemed cool, so when I found out that there were some people at the park who were doing it, I rushed down to try it! I immediately fell in love, and within a year it had taken over as my main form of exercise. I’d never experienced a core work out that was both effective and fun, but this is it! After all those years of training and daily exercise, I never had abs until now. My flexibility, which has always been exceptional, is even better now. I can do handstand push-ups and back-bends, one legged side planks and splits. I’ve never felt stronger, happier, or more balanced.


Me flying with my friend Ben basing

But the greatest benefit of doing AcroYoga and the reason why I think it might be one of the most “Primal” activities a person could do, is the sense of community love and support I have gained. We’re always talking about that hunter-gatherer lifestyle, in which our primal ancestors lived in nomadic extended family groups, helping and supporting one another, working together, and of course all of that time was spent outdoors. But I think with all our eating well and outdoorsy endurance exercises, we often neglect that familial bonding aspect of Primal life, and don’t realize how crucial a community structure really is to our well-being. AcroYoga is the first form of exercise I’ve tried that really embodies it perfectly, and at the same time gives me a great low-impact, full-body work out. It is body-weight exercise at its most essential. You don’t need any special equipment for Acro, just a friend and a healthy appreciation for the versatility of your own body.


That’s me basing my friend Beth

My hometown is Buffalo, NY, beautiful (read: hot and humid) in the summer, and chilly (read: eight feet of snow and sub-zero temps) in winter. There are other cities that are warmer, there are other cities that have oceans and mountains, but there is no city like the City of Good Neighbors. I practice with a community called AcroYoga Buffalo, and like our primal ancestors, we are nomads. By that I mean that in most other cities with an Acro community, that community has one or more definite “home” facilities where they practice regularly and take scheduled classes. AcroYoga Buffalo doesn’t own a space, but rather borrows spaces from whomever is kind enough to open their doors to us. In the summer, we are always outside. We meet in public parks and farmer’s markets and hang out together, sharing food and laughs, enjoying the warm sun, the people, and practicing AcroYoga. Our gatherings, which we call Acro Jams, are free and open to the public. Anyone who walks by our jam is welcome to join us, even if they’ve never tried yoga and can’t even touch their toes. Even though it looks tough, beginner poses are surprisingly achievable, and no one ever walks away without a smile of accomplishment on their face. We celebrate those accomplishments with hugs and high-fives and the knowledge that we’ve made new friends.

In AcroYoga we usually have two partners: a base, who stays connected to the earth, and a flyer who stays connected to the base. It’s amazing the way we seem to draw our energy up from that connection with the earth, through the base for it to come radiating out of the flyer. It feels natural and necessary to interact with other humans and the earth in this way, it feels like something we need.


“Base Camp”- me flying with a visiting teacher while the bases gather round to learn the move from their perspective

As the weather gets colder, we retreat indoors to community spaces that allow us to practice there on a donation basis, which means anyone can afford to come. When winter descends upon us, our close community draws even closer, and our bonds are strengthened by something similar to the Danish concept of “hygge-” that cozy feeling of togetherness, that feeling you get from sharing time with family and friends that makes you feel warm inside even if it’s bitterly cold outside. The sense of playfulness is tangible- this practice is really fun! I think you would agree that it’s important for adults to engage our inner child in a little play time, and when winter lasts six month or more, it’s extra important that we generate that happy, goofy energy that keeps us going. It’s an inner light during days when we don’t see much sun.


Lots of fun and hugs at one of our outdoor jams

But even in non-nomadic Acro Communities, those who are lucky enough to have a home space, this feeling of fun, cozy togetherness persists regardless of the season through the innate quality of the Acro practice which involves close personal contact and intimacy. In yoga, there is this concept of loving-kindness, where we strive to listen to our bodies, push ourselves when we need a challenge, and rest when we need a break. We accept the level where we are currently, and celebrate new achievements. In AcroYoga, these principles extend from ourselves out to another person, our partner who practices with us. We listen to our partners’ bodies and share new skills with one another. We bring in a third partner, the spotter, to catch us when we fall while trying challenging new acrobatic moves. They protect us from taking nasty falls and they also offer the comfort of knowing that you have a friend nearby with open arms. Sometimes just that knowledge is all you need to accomplish something new!

AcroYoga has two sides, the acrobatic side, and the therapeutic side; solar and lunar. In lunar therapeutics, we extend this concept of loving-kindness even further through massage and assisted stretching techniques. It’s a unique way to express gratitude to a friend and rewarding to make another person feel good.

acro5Try mixing Acro into your Primal routine! If all the hippy-dippy love-fest talk wasn’t enough for you, maybe the intense core work is! Acro is accessible to all levels regardless of strength or flexibility, but you’ll be amazed at how quickly those areas improve as you practice. Bases earn incredibly flexible hamstrings and can squat for days, while fliers develop an iron core and superhero deltoids. Personally, I now have control over deep-layer muscles in my belly, sides, and back that I never knew I had! Since this practice has so much focus on balance, it’s the unconscious control of the smallest core muscles that make it all possible. Acro is for everyone, and we engage with the very old, the very young, yoga experts and complete beginners alike.

Is Acro Primal? You bet! Sure Grok probably wasn’t doing handstands on his friends, but he was spending time outdoors, using his body weight, getting dirty, and he was doing it while surrounded by a tight familial support group. I encourage everyone to try it if you’re looking to step up your work out, try something different, meet new friends, and impress yourself with what you can do! Before I started doing Acro, I was in great shape, but something was missing from the very core of my humanity. Working out was great, but I think what I really needed to fulfill my Primal needs was to be surrounded by this grateful, loving extended family, who are always there to catch me when I fall.


Me and my Acro Family at camp

Happy Flying,


Photo Credits: Glen Murray, Matthew Grant, and Robert Strukelj

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The heart and soul of any brown gravy is its deep, savory flavor — rich with umami and velvety texture. Traditionally, most brown gravies rely on the drippings from roasting meat to obtain these flavors, but not here. This vegan version gets the same delicious result, including a savory richness, from caramelized onions and earthy mushrooms.


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I went to Ecuador to learn about a healthy alternative to coconut oil and left with a deeper appreciation for the meaning of community.

I have been kicking secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) to the curb through conscious living for over 1,400 days now. Food, movement, and mindfulness are my drugs of choice. The journey we call life is full of twists and turns, and the latest twist for me was a trip to Ecuador.


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Originally Posted At:

I went to Ecuador to learn about a healthy alternative to coconut oil and left with a deeper appreciation for the meaning of community.

I have been kicking secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) to the curb through conscious living for over 1,400 days now. Food, movement, and mindfulness are my drugs of choice. The journey we call life is full of twists and turns, and the latest twist for me was a trip to Ecuador.


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I dreamed of this cake before I ever figured out how to make it. I could taste it and see it in my mind, and I was sure there must be a recipe out there somewhere. It was, after all, just gingerbread and pears.


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