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Ahhh, cardio… Anyone who knows me knows that it’s definitely not my favorite thing in the world. While I’d often much rather be ripping some heavy weight off the ground with a deadlift or propelling my body through the air with an empowering chin-up, I’ve found ways to make cardio much more exciting than trudging along on the elliptical, especially when the weather makes it challenging to go outside.

Here are some of my absolute favorite indoor conditioning movements. Some can be done at home, others require a gym.

Manual Treadmill Sprints


These things are beautifully challenging, and will have you sucking wind harder than just about any other exercise. In fact, I usually have a hard time doing them for much longer than 10–15 seconds if I am really challenging myself!

Start with the treadmill turned off (hence: manual treadmill sprints), put your hands on the rail in front of you, and start pushing! The harder you push, the faster you go, the more challenging it will be. When you’ve reached your limit, keep holding on to the railing and jump to the sides while the treadmill slows to a stop. Walk around a little bit and try to catch your breath while you rest. You can rest a certain amount of time or rest until you get back to a certain heart rate level.

I generally start with 10–15 seconds of work, rest until my heart rate gets back to 120 bpm (around 90–120 seconds), and typically do around six intervals. To progress in this exercise from one week to the next, you can do any of the following:

  • Increase your work period.
  • Decrease your rest period.
  • Increase the number of intervals your perform.

Plate Pushes

High-Level Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced

Plate pushes are a great alternative when you don’t have access to a prowler. Start with at least one 25-pound plate — you can use heavier plates and use multiple ones depending of your strength and conditioning level — and simply push it across the floor (remember, simple doesn’t always mean easy!)

Keep in mind that depending on the material of your plates and the surface of the floor you may have to place the plates on a towel of some sort. I like to push for 20–30 yards, rest 20–30 seconds, push it back, and then rest 60–90 seconds, performing 4–7 sets total (each set equals to pushing 20–30 yards and back).

Remember to keep a long, neutral spine and neutral head while pushing.

To progress in this exercise from one week to the next, you can do any of the following:

  • Increase the weight of the plate.
  • Increase the distance traveled.
  • Decrease the rest periods.
  • Add more sets.

Farmer’s Walks


The mechanics of farmer’s walks are fairly simple: you pick up relatively heavy weights, hold them at your sides, and carry them for a certain distance. You can use dumbbells, kettlebells, plates, or farmer’s walk implements (typically handles that allow you to add weight plates). Again, simple doesn’t mean easy, and the key to this exercise is to challenge yourself.

Make sure that you pick up the weights with a neutral spine, and keep a proper alignment as you walk Don’t shrug your shoulders up as you perform the exercise — if you find yourself shrugging, it may be a sign that the weights you use are too light.

Weights used for this exercise will vary widely among individuals — pick weights that feels challenging and walk until you think you might drop them, stopping and putting down the weights when you feel like your grip will give out (please be mindful of safety here — your own and others’ too). Rest a minute or so, and go again.

This is a great way to work on your conditioning and your grip! Remember that you want to base your distance on how much weight you are carrying and vice versa. If you don’t have much space available, pick up something heavier. If you don’t have very heavy tools to carry, plan on walking a longer distance. I like to do 6–8 trips to start out.

To progress in this exercise from one week to the next, you can do any of the following:

  • Walk a longer distance.
  • Walk more quickly (while keeping control and good alignment).
  • Use offset weights (one side is heavier than the other, switch each time).
  • Shorten the rest period.
  • Increase the number of sets.

Interval Circuits


Interval Training — that is, timed work intervals followed by timed rest intervals — can be a great option for every ability level, depending on the movements chosen for the circuit. Here are some examples of movement combinations:

Beginner Options

  • Wall sits and band pull-aparts
  • Bodyweight box squats and walk-outs

Intermediate Options

  • Battling rope and modified burpees
  • Medicine ball slams and T-plank holds

Advanced Options

  • Kettlebell swings and heavy medicine ball slams
  • Goblet squats and mountain climbers

As you can see, you can make these circuits significantly harder or easier based on the movements you pick, the weight you use (if any), and the speed at which you perform the exercises.

After you have chosen 1–4 exercises that fit your ability level, make sure that you have plenty of space and that no one is going to try and “work in” with you during your set. Set a timer (using an interval timer app) for 6–10 rounds of 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest.

Perform your chosen exercises at a controlled but very quick pace (the quicker you perform them, the harder it will be, so keep that in mind) for the work interval.

Depending on the intensity at which you are working, your “rest” interval may not necessarily give you enough time to rest, but do take a couple of breaths and set up for your next exercise.

