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A few times a year, All-Clad offers truly deep discounts on their high-end cookware through Home & Cook Sales. The products all come directly from All-Clad, but are all factory seconds, meaning there are minor cosmetic dents and scratches that won’t affect their performance. (Skeptical? I will say this: Every much-loved piece of All-Clad cookware I personally own is from this sale, and I actually haven’t been able to even tell where the scratches are.)


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Postpartum depression is common for new moms like this one. Natural treatments can help alleviate symptoms.

Depression and postpartum depression—often abbreviated as PPD—still carry a stigma that hinders optimal prevention and treatment. Unfortunately, most moms who go back to their doctors for postpartum check-ups are given little more than some general mental-health advice and perhaps a prescription for an antidepressant. Read on to learn about the potential causes of PPD, the downside of antidepressants, and nine natural treatments that could help.

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The Conventional Model of Depression Isn’t as Simple as You May Think

I have discussed depression and anxiety quite a bit, but I haven’t covered postpartum depression before in much detail. This article will review what conventional medicine gets wrong about depression, what unique factors might contribute to postpartum depression, and what natural alternatives to antidepressants may be effective.

One in seven new moms experiences postpartum depression. If you’re currently dealing with it, you don’t have to go it alone. Find out more about what causes postpartum depression and get nine natural treatments to help you counteract it. #healthylifestyle #wellness #chriskresser

Conventional medicine describes depression as a simple chemical imbalance, where, for reasons mostly out of your control, your brain isn’t producing enough of these “feel good” neurotransmitters:

  • Serotonin
  • Dopamine
  • Norepinephrine

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most widely prescribed class of antidepressants. SSRIs are designed to increase serotonin levels in the brain by preventing its reabsorption. The solution sounds straightforward—take an SSRI to fix a brain chemical imbalance, and you’ll feel happier. Unfortunately, the data just do not support this overly simplistic model.

In his book Blaming the Brain: The Truth about Drugs and Mental Health, Dr. Elliot Valenstein, a professor emeritus of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Michigan, explains how the chemical imbalance model of depression just doesn’t hold up to scrutiny:

  • Reducing serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine doesn’t produce depression in humans, even though it appears to in animals
  • Drugs that raise serotonin and norepinephrine levels, like amphetamines and cocaine, do not alleviate depression
  • The majority of depressed patients don’t have low serotonin levels; only about 25 percent actually do

In some cases, antidepressants have no clinically meaningful advantage over placebos. (2, 3) First-line pharmaceutical treatment for depression only works about half the time. (4, 5) When antidepressants do work, it takes weeks for patients to feel the effects. Furthermore, because of how they impact the brain, antidepressants can make depression relapse more likely once medication is stopped. (6, 7) (This long-term customer model is music to the pharmaceutical companies’ ears.)

Rather than viewing depression as a chemical imbalance, the evidence better supports an inflammatory-cytokine model of depression.

Before I get into the underlying causes of depression, let’s look more closely at a specific type of depression unique to new mothers—postpartum depression, or PPD.

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The Baby Blues vs. Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is often misrepresented as the “baby blues” on one end of the depression spectrum, with postpartum psychosis on the other end. But PPD and the so-called baby blues aren’t the same thing. These are three distinct conditions, and there are some big differences among them.

The baby blues affect up to 75 percent of mothers in the first 10 days following birth, but the symptoms—usually mood swings and bouts of crying—are mild and don’t last long.

Postpartum depression lasts much longer and is more deeply felt than the baby blues and can set in at any time during the first year following birth. Women with PPD may have trouble connecting with their baby, have doubts about their parenting abilities, develop sleep issues beyond the lack of sleep often associated newborn care, and may lose interest in activities they used to enjoy.

Postpartum psychosis is a psychiatric emergency. These mothers may have thoughts of hurting themselves or their baby and can develop hallucinations.

PPD is generally diagnosed through a screening questionnaire, most often the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) or the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PDSS). Most studies estimate that postpartum depression affects 10 to 15 percent of postpartum women, but some estimates approach 30 percent. (8, 9)

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How to Recognize Postpartum Depression in Yourself or a Loved One

The list of postpartum symptoms includes the following: (10)

  • Feeling sad, hopeless, or overwhelmed
  • Crying more than usual
  • Worrying or feeling anxious
  • Feeling irritable or restless
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Feeling anger or rage
  • Losing interest in once-enjoyable activities
  • Frequent headaches or other body aches
  • Eating too little or too much
  • Having trouble bonding with your baby
  • Doubting your parenting ability
  • Withdrawing from or avoiding friends and family

Despite these seemingly hard-to-miss signs, postpartum depression isn’t always obvious. To the outside world, a mother may appear perfectly content while suffering on the inside. Many of these symptoms, like worrying or not eating well, are experienced by most mothers of newborns. But PPD is far more intense and drawn out. The last symptom on the list—withdrawing from or avoiding friends and family—is perhaps the most important. Too many stories of postpartum depression have ended tragically, and too many times loved ones said afterward, “I didn’t even know she was suffering.” If a new mother goes out of her way to physically avoid others—discouraging visitors, not wanting to chat or email, or not leaving home—it’s a bit more apparent that she may have an issue with PPD. But often, this “withdrawal” is emotional, not merely physical (and attributable to having a newborn), so it may be easy for a friend or relative to miss—and easy for a PPD sufferer to hide.

If someone you’re close to is a new mother, listen between the lines. If she says she is completely in love and enjoying every minute, give her the opportunity to open up and share the not-so-good parts of her experience. She might be feeling too guilty to disclose the unpleasant feelings of motherhood upfront.

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What Causes Postpartum Depression?

If low serotonin isn’t the primary cause or symptom of postpartum depression, then what is? Some possible answers may be found among the five the biggest contributors to PPD: hormonal imbalances, poor nutrition, stress, thyroid conditions, and inflammation.

1. Hormonal Imbalances

Women experience a remarkable breadth of hormonal changes during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum. During pregnancy, progesterone levels rise to 20 times their pre-pregnancy levels, and estrogen levels climb even higher, reaching 200 to 300 times higher than baseline by 20 weeks of pregnancy. (11) Estrogen can increase the production of GABA, an antianxiety and anti-pain neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and “feeling good,” and progesterone stimulates the GABA receptor in the brain.

After delivery, a dramatic drop in progesterone and estrogen may contribute to the moodiness of baby blues. A woman’s brain and ovaries must readapt to produce the body’s needed estrogen and progesterone again, all while dealing with a drop in the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (or hCG) and an increase in oxytocin (especially if breastfeeding). If a woman’s own endocrine system doesn’t properly reestablish control of hormone production, postpartum depression can follow. (12, 13)

2. Nutritional Deficiencies

As a pregnancy progresses, the increasing energy demands of the fetus can take a toll on a mother-to-be, particularly if her diet is inadequate; pregnant women are extra susceptible to nutrient deficiencies. Furthermore, morning sickness (which typically ends in the second trimester), as well as food aversions and cravings that can come and go throughout a pregnancy, can put a damper on healthy eating. Specifically, there’s evidence that not getting enough vitamin D, iron, and DHA and EPA can affect the mood and cognitive health of the mother.

