You know what happens when you try to ‘bulk up’ (AKA bulking) with intermittent fasting?The same thing that happens when you ‘bulk up’ without intermittent fasting – you get fat.The concept of eating as much as 10,000 calories a day to build muscle is perpetuated by a few small groups of people: 20 year old guys (because it works for them as they’re still kids)  Supplement companies  Writers affiliated with supplement companies  People using steroids but who don’t want to tell you that they are using steroids  And last but not least (and likely the largest group); people who have been influenced by the opinions of the aforementioned in group 4. …That’s it.The most convincing evidence for grown men building muscle while bulking comes from guys I know who were using steroids and had to explain the new muscle growth to their friends/parents/loved ones/and anyone else who asked “how did you get so big?”The standard answers you get from guys who use steroids who don’t want to admit it goes something like this: “I’m just eating a ton of calories and getting my protein”So where does Intermittent Fasting fit into bulking?In my extremely biased opinion, Eat Stop Eat is one of the absolute best ways to lose fat and keep the fat off for good… but bulking? I don’t see a connection.Intermittent fasting, carb cycling, calorie cycling, protein cycling, high fat, high carb, they’re all different ways of desperately trying to make ‘eating for size’ actually work.But here’s the truth:Calories are permissive to the muscle building process. The driving force behind muscle growth happens in a gym, in a syringe or the combination of the two.Yes, Protein is also important. If you are not eating ‘enough’ you can hinder muscle growth

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Intermittent fasting and bulking | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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