At the end of this workout, you should be quite winded and not able to maintain a normal level of conversation for at least a few minutes. Remember that your ability level will dictate how hard you’re able to push, and that you should not sacrifice form but maintain quality movement throughout.

Bodyweight Metabolic Circuit


Here you choose 4–6 exercises to perform with minimal rest in between. You can choose any set or rep scheme that you’d like. Here are a few of my favorite options:

  • Complete 8 reps of an exercise, then move to the next exercise, and so on until you have completed the circuit 3–4 times.
  • Use a descending pyramid scheme, doing 6 reps of each exercise, then 5, then 4, then 3, and so on until you are only doing 1 rep of each exercise.
  • Use an ascending pyramid scheme, doing 1 rep of each exercise and then 2, and then 3, and so on until you get to 6 or 8 or 10 reps, whatever you prefer.
  • Pyramid up and then back down: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, etc.
  • Complete the exercises for a set amount of time (i.e., 15 seconds) instead of a set amount of reps, and each time try to perform more reps.

As you can see, there are many ways to set up your metabolic circuit. You can find your favorite one or switch it up each time. Like I mentioned above, make sure you choose exercises that are appropriate for your ability level and make sure you have mastered the exercise before trying to do it in a fatigued state.

Here are some examples of body weight circuits I might do with each ability level:

Beginner Circuit

8–10 reps of each exercise, rest 15 seconds in between. Complete the circuit 2–3 times.

  • Bodyweight box squat
  • Walk-out (walk your hands out to push-up position, hold it, walk hands back, stand up, repeat)
  • Glute bridge with mini-band around knees
  • Bear crawl (20 yards instead of 8 reps)
  • Band pull-apart
  • Wall sit (20 seconds instead of 8 reps)

Intermediate Circuit

Start with 8 reps, work down to 1 rep, no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds between circuits.

  • Bodyweight squat
  • Inverted row
  • Split squat
  • Modified burpee
  • Single-leg glute bridge
  • Bear crawl (30 yards every time, instead of descending reps)

Advanced Circuit

Start with 6 reps, work down to 1 rep and back up to 6 reps. Rest 20 seconds between exercises, no extra rest between circuits.

  • Jump squat
  • Chin-up
  • Walking lunge
  • Push-up
  • Mountain climber (20 each side, instead of changing reps)
  • Plate push (30 yards, instead of changing reps)

As you can see, you can increase the intensity and difficulty of the exercise by changing the exercise, increasing the speed at which you do the exercise, increasing the reps, decreasing the rest, doing more total circuits… the list goes on and on.

Hopefully you have gotten some great ideas to shake things up a bit for your indoor conditioning sessions so you don’t dread them but see them as a great opportunity to have fun while breaking a sweat!


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The post 5 Fun and Effective Cardio Options for When It’s Cold Outside appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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I’ve always wanted to be that person who has a morning or nighttime ritual — who sits with the newspaper every morning when sipping their coffee or meditates for 10 minutes before bed. Sadly, rituals are usually lost on me. I get bored or just forget to partake. That’s slowly starting to change, however, as I’ve begun to practice a little more self-care.

It started as an effort to keep my cool and feel my best through the busy holiday season, and since then it’s stuck — I have a real, true ritual! It’s an herbal tea habit that not only helps me wind down at night, but also lets me practice a little mindfulness and connect with my husband at the same time.


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Whether you’re following Whole30 or not, this is an easy, flavor-packed dinner that deserves a regular spot in your meal plan. Chicken thighs are slicked with a tangy, bold-flavored pantry sauce, and yet they’re still versatile enough to pair with a variety of sides and veggies.


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Hey, everybody! This week I’m taking over the Whole30 Recipes Instagram. Yup, today through Sunday (1/21-1/27), you can follow me on their feed, where I’ll be posting throughout each day and offering tips and ideas that blend the best of Primal philosophy with Whole30 principles.

It’s seven full days of content—exclusive commentary, delicious recipes and new videos you’ve never seen—all from yours truly. Make sure to check out the Whole30 Recipes static feed and Instagram Stories for all my postings, and let me know what you think.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


The post Join Me This Week On the “Whole30® Recipes” Instagram! appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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There are two things that drive me absolutely crazy about my kitchen: I basically have to crawl into the corner cabinet to fish my slow cooker from its depths and one of my utensil drawers does not open unless I open the oven first.

These are very clear indicators of a poor kitchen design. And, as we get ready to renovate our very dated kitchen, you better believe I’m keeping notes. To avoid making the same mistakes the previous owner did, I asked architects, contractors, interior designers, and other industry experts for the biggest kitchen design faux pas you can make.