Vitamin D

Observational studies have found correlations between a low level of vitamin D during pregnancy and a greater risk of developing postpartum depression. (14, 15, 16, 17) Spending some time in the sun each day can help keep vitamin D levels adequate, but if that isn’t possible due to climate or career, consider a vitamin D3 supplement if levels drop below 35 ng/mL. (And vitamin D is also very important for a baby’s development in utero. If you are pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant, talk to your practitioner about the importance of safe supplementation with a quality prenatal vitamin.)


If pregnant women don’t have adequate iron stores, the blood loss from birth could deplete iron levels, increase exhaustion, and contribute to postpartum depression. One study found that increasing ferritin levels (a measure of iron storage) in non-anemic pregnant women decreased the chance of postpartum depression later on, indicating that adequate iron levels and iron storage are important. (18)


Some varieties of prenatal vitamins now include an extra EPA/DHA pill to boost omega-3 intake. Studies have shown that low levels of omega-3 fatty acids are associated with depression, at least in non-pregnant populations. (19) But, clinical trials using omega-3 supplements have shown mixed results and, in some cases, show no benefit over placebo in treating depression, including the largest trial, conducted on nearly 2,400 pregnant women. (20)

Rather than rely on omega-3 supplements, I encourage pregnant women to consume cold-water, fatty fish a couple times of week if possible, as fish intake during pregnancy is associated with lower risk of postpartum depression. (21) Unfortunately, because of the somewhat misguided concerns about mercury levels in fish, women often shy away from fish during pregnancy. But as long as you are avoiding fish varieties like shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel, as well as raw fish, the high selenium content in most fish mitigates the risk of mercury toxicity. (Selenium binds with mercury and deactivates it.)

3. Stress

Bringing home a newborn baby is challenging—a beautiful experience, yes, but challenging. Without a reliable support system, the responsibilities of motherhood—combined with sleep deprivation and breastfeeding issues that can arise in the early days and weeks—can all be overwhelmingly stressful and lead to depression.

In the short term, stress can actually benefit cognitive performance and teach the brain to adapt more effectively to stressors in the future. (22, 23) Chronic stress, on the other hand, reduces synaptic plasticity, which means the brain has more trouble learning to adapt and respond appropriately to stressful situations. Pregnancy is accompanied by sustained high levels of glucocorticoid stress hormones, and higher cortisol levels are associated with higher risk of depression. (24, 25)

Chronic stress can also lead to disrupted hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis function, another symptom common in depressed patients. The HPA system undergoes many changes during pregnancy, and the more drastic shifts have been linked to the development of PPD. (26, 27, 28) In fact, in one study, up to 80 percent of women post-birth exhibited impaired HPA negative feedback (though not all developed postpartum depression). (29)

4. Thyroid Issues

An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, and women are disproportionately affected. (30) Up to 23 percent of postpartum women experience thyroid dysfunction, and one in 12 develops an autoimmune thyroid condition like Hashimoto’s disease. (31) Despite the levels of thyroid dysfunction in women, thyroid panels before and after pregnancy are rarely done. The typical thyroid lab panel only tests for T4 and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), but a full panel should include:

  • Thyroid hormones T3 and T4
  • TSH
  • Reverse T4 and reverse T3
  • Thyroid antibodies against TPO and TG

The link between thyroid issues and depression has long been recognized. (32) Symptoms for hypothyroidism—extreme fatigue, weight gain or inability to lose weight, mood swings, and brain fog—overlap with PPD symptoms, easily leading to misdiagnosis. A woman might have postpartum depression and hypothyroidism, triggered by stress plus the drop in hormones experienced after birth. But instead of running thyroid panels and testing hormones, most conventional doctors will prescribe an antidepressant and hope for the best. Functional Medicine practitioners, however, embrace the “Test, don’t guess” approach—and we will work with you to get to the root of health issues.

5. Inflammation

Systemic inflammation underlies nearly all modern diseases, including Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disease, allergies, and more. Although not limited to just postpartum women, inflammation may be at the root of depression, too. Some of the evidence to support this claim includes the following:

  • Depression often accompanies acute, inflammatory illnesses (33)
  • Higher levels of systemic inflammation increase the risk of developing depression (34)
  • Markers of inflammation often normalize following remission of depression (35)

SSRIs, in addition to increasing serotonin levels, can reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-alpha, IL-1, and interferon gamma, while increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL-10. (36, 37) This anti-inflammatory mechanism could explain why SSRIs relieve depressive symptoms in some individuals.

Postpartum women may engage in pro-inflammatory behaviors, such as broken sleep, consuming processed foods that are loaded in inflammatory industrial seed oils and sugar, and general stress, all of which make them vulnerable to inflammation-induced depression.

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Antidepressants: They Don’t Work for Everyone

Antidepressants are cash cows for the pharmaceutical companies. Nearly 13 percent of Americans over the age of 12 take an antidepressant. (38) The global market for antidepressants exceeds $11 billion. (39) That’s a lot of money for a type of drug with questionable effectiveness and high incidence of side effects.

Some clinical trials have demonstrated benefits over placebo, but on average, antidepressants show no benefit over placebo. (40) A 2017 meta-analysis states that: (41)

SSRIs versus placebo seem to have statistically significant effects on depressive symptoms, but the clinical significance of these effects seems questionable and all trials were at high risk of bias.

Although two earlier meta-analyses agreed that SSRIs performed no better than placebo for mild and moderate depression, antidepressants can often mitigate severe depression (4243). Antidepressants can be life-saving for some, and these pooled analyses can’t tease out individual responses, which can vary tremendously from person to person. For treatment of PPD, antidepressants have yielded similarly mixed results. (44)

More than half of all antidepressant users experience one or more of the common side effects, including:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Anorexia
  • Sweating
  • Forgetfulness
  • Bleeding
  • Seizure
  • Anxiety
  • Mania
  • Sleep disruption
  • Sexual dysfunction

Many users also report “anti-motivational syndrome,” where emotional responses, both good and bad, are blunted. If the benefits of antidepressants clearly outweigh the risks, they might be an option for some women, but they are not the miracle, cure-all drug for everyone.

Breastmilk and Antidepressants—Is There a Concern?

