Contemporary scientific evidence suggest that you have to pick the right type of (short intense) exercise if you don’t want your beta alanine supplement to end up as another “false starter” in your closet. In the past couple of weeks beta alanine (BA) has gotten some bad press, here at the SuppVersity. While some conspiracy theorists may already have smelled a personal vendetta of a sodium bicarbonate advocate like myself against its ‘high tech competitor’, the actual reason for the negative, or at least not necessarily exciting news is the exercise specificity of beta alanine (BA) supplementation.The most recent BA study from the University of Bern and the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport in Switzerland and the Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden is yet another rather disappointing BA study to support my previous assertion that the benefits for the average gymrat are largely overblown.What did the researchers do As Gross et al. point out, the aim of their two-part intervention study was to alter the physiological systems discussed above in ways that could improve severe exercise performance

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Beta Alanine Fails to HIIT Back – SuppVersity – Blogger

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