See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

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We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Amazon has a bunch of home decor pieces that look expensive, but are ridiculously affordable. It’s not that surprising, right? After all, you can buy just about everything (and we mean everything) at the mega-retailer — and usually for a low, fair price.

Of course, we’re not the only ones who think Amazon is a decorating enthusiast’s paradise. Truth is, plenty of interior designers can’t get enough of Amazon’s cheap thrills, either.

Don’t believe us? Here, five designers share what they buy on Amazon for under $50. Psst … many of them are available for Prime shipping!


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On The Great British Bake Off, the white tent where the contestants create their marvelous mouth-watering bakes is a place of comfort and joy, even when the pressure is on. Yes, The Great British Bake Off is technically a competition, but the white tent also represents the bond between the bakers and their love of baking.

This is why (and be warned, there are spoilers ahead) it might have come as a shock to some viewers, when, on the latest season of the show, the final three contestants, Rahul Mandal, Kim-Joy Hewlett, and Ruby Bhogal, actually left the tent to complete their final technical challenge. It was the first time in the show’s eight-year history that the contestants have stepped outside of the tent to bake, but it turned out to be a worthwhile risk on the show’s part.


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At first glance, silicone baking mats don’t seem all that hard to store, right? They’re practically weightless, so you should be able to store them anywhere. The problem is that they’re floppy and won’t stand up on their own.

So what do you do? Roll them up! But now the problem is that they don’t want to stay rolled, and that is a dilemma. Rubber bands don’t slide on easily, and twist-ties are awkward. I’ve seen a fairly involved technique involving wrapping them up in a dish towel and tucking the ends under, but why would I want to add bulk inside any of my cabinets? And of course, you can buy a special gadget — which looks like a slap bracelet from the ’90s — just for these purposes.

Fortunately, we’ve come up with a solution that’s better than all of those ideas.


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This may come as no surprise, but John Legend, who is good at literally everything, happens to also be really good at giving gifts! We caught up with Chrissy Teigen (at the Chase #OneLessThing Holiday Pop-Up Shop) and learned that the first gift he ever gave her was a cooking class at Sur la Table. Cue swooning.

Significant others, take notes!


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By the time we’re done with Thanksgiving leftovers, we wake up and it’s December: the season of cheese balls and bottomless cookie jars. Weekends are filled with rich cocktails and endless eggnogs. Forget season’s greetings — it feels like all of December is season’s eatings. And sometimes we just need a little bit of a break; something refreshing, resetting, and that makes us feel like we’re steeled for the giant tub of caramel corn that just arrived in the office kitchen.

Here are a few of my favorite recipes to make me feel a bit better between bites of boozy truffles and roast beef.


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When you hear the words “Dutch oven,” do you automatically see dollar signs? With the two biggest names in the business — Le Creuset and Staub — costing upwards of $285 for even just a small, four-quart option, we totally get it. That’s a lot of money to spend on a single piece of cookware!

While you may be tempted to skip it entirely and spend that money on, say, groceries, we do really insist on the fact that every kitchen needs a Dutch oven. And that’s why we’re writing this post. Because you don’t HAVE to spend a small fortune on a Dutch oven. In fact, you can spend just $45 and get a legitimately good, reliable, workhorse of a Dutch oven.


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Heidi Swanson — Queen of California Cool Cooking, Patron Saint of Vegetables — can truly do no wrong in my book. She has a magical knack for taking everyday ingredients and transforming them into beautiful, revelatory dishes. Her kitchen is always stocked with those seemingly simple but low-key-brilliant finishing touches that give her recipes their signature Heidi-ness, like saffron-garlic butter or a toasted nut and seed sprinkle with crushed coriander, almonds, sesame seeds, and oregano.

But my favorite 101 Cookbooks recipe of all time is not the artfully styled granola bowl or the vibrant rainbow cauliflower rice. My favorite dish leans a little more … brown. It’s not the most eye-catching or attractive recipe on the block, but it perfectly embodies Heidi’s expert marriage of healthfulness, comfort, and that little something extra. Can you guess what it is?


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Holiday shopping does not have to be stressful. Scratch that — stocking stuffer shopping does not have to be stressful! These low-stakes gifts can be funky, quirky, silly, and, best of all, cheap. They come in all shapes and sizes (see below for proof). The number-one rule of stocking stuffers is that there are NO rules. As long as whatever stuffer you choose fits in a giant sock that you hang on the mantel, you’re good to go!

Here are our picks for the best, handmade, wallet-friendly stocking stuffers from a few of our favorite Etsy craftspeople.


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It’s several days after Thanksgiving, and I’m still very much in holiday eating mode. We ate leftovers for every meal on Friday, switched it up with tacos on Saturday, and ordered pizza on Sunday because we still didn’t feel like cooking. The next few days for lunch will probably be more leftovers, because I can’t see beyond the mountain of plastic-wrapped mashed potatoes and stuffing in the fridge to even try and dig for a fresh vegetable.

When I do break free and get back to some type of normalcy, I know exactly what I’ll be eating to help me reset. This vegetarian cauliflower rice bowl is packed with all my favorite healthy foods, and it’s the perfect meal to enjoy throughout December.


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A funny thing happened the last time I was using my dishwasher: I noticed that there’s a compartment for rinse aid. Of course, it’s been there all along, but I’ve never paid it any mind. And I’ve definitely never used it before. So, I wondered: What exactly is rinse aid, and should I be using it? Could my dishes be getting cleaner? Could they be rinsing more completely?

To answer all my rinsing-related questions, I reached out to Brian Sansoni, vice president of communications and outreach at the American Cleaning Institute.

Here’s what I found out.


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