Some moms are worried about antidepressants making their way into breastmilk, which is understandable. Although many SSRIs, Zoloft in particular, are considered to be compatible with breastfeeding, I take that phrase with a huge grain of salt. (45) As mentioned earlier, antidepressants can change the brain of an adult significantly. In adolescence, extra caution is given to antidepressants due to their association with increased suicidal thoughts and behavior in some cases. (46) We just don’t know the short-term or long-term effects on breastfeeding infants. (47)

In sum, antidepressants are sometimes ineffective, they can cause side effects, and they may lead to unwanted brain changes. If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of taking medication, read on to learn about how you can prevent or alleviate the symptoms of postpartum depression with natural treatments.

An Important Note: If you’re currently taking antidepressants, consult with your doctor before making any decisions, and don’t stop taking your medication without medical support.

Abruptly changing your dosage can cause disruptive and even dangerous side effects. Tapering off an SSRI can take weeks (between six and eight), but in my experience, the process is even longer. If you’ve been taking SSRIs for years, you may need months to slowly and safely get the medication out of your system. Perhaps surprisingly, I’ve noticed it takes much longer to completely taper off from the lowest dose than it does to go from the highest dose down to the lowest.

For more information on this topic, I highly recommend Dr. Peter R. Breggin’s book, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families.

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Nine Ways to Care for Postpartum Depression with Natural Treatments

If you or a loved one is suffering from PPD or is at risk, natural remedies may be beneficial and can offer powerful alternatives to prescription antidepressants. Many of the remedies I’ll discuss below can also be incorporated before birth, especially for those with a history of depression or postpartum depression.

1. Start Seeing a Psychotherapist

Compared to antidepressant medication, psychotherapy is cost effective, well tolerated, and generally more effective for treating depression, especially in the long term. (48) A meta-analysis and review examined 28 trials and reported that psychotherapy intervention during pregnancy significantly reduced the number of women who developed PPD. (49)

Specifically, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and cognitive behavioral therapy have great track records of mitigating postpartum depression.

  • Cognitive therapy helps prevent postpartum depression. In pregnant women with a history of depression, MBCT decreased depression relapse compared to other treatments, including antidepressants. (50) MBCT is also a viable treatment option for postpartum depression.
  • Cognitive therapy helps treat postpartum depression. In 2018, a meta-analysis reviewed 20 randomized controlled trials that compared the effectiveness of BCT against typical treatment methods (like medication). Women who underwent psychotherapy saw greater improvements in their depression symptoms in both the short and long term than women who received other treatments. (51)
  • Cognitive therapy is superior to antidepressant treatment. In one study, MBCT therapy worked better than both SSRI treatment and a combination of SSRI and MBCT treatment. (52) In another study, adding an SSRI to psychotherapy treatment offered no benefit beyond psychotherapy alone. (53)

Unfortunately, a major barrier to getting psychotherapy treatment is the perceived “difficulty” of the process, from researching and finding a therapist to making (and keeping) an appointment. (54) Even under less stressful circumstances, it isn’t always easy to ask for help—but for a new mom experiencing the feelings of hopelessness that accompany PPD, it’s especially challenging. Navigating health insurance, locating a provider, and simply trying to find time to make the necessary phone calls can seem overwhelming.

Before giving up, consider the following:

  • Start with baby steps. Break down the process of making an appointment into several steps you can complete over the course of a couple days. For example, first identify providers that fit your criteria, and then set aside a few different blocks of time to call them.
  • Bring your baby. If you don’t have someone to watch your baby, many therapists and psychologists are more than willing to see you with baby in tow.
  • Give it a few sessions. Don’t ditch your provider after one session. Try a few meetings before deciding if it’s a good fit.
  • Stop if it doesn’t feel right. On the other side of the spectrum, don’t be afraid to try a different therapist. You might not click with the first, or even the second, provider. But that’s okay. You’ll find the right person.
  • Consider telephone-based or internet-delivered psychotherapy. If leaving the house just isn’t an option, this type of psychotherapy can also be effective. (55, 56)

2. Get Regular Exercise

During the first six to eight weeks after delivery, you should be resting and taking care of yourself and your new baby, especially if you’re recovering from a Caesarian section or other pregnancy complications. But when you get the green light from your healthcare provider, taking up an exercise routine could help reduce the risk of, and even treat, postpartum depression.

In two randomized controlled trials, 12 weeks of an exercise intervention for postpartum women reduced the EPDS score (measure for depression) compared to controls. (57, 58) In another study, moderate exercise five times per week resulted in greater remission rates compared to antidepressant medication. (59) As long as you start off slow and exercise safely, the only side effect of exercise is good health.

You might be asking, “When can a new mom find time to exercise?” It’s a valid question. A sustainable and enjoyable exercise routine is the one you’re most likely to stick with, as adherence to exercise interventions in studies (and in real life) can be quite low. (60) But do what other moms do, and get creative:

  • Easiest of all: take a stroller walk with your baby, and pick up the pace as you get your energy back
  • Try a Mommy and Me yoga or other exercise class, where babies are part of the routine
  • Buy a subscription to postpartum exercise videos you can stream from home
  • Dance (safely) with your baby
  • Workout during baby’s first nap of the day, to make it a top priority

And remember that before you know it, your baby will be an active toddler—a workout in itself!

3. Use Light Therapy

Our ancestors spent most of their waking hours outdoors, a lifestyle in stark contrast to modern society. Seasonal affective disorder tends to peak during winter, when sunlight exposure bottoms out. (61) Harnessing the mood-improving effects of sunlight, light therapy has been proven effective for treating both seasonal affective disorder and non-seasonal-related depression. (62) In some cases, combining light therapy with antidepressants was no more effective than light therapy alone. (63)

Typically, light therapy involves exposure to a bright light for 10 to 20 minutes per day (to reach about 10,000 lux units of light) in the morning. Light therapy is believed to positively affect mood, sleep, circadian rhythms, and HPA axis activity. (64) Two studies have used bright light as a treatment for perinatal and/or postpartum depression. Both studies demonstrated clinical improvement with light therapy, with up to 75 percent reduction in depression. (65, 66)

Some minor side effects can accompany light therapy, including headache, eye strain, nausea, and agitation, but these effects are mild and usually transient. Critics of light therapy question its efficacy because a proper placebo doesn’t exist—participants will know whether or not they are being exposed to bright light. But even so, does that matter if light therapy yields positive results?

4. Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture also faces criticism for lack of double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. Acupuncture may improve mood by decreasing stress-induced cortisol release. (67) The results of acupuncture for the treatment of depression and postpartum depression are mixed. (68, 69, 70)

In a review of acupuncture for depression, there was no evidence that medication yielded better outcomes than acupuncture. (71)

Generally well tolerated with few side effects, acupuncture from a competent, licensed acupuncturist may be worth pursuing for postpartum depression. However, more robust studies are needed.

