See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

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Forget all the six-pack ripped selfies and marketing you’ve ever seen, let’s be real for a few minutes.

So, you’re in the constant pursuit of developing a strong athletic core, and a visible set of abs. Let’s be clear from the get-go, only you know where you’re at right now so if you’re thinking this article will take you from 30% body fat to 5% body fat with veins pulsating over your ripped six-pack, it won’t.  


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It’s important to ensure we are respecting our bodies and our minds by setting up realistic expectations in our training.


Overcoming resistance is as much as a mental feat as it is a physical one. During training our goal is to get our body, a weight, or sometimes both, from point A to point B. Your gym partner may be able to push 100lb dumbbells within three seconds while you’ll thrust it up within a half a second. Different athletes excel at different aspects of strength.


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This nutrient packed breakfast will keep you feeling full and satisfied well past your mid-morning routine.

Squash may be an unusual choice for breakfast. However, when butternut squash is blended with yogurt and sweetened with just a touch of honey, it makes a perfect custard-like filling for the inside of crepes. Crepes made with an almond flour base provide a nice nutty flavor that compliments the earthy squash. Adding a ripe banana to the crepe batter provides structure and a hint of natural sweetness for a wholesome breakfast without a lot of added sugar.


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Dr. Wendy Walsh talks about the mental aspects of health and how the ways in which we sabotage our relationships can impact our general well-being.


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Most of America might be just barely recovered from the latest run on Costco’s most famous dessert — the pumpkin pie that hasn’t changed in 31 years. The 12-inch pie, which weighs four pounds and can feed a crowd, sells in the millions every year. And, of course, we’ve already fallen in love with the three-pound cookie butter cheesecake.

But this year Delish reports that the geniuses behind the warehouse shop’s dessert selections have gone above and beyond: They’re selling four-packs of chocolate fudge lava cakes.


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In the realm of drink flavors, Starbucks isn’t known for its subtlety. Think back to the green and purple Witch’s Brew Frappuccino the company unleashed for Halloween to get an idea of what I mean. Even the Peppermint Mocha, my favorite among the Starbucks’ holiday drink lineup, is a bit heavy-handed on the peppermint syrup.

So when Starbucks announced that the juniper latte would be available nationwide this year, I had my reservations. Would it taste like a handful of pine needles blended up with some steamed milk? After trying it for myself, I can honestly say that Starbucks nailed the Christmas-flavored coffee drink this time.


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In my opinion, cheesecake is better in miniature form. A dense, rich slice is more than I can handle after a meal — but a muffin cup-sized portion is just right. These mini cheesecakes are ridiculously creamy, and feature that buttery graham cracker crust everyone agrees on. They’re equal parts celebratory and homey, which is really the best kind of dessert.


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With Thanksgiving now just a memory, our holiday attention turns to the most wonderful time of the year: Christmas! And with that comes the joyous — but daunting — task of bringing the festive spirit of the holiday season into your home: decorating your house, buying (or unpacking) the tree, untangling that giant ball of scrambled Christmas lights, and perfecting that holiday playlist on Spotify. I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

So it comes as no surprise that the grocery equivalent to Santa’s workshop, Trader Joe’s, is here to help us out with at least one of those tasks: the decorating of your tree.


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With temperatures dropping outside, our minds are more focused on warm soups and stews rather than salads these days. But I still love a feel-good dinner salad anytime of year. These 10 recipes celebrate the ingredients and flavors of the season — like roasted vegetables, dark leafy greens, and maple-sweetened vinaigrettes. Plus, they’re satisfying enough to be called dinner but not so much so that they’ll weigh you down, which is always a win in my book.


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One of the first things people do when they start working out is focus on their abs—crunches, sit-ups, leg lifts, bicycles, and the like. I mean, who doesn’t want a six-pack? Entire fitness schools have sprung up around the idea of targeting your abs with direct work. Take Pilates. In its purest iterations, it’s considered a “total body” philosophy, but the way most classes seem to go you end up spending all your time doing a bunch of complicated crunches and other targeted ab work (and grimacing every time you cough for the next week).

Let me make a radical proposal here. All this ab work isn’t necessary.

Don’t get me wrong. The “abs” are extremely important. Not only do they round out the physique and look great, but abdominal strength also provides stability, supports good posture, and improves movement. Strong abdominals allow and enhance the full expression of a person’s athleticism. Running, jumping, lifting, throwing (balls, spears, or punches), and basically any movement all require—and are improved by—strong abs (i.e. a strong “core”).

When you think about training the abs, consider what the abdominals’ purpose is: to provide a stable foundation for the rest of your body as it moves. They can move, but it’s not their primary function. As such, the way most people train abs is completely superfluous and ignores that essential function—maintaining stability and resisting movement. When you think about it that way, crunches and sit-ups don’t make a whole lot of sense.

What Kinds of Ab Work Make Sense?

  • Deadlifts make sense because your hips are designed to hinge to allow you to pick up objects.
  • Squats make sense because your knees are meant to flex and extend under load.
  • Pull-ups make sense because your lats and biceps are designed to pull your body’s weight upward.

But crunches? Abs are best at holding steady and supporting all the other tissues and limbs as they move through space. Using your abs to move heavy weight a few inches is just weird. It “works,” but is it ideal? No.

If you insist on direct ab work, focus on movements where the abs don’t actually move all that much.

  • Instead of crunches (abs moving), do bicycle crunches (abs stationary, legs moving).
  • Instead of sit-ups (abs moving), do hanging leg raises (abs stationary, legs moving).

In both cases, you’ll be blasting the hell out of your abdominals, but you won’t be flexing and extending your spine.

Okay, with all that out of the way…

What Do I Do For Ab Work?

I don’t do much direct ab work. You won’t find me doing crunches or bicycles. Instead, I’m using my abs all the time.

  • When I’m doing pushups, I’m tightening my abs. A strong, stable, cohesive abdominal complex makes my pushups better and stronger. Do a pushup without tight abs, and your hips will dip toward the ground. You’ll be sloppy and weak.
  • When I’m doing deadlifts, I’m tightening my abs. My abs are resisting the pull of the heavy bar. They’re preventing my spine from rounding and hurting itself.
  • When I’m doing pull-ups, I’m using my abs to maintain a cohesive frame. Try it. Instead of kicking your legs or flopping them around to propel yourself upward, keep them straight and tight. Tighten your abs. Think of your entire body, from top to bottom, as a single piece. Pull that piece up past the bar. Feeling it in the core, are you?
  • When I’m standup paddling, I’m using my obliques, my “outer abs.” They support the paddling motion. They’re my base of support. Go paddle for an hour as a beginner, then see how your sides feel the next day.
  • When I’m doing band pull-aparts (a great shoulder pre/rehab movement, by the way), I’m tightening my abs.

Heck, when I’m driving my car or carrying my groceries or walking the dogs, I’m tightening my abs.

It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. The abs figure prominently.

There’s probably one exercise I do specifically for my abs, and that’s the plank. But again, the planks work the abs by resisting movement, by keeping your body straight and solid against the pull of gravity. They aren’t moving.

I made a short video on how I work my abdominals without a specific abs routine. Take a look.

Finally, the single most important thing you can do for your abs in terms of looks, of course, is to become a better fat-burner. Hidden underneath even the most sedentary, flabby exterior is a rippling six pack. Simply possessing basic human anatomy means you have visible abdominals somewhere under there. Get lean enough and you’ll see them.

Thanks for stopping in today. Questions, thoughts? I’d love to hear them.


The post Why an “Ab Routine” Isn’t Necessary (and What I Do Instead) appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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