
Oh sure, I do it almost every Friday night, after Friday lunch out at a restaurant, but that’s been the ONLY time I’ve been IF’ing since mid summer.I realized last night that I miss it!When I was more regularly intermittent fasting (in my case, not eating dinner or anything after a mid afternoon snack)…I felt AWESOME!  I felt light, free, mind crystal clear (always a wonderful thing at 63 LOL)…in control, on top of the world.I want more of that, again!So I’m going to start making it a point to IF through dinner at least twice, preferably 3 times, a week.Of course, to do this in a medically safe way, there are guidelines:1.  if you’ve never done this before, make sure you don’t have any underlying medical condition for which this would be unsafe.  Check with your regular physician first if you are unsure.2

See the article here: 

I miss Intermittent Fasting | The Sunny Coconut

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7 Reasons You Need HIIT – Muscle & Fitness

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Hey lovelies! Just wanted to let you know that my High Five for Friday post is on my other blog this week :) You can read it here…there may or may not be some engagement pictures posted, too! Eeek! I also created a HIIT workout for y’all to do…here is the printable, and you can find a video that demonstrates how to do all the moves on the post that I linked above


Lovely Little Things: HIIT IT HARD

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! I love short weeks like this! Today I am linking up with Jill for another rendition of Fit Friday and sharing a great Tabata workout that can be done anywhere! You all know that I love Tabata workouts because they are hard enough to make you feel like you’ve had a great workout but quick enough to be done regardless of how busy you are

View original post here:

Fit Friday: Burn Off Those Christmas Cookies with a Tabata Workout …

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Tabata HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Aw, how I love you. Short, challenging and effective.


The Fit Train: Workout Wednesday – Tabata Workout

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Recetas faciles: pan de manzana y panque de chococamote Friday, August 23rd, 2013 Nota de Chelo: El dia de hoy Carmen Diaz nos deleita con unos postres modificados para poder disfrutarlos con un cafecito en las mañanas especiales, en un fin de semana o ideales para despues de un WOD. Gracias Carmen!Disfruta y comparte!-Precaución: Estas recetas contienen huevo y nueces.-Carmen nos dice que este pan es uno de sus favoritos hasta el momento:Panqué de chococamoteIngredientes:1 taza de harina de cocomedia cucharadita de polvo para hornearuna pizca de sal3 cucharadas de cocoa sin azúcar1 taza de puré de camote4 huevosun chorrito de vainillamedia taza de aceite de coco2 cucharadas de miel de abejaopcional: chispas de chocolate sin azucar (70% de cacao o mas)Instrucciones:Mezclas lo líquido y le agregas lo sólido, al final le pones media taza de nueces picadas y media taza de chispas de chocolate sin azúcar (opcional). Pon la mezcla en un molde de panqué y adorna con algunas nueces. Hornea 40 minutos a 350F (180 C) Y DISFRUTA, solo o acompañado… es mejor acompañarlo con alguien que amas:D Pan de manzanas, nueces, arándanos y linazaIngredientes:Una taza de harina de almendras1/2 taza de linaza molida1/4 de cucharadita de polvos de hornearuna pizca de saluna cucharadita de Chai en polvo4 huevos1/2 taza de aceite de cocoun chorrito de vainillauna cucharada de miel de abeja orgánica1/2 taza de arándanos secos y nueces picadasuna manazana cortada en cubitos (esto se me ocurrió al final, tenía antojo de fruta)Instrucciones:Mezclas lo líquido, le agregas lo sólido y al final los arándanos, nueces y manzana.


Postres Paleo – Robb Wolf

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Hey there, happy Friday! Every day this week has felt like Friday since I’ve been on vacation, so I am going to try and milk the remaining two days.  I have a fun trip to the river planned with two of my best friends, which I’m super excited about.  Get me back by the water!Yesterday turned up soon after I published my last post

Link to original – 

HIIT, Yoga, Beer & Pizza – Sara Smiles

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Eating six small meals a day instead of three large ones is supposed to be the way to go if you want to “stoke the metabolic fire” and lose weight. But not everyone has that kind of time.Often I get asked, “How can I eat six meals a day when I work so much?” That’s where intermittent fasting comes in.Intermittent fasting helps your body regulate leptin, a hormone directly related to fat loss that helps your thyroid work properly. Also, fasting improves insulin sensitivity, which is responsible for fat loss and muscle gain. (Learn about the benefits of carb back-loading.)After a fast, your body is more sensitive to insulin and uses foods consumed post-fast for burning fat and building muscle

Follow this link: 

Fast Facts: Intermittent Fasting and the On-the-Go Athlete | STACK

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Recetas Faciles– Rollitos Deliciosos y Tiras de Pollo envueltas en espinacas y tocino Friday, June 7th, 2013 Estas dos recetas nos llegan desde Mexico creadas por Carmen Diaz. Ella es entusiasta en el crossfit y la cocina (guapísima por cierto….) Sus recetas son un deleite y queria que el mundo la conociera! Muchas gracias  Carmen por compartir tus delicias con nosotros.(Todo el contenido y fotos son exclusivas del autor Carmen Diaz)ROLLITOS DELICIOSOS !Carmen nos dice:Súper fácil, lo hice para la cena y hoy me los desayuné fríos y saben riquísimo!! Compré supremas de res, les puse sal con cebolla, pimienta y chilito en polvo. El relleno de espinacas (tengo muchas) pimiento rojo y verde y cebolla morada.


Recetas Faciles– Rollitos Deliciosos y Tiras de Pollo envueltas en …

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I Feel Healthier, Stronger, and More Energetic It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!I’d like to start by saying that I’ve always been a “skinny” kid

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I Feel Healthier, Stronger, and More Energetic

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