5. Start Taking Probiotics

The gut microbiome interacts with and influences the body’s organ and systems, including: (72)

The brain and gut communicate with each other. The vagus nerve, responsible for parasympathetic processes like heart rate, runs from the brain to your visceral organs. (73) In return, gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters that communicate with the brain. (74) Disrupted gut microbiomes have been associated with psychological disorders, including depression and anxiety. (75) Specifically, recent evidence suggests that the microbiota may regulate serotonin synthesis and secretion. (76) In two small studies, the gut bacteria of individuals with depression were shown to have more pro-inflammatory gut bacteria and less anti-inflammatory gut bacteria than control groups. (77, 78)

When administered to mice, the anti-inflammatory probiotic L. rhamnosus reduced corticosterone and anxious and depressive symptoms. (79) In one small human trial, pregnant women who supplemented with L. rhamnosus through six months postpartum reported lower depression and anxiety scores compared to placebo groups, indicating the therapeutic potential of probiotics for postpartum depression. (80)

We know the gut microbiome drastically shifts during pregnancy, and if that shift ventures towards gut dysbiosis, it could predispose certain women to developing PPD. (81) Take care of your gut by consuming bone broth, fermented foods, and kefir or yogurt, if tolerated.

6. Look into Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

After delivery, women experience dramatic drops in progesterone and estrogens, both of which influence activity at the GABA “feel-good” receptor in the brain. Some data suggest that low progesterone following birth is correlated with the baby blues, but other data haven’t supported any clear link between hormone concentrations and postpartum mood. (82, 83)

Bioidentical progesterone treatment may be a viable alternative to traditional antidepressants. Bioidentical progesterone is not chemically identical to the synthetic progestins found in birth control pills, and most obstetricians and gynecologists are unfortunately unfamiliar with the former as a treatment option. In the 1980s, two studies led by Dr. Katharine Dalton demonstrated the effectiveness of bioidentical progesterone for treating PPD, with remission rates of less than 10 percent. Since the 1980s, progesterone therapy for PPD has been widely used by health professionals trained in Natural Procreative (NaPro) Technology, a women’s health initiative that strives to understand and cooperate with a woman’s reproductive and gynecological health. Progesterone can help alleviate some symptoms of depression in as little as one injection almost immediately. Unfortunately, outside of the NaPro literature, further randomized controlled studies using bioidentical treatment for postpartum depression have yet to be published.

Related to bioidentical progesterone, allopregnanolone, a naturally occurring metabolite of progesterone, has been studied in two clinical trials for PPD treatment. (84, 85) Much like bioidentical progesterone, allopregnanolone showed rapid mood-boosting effects after just one drug infusion. As these trials were very recent, in 2017 and 2018, I am intrigued at the prospect of a fast-acting, more natural option for postpartum depression.

7. Get More Sleep and Rest

More than one-third of American adults admit to not getting enough sleep, and I would bet that number is even higher among new moms. (86) Large meta-analyses have found associations between sleep disturbances and depression in both the general adult population and in postpartum moms. (87, 88) Sleep depression and depression can create a vicious cycle, as each contributes to the other.

Getting enough sleep can seem impossible for new moms, especially in modern Western societies where women have less support than in previous generations. Sleeping when the baby sleeps is not always an option, but aim for it whenever possible.

If you are breastfeeding, not on any medications with drowsy side effects, and a nonsmoker, co-sleeping and side-lying nursing might be good options that offer more sleep. Despite what mainstream organizations want to claim, co-sleeping can be safely done. Check out the La Leche League’s Safe Sleep Seven to find out how to create a safe sleeping environment for you and your baby.

8. Try Supplementing with St. John’s Wort

Many natural health communities tout St. John’s wort as a beneficial treatment for depression, as the herb has been shown to have mood-boosting activity at the serotonin and “feel-good” GABA receptors. (89) In double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, St. John’s wort often performs better than antidepressant medications at reducing depression symptoms, with up to 10 times fewer reported side effects. (9091, 92, 93) Of note, St. John’s wort should not be taken concurrently with SSRIs, nor should it be combined with light therapy because it may increase the body’s sensitivity to light.

However, if you are breastfeeding, St. John’s wort might not be the best choice. Even though it is found in breastmilk at “undetectable to low levels,” breastfeeding infants whose mothers supplemented with St. John’s wort had higher instances of drowsiness, colic, and lethargy. (94, 95)

Talk with your provider about other supplements that might be useful for postpartum depression:

  • Sam-e, which may be especially helpful for women with MTHFR mutations
  • Vitamin D
  • Motherwort
  • Rhodiola
  • Eleutherococcus
  • Saffron (96, 97)
  • Chamomile (98)

9. Set Up a Personal Support Network

Being a new mom can be isolating. In other cultures, women are surrounded and cared for by other women and moms after giving birth. In modern Western societies, extended family often lives far away, and the concept of a “village” helping to raise children is disappearing. Couple that isolation with inadequate parental leave policies and poor sleep, and you have a recipe for depression. Ideally, a postpartum woman would have an extensive support network from friends and family, a generous amount of worry-free leave from her job, and multiple home visits from a medical practitioner as she recovers and adjusts to her new life. (And that’s how it is in many countries around the globe—but not in the United States.)

Most American women only have one checkup four to six weeks after giving birth, although the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now recommends that postpartum care be an ongoing process with multiple follow-up appointments. See if your provider is willing to follow a more holistic care model, which would include:

  • Multiple follow-ups post-birth
  • Blood work to monitor nutritional stores (beyond iron) and hormone statuses both during and after pregnancy
  • Full thyroid blood panel during and after pregnancy
  • Physical therapy referral, if needed for pelvic floor dysfunction or diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles)
  • Mental health referral, if needed

If you are pregnant, set up a support system as best you can before birth. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Accept any and all offers of help. Have a list ready for errands that friends and family can run or chores they can do.
  • Have a freezer meal baby shower. Get everyone together to help you prep dozens of nutrient-dense meals and snacks so you won’t be tempted to eat easily accessible processed foods.
  • Begin a meditation practice. The Headspace app can help you get started.
  • Identify nearby lactation consultants for support if you plan to breastfeed.

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I want to close this article with assurance that if you (or a loved one) are suffering from postpartum depression, you are not alone. I urge you to please speak with your healthcare provider immediately about these and other options available for you to get help.

Now I want to hear from you. Have you dealt with postpartum depression? What treatments did you find helpful? Let me know in the comments.

The post How to Ease Symptoms of Postpartum Depression with Natural Treatments appeared first on Chris Kresser.

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Deadlift day is my favorite day of the week.

And soon, it will be yours.

There’s nothing more satisfying than picking up a ton of weight off the floor and holding it in your hands.

Jón Páll Sigmarsson, the Icelandic Strongman/Powerlifter once said (while deadlifting 1005 lbs), “There is no reason to be alive if you can’t do a deadlift.”

