See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

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Warehouse stores offer great value on many products, like produce, household goods, and seasonal supplies. And while most of the items in the store can sit on your shelves pretty much indefinitely, the fresh produce is a little more fickle. Most produce goes bad within a few days, or at best, up to a few weeks, depending on what it is and how it’s stored. So sadly, fruits and veggies bought in bulk can go bad before you have a chance to use them.

Here are some tips for buying produce in bulk from warehouse stores like Costco, Sam’s, and BJ’s.


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Have you ever met a drink that also provides its own perfect snack accompaniment? This rare treasure, an umami-rich pitcher drink from Bay Area bartender Matthew McKinley Campbell, balances juicy pineapple with grassy green cilantro.


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When you don’t have central (or any kind of) air conditioning in your kitchen, you quickly realize a few things. I knew living in a (very!) old house would mean not wanting to turn on the oven from roughly June through September, but the last few summers had a few other surprises in store for me, as well.

Here are the three biggest problems only people without air conditioning in their kitchen will understand.


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Backyard parties are the best parties. Who cares if the house is a mess when the festivities are outside? Be a guest at the party you’re throwing this summer and skip the burger flip in favor of a bacon cheeseburger dip.

This hearty dip checks all the boxes that make bacon cheeseburgers a BBQ classic — big beefy flavor, gooey cheese, and smoky bacon. Your friends won’t miss the standard-issue burgers and buns after scooping second helpings of this hearty dip.


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Kitchn’s Delicious Links column highlights recipes we’re excited about from the bloggers we love. Follow along every weekday as we post our favorites.

Why eat a burrito bowl when you can have a boatload instead? Don’t get me wrong. I love eating everything out of a bowl these days, but something about stuffed zucchini feels healthier. These zucchini burrito boats from Making Thyme for Health are all the best parts of a burrito stuffed inside a hollowed summer squash. Zucchini is the perfect vessel since its mild and neutral flavor really lets the spicy filling shine. Plus it’s a great way to squeeze in an extra dose of veggies for the day.


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My poor dad has terrible knee pain. For more than four decades, he has worked a highly physical job, which has caused a number of “wear and tear” symptoms. In my dad’s case, his pain is caused by overuse. However, you may also experience pain in the general knee area due to a sudden injury, […]

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Cauliflower is the great chameleon of the cruciferous vegetable world.


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When these strategies are applied to your daily grind they can make all the difference in your overall confidence and your long-term success.


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Jell-O is already one of the most fun foods. It’s just so jiggly! No matter how old you are, that wiggle is amusing. That’s why we have things like Jell-O shapes, Jell-O shots, and Jell-O wrestling.


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Few things aggravate my vegan friends as much as when there’s tasty vegan food available at an event, but it’s so good the non-vegans rush in and eat it all up right at the beginning, leaving only cheesy pizzas and sausage links behind on the buffet. I worry that is about to happen to them again, because there’s a new vegan ice cream made out of avocados, and my non-vegan self is absolutely dying to try it.


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