High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is gaining popularity as the most effective way to lose weight, build strength, and stamina. HIIT workouts are structured by high-intensity, maximum effort “work” sets alternated with low-intensity, low-effort “rest” sets. There is a lot of room for creativity when structuring a HIIT workout, but here are three popular, basic HIIT workout formats that you can follow for your next HIIT workout.Three Basic Forms of HIIT Workouts:1) Turbulence Training:8 reps of weight training alternated with 1-2 minute high intensity cardio, for 45 minutes maximum.Example Turbulence Training workouts:Sets of 8 back squats x 2 minutes jump rope Sets of 8 deadlifts x 1 minute burpees Sets of 8 bench presses x 1:30 minutes sprints 2) Tabata Method:Each “set” is 30 seconds long, and consists of 20 seconds work alternated with 10 seconds rest. Repeat sets eight times for a total of four minutes

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