Now, that may be a bit extreme, but deadlifting is truly a romantic lift.=

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As for her story, she went from this to this thanks to heavy strength training:

And for her credentials, here she is easily deadlifting 400+ lbs at bodyweight of 150 lbs:

A post shared by Staci Ardison (@staciardison) on Oct 11, 2017 at 5:01pm PDT

Staci has been part of Nerd Fitness for the past 7 years, and is now the lead female trainer in our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program!

You might be reading this article, or on the hunt for strength training basics, and you’re overwhelmed:

  • Am I doing my deadlifts correctly?
  • What kind of workout should I follow?
  • How often should I train?
  • What if I’ve never worked out in a gym before?

Deadlifting in itself is not dangerous – but like with any movement, deadlifting incorrectly can be. Properly executing the deadlift will allow you to build a stronger posterior chain, less fragile joints, and a body that can handle whatever life throws at you.

We love the Deadlift more than any other exercise at Nerd Fitness, but it’s also one of the more intimidating exercises out there. It’s also easy to get wrong, and easy to injure yourself if you start to develop bad habits with it!

Many people are afraid of the deadlift and avoid it at all costs, because they’re afraid of splitting themselves in half or getting injured in another way.

Strength training and fear of injury can be scary enough to keep MOST people from starting, which is actually why we created our 1-on-1 Coaching Program. Your coach gets to know you, builds a program based on your experience and goals, will check your form on each movement (via video), and keep you accountable and on track!

You can learn more about our coaches and schedule a free call with us by clicking the image below:

Okay, today we’re going to fall in love with the deadlift, and make sure you can do them right!

Why Should Everybody Deadlift?

Staci Deadlift

The deadlift is a true full body movement.

While most people would consider it a “back” exercise, others will argue that it’s a “leg” exercise. In my book, it’s an everything exercise.

When you deadlift, you use every single muscle in your body:

  • Your arms, forearms, and hands hold onto the barbell and make sure the bar stays in the right position and stays stable throughout the lift.
  • Your shoulders and traps hold the weight and hold it stable.
  • Your back and core help keep your entire body tight and stable to help keep your spine secure.
  • Your posterior chain and legs to act as a lever and lift the weight.

Whenever anyone asks me where I got my shoulders/abs/etc, I answer the same: deadlifts.

Why do a million crunches when I can just do deadlifts instead?

Way more fun! Plus, deadlifting is actually more effective.

On top of that, the deadlift is a basic human movement. Other than the squat, there might not be another movement that is more “functional.”

From the grocery store, to moving a piece of furniture, to picking your child up off the floor – you are deadlifting (and probably with poor form!).

As you build solid form deadlifting in the gym, using better form when picking things up in real life will become second nature.

This means you’ll be less likely to injure yourself now and later down the line (not only because you are stronger, but because your body knows how to properly handle weight).

And this goes further than just picking up objects – how you move while shoveling snow, doing yard work, and doing other basic every day life tasks will all dramatically improve from deadlifting.

Don’t be that guy/gal with back problems from lifting that random object years from now!

Oh, and by the way, the effectiveness of the deadlift isn’t limited to an age or gender – even grandma thinks they’re cool.

The deadlift is awesome – perhaps the purest measure of strength: either you can pick the weight off of the ground, or you can’t.

Let’s take a look at how to do them right.

Choosing a Deadlift


NOTE: Before we begin, if you have a spinal injury (or really any injury), please check with your doctor before you start.

In the deadlift you’ll be lifting dead weight (motionless) off the ground hence the name).

Here is the Conventional Deadlift, as demonstrated by me (Staci) and Jim from the NF Coaching Program:

And here is the Romanian Deadlift:

To deadlift, you take a loaded barbell (which is not in motion on the floor), grab it, and stand up with it until your shoulders, hips, and knees locked.

Your arms will stay straight throughout the lift. At the end of the lift the weight, depending on the length of your arms, will be at about hip height.

There are many different kinds of deadlifts:

1) Conventional Deadlift – Your hands are just outside your feet, standing at about hip width apart.

2) Sumo Deadlift – Your hands are inside your feet with a wider stance.

3) Hex or Trap Bar Bar Deadlifts – Use a specialty bar made just for deadlifting which changes the biomechanics.

4) Snatch Grip Deadlift – Your hands will use a wide grip like in the Snatch.

5) Romanian Deadlift, Stiff Legged Deadlift, Straight Leg Deadlift -These are variations that are all commonly confused. Bret Contreras has a great post where he goes into the differences between these variations in detail here.

6) Deficit Deadlift / Rack Pulls: These are movements that increase the range of motion or decrease the range of motion (respectively) and are used as accessory movements.

7) Dumbbell Deadlift Variations: For either accessory work, or if you don’t have access to a barbell and weights.

Today we are going to cover principally the conventional deadlift (we will cover variations in future articles).

Other than a barbell and weights, there are two optional equipment items you should consider:

  • Flat shoes, if your gym requires shoes. Chucks work great. I personally prefer to deadlift in either socks or zero drop minimalist shoes. Many powerlifters wear deadlift slippers – basically just a fancy sock that’s approved footwear for competition.
  • Chalk is optional and initially won’t be incredibly useful. However, after you start to put some weight on the bar chalk will be enormously helpful for hanging on to the bar.

The deadlift can actually be taught in one sentence – however, each piece of the deadlift has little intricacies that need to be done right, or you will hurt yourself.

If you’re somebody that is itching to get started with deadlifts now, or all of the above is overwhelming, I hear ya. It’s why we took all of this and turned it into an easy-to-digest downloadable guide so you can start deadlifting with confidence.

Grab our Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to Know when you sign up in the box below:

The Conventional Setup

While your choice of deadlift may vary depending on your body type or training goals, the conventional deadlift is a great starting point for just about any situation.

Let’s dive into the basic conventional deadlift setup:

*NOTE: Always warm up properly, and start with just the bar, even for deadlifts!

first3_front first3_side

  • Load the bar and secure the plates with collars. If you are just starting out with the movement, begin with 5-10 lb plates, using boxes or blocks to elevate the bar to about where it would be with 45 lb plates attached (if your gym has training plates that are this size, even better!). You may also be able to use your gym’s power rack for this.
  • Stand with your feet about hip width (8-12 inches) apart, and your feet slightly angled outwards (5-10 degrees).
  • Look down – the bar should be over the middle of your feet. If you’re wearing laced shoes, the bar would be approximately over the tied part of your shoelaces.

Now, from here, until you are actually lifting, don’t move the bar!

