See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

  • Warrior Bump
    Fist Bump Jeanne
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Some six million Americans are currently living with congestive heart failure (CHF). If you’re one of them, here are five natural ways to strengthen your heart and slow the disease. Heart failure meds have serious side effects People of all ages can be affected with congestive heart failure, with around one-third of patients under the age of […]

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How many times have you been in a yoga class and ignored the instructor when they reminded you to clean your mat? If you’re like me, the answer is many times. But it turns out that if you don’t clean your yoga mat often enough, you put yourself at risk of germs, smells, fungus and […]

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Love them or hate them, pod coffee systems have carved (and kept!) a home in the morning beverage market. If you use this type of coffee maker, you know how crucial it is to keep the system brewing without issue every morning — or maybe all day, depending on your coffee habit. Could you just imagine if it worked just fine for your husband and then it stopped brewing when you tried to make your own cup? The horror!

It can happen: Machines getting a lot of daily use can develop clogs that can cause the system to quit completely. Here’s a quick cleaning routine to keep your machine running well.


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Ancient wisdom and Olympic legends agree that repetition is key for success. Don’t simply mindlessly repeat, focus your repetition.


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Ina Garten just revealed her favorite weeknight dinner, and I know what I’m doing tonight.

The new season of Barefoot Contessa: Cook Like a Pro debuted this weekend, and according to Food & Wine, in the first episode Ina Garten said the Parmesan chicken, from her Barefoot Contessa Family Style cookbook, is her favorite, 30-minute weeknight dinner.


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Cauliflower flour is here to make all your low-carb, gluten-free baked goods an (easier) reality. It’s a fantastic development that will be great for Paleo and keto dieters, people who don’t eat gluten, and anybody who wants to cut down on carbs in their baking.

It is, however, driving me absolutely bonkers today, because every time I say the words “cauliflower flour” to anybody, the conversation devolves into a “Who’s on first?”-style comedy routine.


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Freshly ground coffee is, without a doubt, better than pre-ground. But there are many reasons we often opt to get our coffee pre-ground when given the option. The main reason is that at-home coffee grinders can be a pain. The easiest method, using a spice grinder, can often result in inconsistent or imprecise grind sizes. Disc grinders create the most precise grinding, but can be expensive or bulky.


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It’s Pi Day! Really, every day should be pie day, but March 14 is officially “Pi Day,” because the date 3/14 matches up with the first three digits of pi. It’s a fun math joke we can all share, and I think the best way to celebrate Pi Day is with pie (obviously.)

Clearly Google agrees, because it’s celebrating Pi Day with a special Google Doodle and pie recipe from pastry genius Dominique Ansel.


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We make pizza once a week in our house for a ritual we love called Pizza Friday. Most often we’re pulling bits and bobs from the fridge to make the most of leftovers as pizza toppings, but every once in awhile we make a special grocery run for pizza ingredients. These grocery-run pizzas feel special because we can pick out ingredients for everything from the crust to the cheese — and often these items stray from our routine of cheese pizza with leftovers.

Here are 10 of our favorite grocery store upgrades for pizza.


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On the face of it, shopping at Costco seems like it should be a very straightforward experience. With any luck, you avoid impulse-buying a handful of diamonds on the way in (yes, Costco sells diamonds), and then you check out and stop for a $4.99 rotisserie chicken and a $1.50 hot dog at the food court on the way out.

But some of Costco’s deals are better than others, and nobody knows that as well as Costco’s own employees.


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