Here’s what they had to say.


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The whole concept of air frying sounds like a miracle. Frying without fat? How is that possible? Like many things that sound mysterious, it actually has a very reasonable explanation. But before I reveal it, let me make it clear that air frying is NOT frying. To really fry you need to submerge food in oil. No way around it. But what an air fryer can do is give you that crispy, crunch that makes Southern fried chicken or a french fry so delectable. Got it?

Okay, now let’s continue.


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Over the years we’ve shared a lot of recipes and tips for making a killer pizza. Today I’m rounding up every last bit for an epic guide to all things pizza.

From essentials everyone should know — like how to make pizza dough, which is actually way easier than you’d ever imagine — to specific recipes, you’ll find everything you need (and more) right here.


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Unless you have a never-ending budget or unlimited pantry space, I’m guessing you’re always looking for ways to keep one or both of them in check? I am, too. So far, I’ve come up with one little rule that’s really proven to be a huge help: I only buy an ingredient if I know that I can use it in more than one recipe.


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I once heard Food Network star Anne Burrell say something about small kitchens that really stuck with me. She was talking about how lots of people use their small kitchens as an excuse not to cook — or not to cook well, even. She then followed that up with the fact that some of the best, award-winning restaurants have teeny-tiny kitchens. She’s got a point: It’s not the space you have, but rather how you use it.

With her words burned into my brain, I decided to round up some of the best organizers to help those of us (me included!) with small kitchens. These smart Amazon finds all help to get stuff up and out of the way or just more in line. So that, you know, you have room to do the fun stuff — the cooking. Check them out and then get that oven preheating. You have no excuse not to.


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It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

Here’s an update to my December 2013 success story.

I have been Primal—Low-carb—Keto for over seven years. I am 49-years-old and my health continues to improve. I am confident I am enhancing my prospects for longevity.
I eat delicious food, rarely feel hungry, enjoy fasting and truly enjoy the many interesting and challenging facets of powerlifting training.

I have been carnivore keto the past 6 months and I completely love the simplicity and feel slightly better from an intestinal standpoint compared to Keto. I lost most of my weight while enjoying Mark’s Big Ass Salads. I keep the Primal philosophy in the front of my mind when I comes to avoiding unhealthy fat, cheat meals, overtraining, rest, sunlight, outdoors and recommendations to someone new to a low-carb lifestyle.

I may not always be in ketosis, but I’m always Primal.

2017 was a fantastic year for my health.

2018 was better:

I have been 95% carnivore keto the past 6 months:

— Lost 17 pounds / decreased body fat

— increased powerlifting personal best lifts

— zero vegetables eaten

— less than 5% calories from occasional nuts, berries, dark chocolate and wine

— Intermittent fast ~18h five days a week and I train fasted

— supplement heavily with Himalayan sea salt (~10 grams sodium per day)

— eat mostly beef, bacon and eggs

— add butter and cheese to lean cuts of meat

— eat fish 2-3 times per week; fish/krill oil daily — eat liver once a week; supplement with desiccated liver daily

The past 2 years of Low-carb Primal Keto diet and powerlifting training:

— including the 6 months of carnivore above — lost 27 pounds

— increased squat and deadlift PR in 4 consecutive competitions (bench in training)

I have been Low-carb Primal Keto for over 7 years.

— lost over 100 pounds in 2012 with minimal exercise — ‘cured’ insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome: prediabetes, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver. Joint pain, GERD, irritable bowel, migraines, insomnia, acne/skin problems.

— continue to decrease body fat with powerlifting training

— my taste preferences have changed: I love what I eat

— fat adaptation enhances long term fasting, which facilitates continued diet adherence — I have learned a great amount of valuable information about serving sizes and counting macros during weeks of micromanaging / weighing foods, but now I easily hit protein and carb targets without detailed macro tracking; I eat fat to hunger/satiety.

— scroll my @joeketone Twitter and Instagram for my training log, food, wine and what’s on my mind

# 1 KEY FACTOR TO ALL OF THIS: I AM RARELY HUNGRY—I am in control of my intake and I eat delicious food.

Yes, I am in a five or ten day net calorie deficit, but it does not feel like I am—I achieve a net calorie deficit without ‘trying’ and I have immense energy.

I am burning stored fat and minimizing health problems associated with hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia: enhancing LONGEVITY.

I sleep deeply and when I’m awake I feel and function as if I am half my age.

Many thanks to Mark Sisson and The Primal Blueprint.

Grok on!

Joe Lovely

The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.


The post I Feel and Function As If I’m Half My Age appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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