  • Next, without moving the bar, or your hips, lean over and grab the bar. Your legs should still be straight at this point. Your grip width will be slightly outside of your legs, but not so they touch.For now, a simple double overhand grip will work. We will discuss options in grip in more detail later!
  • Now that you’re holding onto the bar (and not moving it), move your hips down. While you do this, your shins will come forward until they touch the bar (stop moving your hips down when your shins touch the bar). Squeeze your chest up. As you do this, your back should flatten, and your back should go into a neutral spine position.

This is the final starting position of the deadlift.

We DON’T want your back to round or hyper extend (left and right images below).

If you’re just starting out, getting into a neutral spine might feel like you’ve gone too far (hyper extended), so don’t be afraid to ask a friend for help or to record yourself so you can see what you’re doing.

Keeping a neutral spine throughout the lift is vital, and thus it is important you set up right. Note that while your spine has a natural curve to it, that curve should not be over exaggerated.

In addition to your spine, use the muscles in your upper back to help lift your chest up (Think about what King Kong looks like when he’s ready to pound his chest).

At this point: your shoulders should be slightly in front of the bar, and your arms should be straight and perpendicular to the floor. This is where the fun part comes!

Depending on your specific body, the set up position may look different from the person standing next to you. This is normal!

Think about it – since we want our arms to be straight, someone with super long arms will have a different look to their setup than someone with short arms.

The Deadlift

If your setup looks and feels good, you’re ready to lift.

Make sure that before you pull there is no slack in the bar – your muscles should already be slightly engaged and your entire body tight.



Take a deep breath in, and while keeping your entire back and core tight and your chest up, drive through your heels and pull! 

A popular cue that helps many lifters execute the right form is to visualize the deadlift not as a pull, but rather a push. Imagine you are pushing the world away from the bar… rather than pulling the bar up.

Like you’re holding onto the bar and driving your feet down through the earth.

As you pull, remember:

  • All of your weight should be on your heels and mid foot. You should be able to wiggle your toes the entire time (though that is not a part of deadlifting!).
  • During the movement, your entire body should move upwards at the same speed. This means that your butt should not rise faster than your chest, or vice versa. You may have heard of the term “stripper deadlift” – this is when your butt rises first before your chest.
  • Think about leading with your chest as you drive through your heels, and make sure you keep it up and tight.
  • Your arms should stay straight the entire time. They are literally just there to hold onto the bar – they are not bending or pulling at all.
  • The bar should stay in contact with your body the entire time – you will literally be dragging it up your thighs. This is why you see many powerlifters with chalk or baby powder covering their legs (and why they typically wear socks that cover their shins, to prevent cuts and scrapes). Do not let it come forward. If you were to draw a line that follows the bar’s path from the floor to lockout, it should be a straight, vertical line.
  • As you are pulling, you should be squeezing your glutes. Once the bar passes your knees, think of getting your hips under the bar by squeezing your glutes. So while you’re pulling with your arms, you’re pushing through the floor with your feet, pushing your butt under the bar.
  • At the top of the movement, you should be standing tall and proud with your chest open, like if you were King Kong getting ready to pound his chest.
  • At the top, do not hyper extend and lean back. You want to keep your spine neutral and everything tight.

Now, at this point, the first thing I want you to do is do NOT lose tightness in your body. We are going to practice putting the bar down (not dropping it).

Setting the Bar Down


Your body should descend all at the same time, just as it ascended, only backwards.

Unlock your hips and knees and slowly lower the bar to set it down (make sure you unlock them at the same time. Unlocking your knees first will cause a lot of awkward movement, and possibly your lower back to round).

Don’t lose tightness until you let go of the bar. This is extremely important – a large amount of deadlift injuries come from people getting super excited about making a lift, losing tightness, and then putting the bar down wrong.

You want this to be a quick movement – lowering the deadlift slow will take a lot out of you and leave you sore for days.

Notes on dropping the deadlift:

The eccentric part of the deadlift (lowering it) is actually riskier than the concentric (picking it up) part of the deadlift, and it is the part of the deadlift that will give you the most DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Because of this, many coaches will advocate dropping your deadlift (especially with advanced athletes where they can’t afford to sacrifice performance later in the week).

I would recommend putting the bar down (especially if you want to powerlift – the lift does not count if you drop it). So, practice on putting the bar down properly. It’s just as (if not more) important as practicing picking it up.

How to Grip The Bar, Straps, and other Equipment


Grip strength is a huge part in the deadlift, because if you can’t hold on to the bar, you can’t lift it!

There are two main grips that you see with the deadlift. The first is the double overhand grip. With this grip, your palms are both facing towards your body.


The second is an “over-under” or “mixed” grip, where one hand is flipped (one of your palms is facing away from you).

The double overhand grip is the safest grip, and the best grip for beginners.

The mixed grip offers quite a few disadvantages – it places uneven stress on your shoulders, can aggravate problems in the biceps on the side in which your palm is facing outwards, and its easier for your lift to be uneven as you’re literally gripping it uneven.

So why do it? Well – you can physically lift more using this grip. At first, you won’t notice a difference because your grip strength is most likely stronger than your back.

However, as your back gets stronger, your back strength will eventually outmatch your grip.

This is when you would consider adding in a mixed grip, but be sure to use the double-overhand throughout your workout until you get to the point where you need to switch. Consider doing grip strength work as well.

Finally, there is the hook grip – Hook grip is a grip where you put your thumbs under your fingers.

What about gloves and straps? Straps can help you lift more than your hands can hold, but could cause your grip to be undeveloped later down the road. Personally, I only use straps if I’ve got a ripped callus or if my hands are just exhausted from a long day of training.

Consider using straps strategically, but not regularly.

While many people wear gloves to get a better grip on the bar, gloves actually create space between you’re the hand and the bar, and it reduces your grip security, increases the diameter of the bar, and makes the bar harder to hold on to. I don’t recommend using them unless you have an injury like a ripped callus.

Speaking of ripped calluses – make sure to take care of your hands and they are less likely to happen!

“Do I need to use a belt?” When starting out, don’t worry about a belt. However, as you get into heavy weight, it may be something to look into. Belts need to be worn correctly in order to be effective.

Note: While you may be able to lift more using a mixed grip and a belt, they’re definitely not necessary to lift heavy. Here’s a video of Anthony Mychal deadlifting 550 lbs at the powerlifting competition at Camp Nerd Fitness – double overhand with no belt.

I realize ALL of that stuff above is a LOT to remember – we have a whole chapter in our Strength Training 101 guide that can help keep this stuff straight in your head! Download the guide when you sign up in the box below:

Common Faults ANd Mistakes while Deadlifting



Rounded Back – not keeping your spine in neutral the entire time. Letting your lower back round at all is a huge no no. (Note: there are some powerlifters that purposefully round their upper back to decrease range of motion, but this is a sport specific move, still a fault, and something you should not consider as a beginner.)

Looking up (with your neck) – Along with keeping a neutral spine, hyper extending your neck to look up is also something we want to stay away from.

Hyperextending at the top – It became popular to over exaggerate the top of the deadlift in fitness competitions, where you needed to quickly show a judge that you achieved lockout. This hyper extending at the top is actually not something we actually strive for – the spine should still be in neutral even at the top.


Treating the deadlift like a squat with the bar in your hands. You are not starting in a squat position and standing up – it is a different movement.

Letting the bar come forward – The bar needs to stay over your midline and be dragged up your body the entire lift – any movement forward of your midline should be avoided.

Butt rises faster than your chest (also known as the “stripper deadlift”) – your chest should lead the movement, and your entire body should move upward at the same pace.

Bending your arms – your arms should stay straight. Don’t bend your elbows to try to get the bar up faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

Athena Deadlift

“What do I do if I can’t get into the proper starting position?”

While you are getting the mobility to get into the correct starting position, you can put the bar on blocks to raise it up a few inches to help you get in the right position. Each workout, start with the bar a little lower, until it is just on the floor.

“What weight do I start with?”

Just the bar 🙂 Then progress as described here.

“What is the difference between doing multiple reps from dead stop and touch and go reps?”

Touch and go reps are easier – for a few reasons. First, we get a stretch reflex (think about the “bounce” you get at the bottom of the squat). Second, when you lower the bar it is already in motion, so it’s simply easier to lift something that is already moving than it is to lift something that is completely stopped.

If you are at a gym that has rubber bumper plates, these plates actually will bounce a little when they hit the floor – helping you lift the weight.

However, while touch and go are easier, they are also more dangerous. It’s easier to mess up your form if you aren’t resetting every rep, and easier to get fatigued.

It is in the eccentric (lowering) part of touch and go deadlifts that most people get hurt. Resetting every rep is preferred for general strength programs. This allows you to reset, get your form right, and get your breathing right on every rep.

“Okay, I get it. Deadlifts are great! I should do them ALL THE TIME, right?!?”

Woah, hold on there. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but there are some things we need to take into consideration when adding deadlifts into our program.

Heavy deadlifts are extremely taxing on the central nervous system. This means your body needs more time to recover. In fact, it’s so taxing that some coaches recommend taking the deadlift out completely for their more advanced, sport specific athletes.

Most good strength programs only deadlift once a week – and it’s lighter volume than with your squats. Both starting strength and stronglifts only include ONE set of 5 deadlifts. Meanwhile, they program 5 sets of 5 for squats.

Get Out There and Pull


I am so excited for you to start deadlifting, because it’s the ultimate physical AND mental exercise. Believe it or not, keeping mental focus and staying in the right frame of mind is especially important here.

When you’re at the bottom of a squat or underneath a bar in the bench – you need to finish the lift so you literally won’t be crushed. Finish the lift or fail and be pinned.

With the deadlift, the weight doesn’t work in your favor – it works against you. As the deadlift gets heavy, you know how easy it is to just not pick up the weight. You have to want it. You have to know you can get it.

As Mark Rippetoe said:“The deadlift also serves as a way to train the mind to do things that are hard.”

If you are looking for more specific guidance on how to become a deadlifting machine like Staci, or you’ve been at it for months/years without getting results and think you’re a lost cause, you’re not alone!

I honestly thought I was a lost cause because I spent 6 years training without seeing results. It wasn’t because of my genetics, it was because I was following bad advice, had a bad training program, and didn’t have the right nutritional strategy!

If you are somebody that is tired of not getting results, wants to avoid trial-and-error, or you just want to be told exactly what to do to reach your goals, check out our popular 1-on-1 coaching program. You’ll work with our certified NF instructors who will get to know you better than you know yourself and program your workouts and nutrition strategy for you.

Now, if you are somebody that is more of the “do-it-yourself” type, check out our self-paced online course, the Nerd Fitness Academy. 

The Academy has 20+ workouts for both bodyweight or weight training, a benchmark test to determine your starting workout, HD demonstrations of every movement, boss battles so you know when you to level up your routine, meal plans, a questing system, and supportive community.

I’ll leave you with the following quote from Henry Rollins that perfectly embodies how amazing strength training can be:

The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you’re a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs.

Friends may come and go.

But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds

What do you think? Do you jump for joy or cringe when it’s deadlift day?

Big or small, what questions do you have on the deadlift?


PS: Not ready to try out of one of programs yet? That’s cool! We have a TON of free resources, including a massive “Strength Training 101” Ebook I’ll send you way when you sign up in the box below. Welcome to the Nerd Fitness Rebellion!

PPS: Here are our other free articles in the Strength 101 Series:


photo source: AKLuLu: Rapton and Emcee at 4T NF Meet, Bigm141414: thisisseth deadlift

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This post was originally published on this site

Name: Marika Hart
Age: 42
Location: Perth, Australia

What does it mean to you to be part of the GGS Community?
I love the GGS community! Part of my role with GGS is spending time hanging out in the Facebook groups with people from all around the globe. I get to “meet” so many amazing people who share my passion for supporting women. The community is unlike any others I’ve been involved with online — there is a genuine vibe of positivity and support. People WANT to help one another and I think there is a real sense that together we can change the world!!

When I met Molly Galbraith two years ago, I couldn’t have believed that my career would be set on such a different trajectory and that I would come in contact with so many incredibly hard-working, intelligent and kind people. I truly believe that we can achieve so many great things when are work together and support one another and I’m excited for the future.

How long have you been strength training, and how did you get started?
I started strength training ad hoc around five years ago. I had been teaching Pilates for more than ten years in my role as a physiotherapist, but when working in a sports medicine clinic (with a fabulous gym!), I learnt more about using strength training in rehabilitation for clients and decided to have a play around for myself.

What does your typical workout look like?
Honestly, I hate doing the same exercises all the time and I love variety. In a typical week, I do four hours of Taekwondo and then two other sessions of gym-based exercise. Those extra sessions might include body weight exercises, boxing, free weights or cardio work.

Favorite lift:
Deadlift (of course!) It just feels good to be able to pick up something heavy!


Most memorable PR:
I don’t tend to do powerlifting, but rather hit the higher reps on moderate lifts. For me, my most memorable achievements in Taekwondo have been achieving my 3rd Dan black belt at the age of 40 and then winning a gold medal at the ITF World Cup in Sydney this year in an event called special technique. I basically had to jump over a barrier and kick a board with a flying side kick. I didn’t expect to do well in that event and was thrilled to win!

Top 5 songs on your training playlist:
My music collection is pretty eclectic, so it varies a lot depending on my mood. I like a lot of old school tracks, so here are a few of my faves.

  • Don’t Stop Me Now, Queen
  • Virtual Insanity, Jamiroquai
  • Basketcase, Green Day
  • Jumpin’, Jumpin’, Destiny’s Child
  • Let’s Get It Started, Black Eyed Peas

Top 3 things you must have at the gym or in your gym bag:
Water bottle, towel, phone.

Do you prefer to train alone or with others? Why?
Definitely training with others. I’m not that self motivated to exercise alone — I thrive on the company of others! Because I teach exercise in my job as a physiotherapist, when I go to Taekwondo or the gym I actually really like having someone else tell me what to do and correct my technique!

Most memorable compliment you’ve received lately:
I don’t take compliments too well if I’m honest. I tend to brush them aside as I get embarrassed! Most recently I had a client tell me that I was amazing and totally changed her life — they are my favourite compliments!

Most recent compliment you gave someone else:
Giving compliments — now that I find easier to do, as I am surrounded by so many amazing people every day. I recently complimented my friend Mish Wright who set up the Women’s Health and Fitness Summit on all her hard work and dedication to women’s health and wellness in Australia.

Favorite meal:
Anything that someone else has cooked, haha! I like lots of different foods, but I love Thai food probably the most.

Favorite way to treat yourself:
A night or weekend away with my girlfriends would probably be my favourite. This typically involves some kind of exercise (hiking, indoor rock climbing, walking) followed by food and a night in a hotel.

Favorite book:
Currently I am absorbing anything by Brandon Sanderson.

What inspires and motivates you?
I am inspired by people, especially those who manage to achieve great things in the face of adversity. I’m motivated by my children and my clients — I strive to be a great role model for my daughter and I’m motivated to give my clients the best care that I can!

What do you do?
I am a physiotherapist. I run two businesses — one is Dynamic Strength Physiotherapy, which is based in Perth, Western Australia. I teach pre- and postnatal exercise classes, as well as develop exercise programs predominantly for women. My clients may be pregnant, new mothers, have pelvic floor dysfunction, suffer from osteoporosis or joint pain… or simply want to feel fit and strong as they age but don’t know where to start. I even see a few men occasionally!

My other business is Herasphere and it is fully online. This business is dedicated to providing free information to people who are pregnant or just had a baby and consists of video interviews and blog posts. I have also created a comprehensive paid pregnancy program called “Pregnancy Club” which has education and exercise videos designed to follow women through their pregnancy. I’m thrilled to say that this program has been completed by women around the globe, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Mongolia and New Zealand.

What else do you do?
I have two primary school-aged children who keep me very busy, so honestly I don’t have a lot of spare time! I’m also studying a Masters Degree in Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapy at Curtin University.

Things that I enjoy doing whenever I can find time include: Taekwondo, walking, camping, going to the beach, reading, going to the movies, hanging out with friends, eating, drinking…

Describe a typical day in your life:
Wake up, eat breakfast and make a plan for the day with my daughter (who is being homeschooled). Get my son off to school and then get on with either working with clients in the gym, taking exercise classes, studying, cleaning or teaching! My work does include quite a lot of time online — so I might have to check emails, respond to Facebook posts, liaise with clients or make videos.

In the afternoon, I walk to school to pick up my son and then we head home for afternoon snacks before the after-school activities begin. Evenings may find me at home with the kids, out at Taekwondo or teaching pregnancy classes.

So in a nutshell, my role as parent, physiotherapist and student take up most of my day!

Your next training goal:
I want to grade for my 4th Dan within the next two years. I’d also like to compete in the ITF World Cup in Slovenia in 2020.

For what are you most grateful?
My family are amazing and I am so grateful to have them.

My husband is incredibly supportive of everything I do. He has never tried to talk me out of any of my crazy ideas (except a PhD!) and has helped me with a lot of the technology side of my business. I couldn’t do what I do without his support.

My parents also give us so much assistance and I’m really grateful to have moved back to Perth to be closer to them. They help so much in looking after our children every single week and in educating our daughter.

Of what life accomplishment do you feel most proud?
Getting Herasphere Pregnancy Club off the ground. That project was hard work but I’m so proud of the result and of the effect it is having on women around the globe. To be able to help women have access to evidence-based information about pregnancy, childbirth and recovery — no matter where they are in the world — is something that I am thrilled to have been able to do.

Which three words best describe you?
I actually did a survey of my friends once and asked this very question! The common responses were fun, intelligent, dedicated. (And yes, I’m embarrassing to type this bit!)

Tell us about a time when you overcame fear or self-doubt:
Recently I put my hand up to do a presentation at a large conference and I was really nervous. I had those typical thoughts that many of us have — “Who the hell do you think you are to present at this event?” I have done a lot of presentations to small groups, but never to a large room full of my peers! It took me ages to convince myself that I could do it and I am thrilled that I did.

How has lifting weights changed your life?
I had a back injury about four years ago and it took me months to feel like I could move comfortably without pain. Getting into strength training has given me so much more confidence in my body, especially for Taekwondo. I feel like I can take a “hit” better and recovery more quickly from heavy training sessions. I have less fear of trying new things — I don’t worry so much about getting hurt.

What’s the coolest “side effect” you’ve experienced from strength training?
Every now and again, I’ll be doing something and just think “I’m so glad I did all those [enter exercise] at the gym!”

For example, we went indoor rock climbing recently and I was grateful for the arm and leg strength! Or another day we went kayaking and I was glad to have done some abdominal exercises!

What do you want to say to other women who might be nervous or hesitant about strength training?
Find a good trainer and an environment that works for you. Every gym is different — they each have their own music and vibe. Every trainer has a different skill set, as well as their own unique personality. Find something that works for you and if you don’t connect with the first gym or trainer that you tried, go somewhere else!

You can find out more about Marika on her website, and connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

The post GGS Spotlight: Marika Hart appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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This post was originally published on this site

Welcome to Snapshot Cooking, the home of Kitchn’s easiest recipes. These mini recipes are so simple you can practically cook from the before-and-after snapshot itself.

When you hear the words “Trader Joe’s” and “cauliflower,” the grocery store’s gluten-free Cauliflower Gnocchi — which is so popular they can barely keep it on the shelves — likely comes to mind. But let us not forget the original trendy cauliflower alternative that helped boost the veggie into the spotlight: Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower. Ever since the 15-ounce bags of crunchy rice-like florets and stems were released in 2015, it has proven to be one of the store’s most popular items.

Sure, you can use it in place of rice in a grain bowl, or serve it as a simple side to chicken and veggies. But I think the riced cauliflower, which on its own is very bland, deserves a little more love than that. So I strolled the aisles of Trader Joe’s and found five products — everything from a Fondue kit to a yellow curry sauce — that transform the veggie into super-flavorful side dishes in barely no time at all. They all yield such different results, in fact, that you could try one every day this week and never get tired of the cult-favorite veg.


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