Today I am putting up a guest post from Vic over at Gym Junkies. Although my workout philosophy is different than what Vic teaches, the guy keeps in amazing condition year round and has my respect. I'm the first to admit that there are many, many approaches to getting lean and fit and I would be skeptical of anyone who claims to have "the only way that works". Gym Junkies might be the most organized fitness blogs online today. My favorite part is the "How to" videos that are organized in the left hand sidebar. The site is just full of step-by-step instruction and feels almost like a paid course in strength training.

[Once you get lean, it is easier to stay motivated to eat well and workout. The key is to get to he point where you feel like you look great. Once you feel and look your best, […]

Original post by admin

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The Future of Health Food

Healthcare reform is all over the news.
Obesity is recognized as a major global health concern.
The baby boomers are becoming senior citizens.
Health food, organic food, slow food and local food movements are becoming mainstream.
And the cost of healthcare is increasing at an almost exponential rate.

As a result, you might as well forget about those oil and tech stocks.
Health is going to be the new growth market.
And a big part of that market is going to be nutrition, supplements and functional foods.
So, what does the future hold for health food?

Is this the future of health food?

Or is this the future of health food?

Sorry about splitting the image. The ad came from my morning newspaper and it was too big for my scanner. If anyone finds the entire image online, let me know.

This is how the world’s largest food producer (and soon to be largest producer of “health & wellness” products) sees […]

Original post by DR

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Hey Readers! I’ve been comin across some crazy stuff the past few days from a few different blogs around the web which I just had to share with you. Check em out below…
Gina Carano Is The Female Face Of Mixed Martial Arts
Some girls like to watch mixed martial arts fighting. I would be the latter. What's MMA? A full contact sport that's a mix of boxing, wrestling, and martial …  Read More…
Kristen Brown Interview: Managing MMA Fighters From A Female …
Enter Kristen Brown, a female MMA manager that's covered a lot of ground in a short amount of time. Kristen was kind enough to grant MMA4Real an email …  Read More…
Pound for Pound: Afflictions Sudden Death
At least until Friday, when a press conference featuring Dana White's latest “big announcement” is scheduled to “change everything we know about MMA. …  Read More…That’s all the news for today guys, so until next time, thanks for […]

Original post by dominic Paris

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Not a lot of talk today folks.
Just a killer HIRT workout for those people who find themselves without any fitness equipment.
Superset # 1
1a. Speed Squats – 5 sets of 20 reps

1b. 1 Leg Deadlift – 5 sets of 5 reps per leg (moderate speed – feel the stretch)

Note – I prefer to do the negative/lowering portion of this exercise slower
Superset # 2

2a. Body Weight Row – 5 sets of 8 reps (table, tree, swing set, railing, etc)

2b. Push-Ups – 5 sets of 5 reps

Superset # 3

3a. Step Ups – 5 sets of 10 reps per side

Note – Use stairs or chair or bench to replace the bench
3b. Bodyweight SkullCrushers – 5 sets of 5 reps

Note – Use stairs or chair or bench instead of the gizmo used in the video
Superset # 4

4a. Spiderman Lunge – 5 sets of 5 reps per side

4b. Hip Bridge – Dynamic – 5 […]

Original post by DR

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I never really liked English class when I was in High School. As a Science/Art geek, I was just never into fiction.
Even now, I’m a pure non-fiction type of guy…(Unless we’re talking about the diet books I have to review for this blog, they’re almost all fiction )
So when I was in high school and found out I needed an extra English class to graduate, I took creative writing.
So you can blame my High School Creative writing Teacher for this post…
Scientific Research can best be described as measuring your shadow.
With some very simple tools (a measuring tape and a friend to do the measuring) you can get a very accurate measurement of the length of your shadow.
And this measurement will be correct, however it will only be correct within the confines of it’s context.
In other words, the measurement will be correct for that specific time, in that specific […]

Original post by Brad Pilon

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How fast can you gain hand speed from a punching bag from working on it everyday?
i have not been boxing for about 4 months now and im now training at home and lost a bit of hand speed i do 3 rounds of conditioning 3 rounds of shadow boxing second round i use weights all my rounds are 3 minutes and then i do 3 rounds of heavy bag only 1 minute though i have been smoking not in the best cardio condition right now but am working up to 3 minutes again on heavy bag how long do you think it will take to gain some hand speed from the heavy bag? i know its for power and speed work and also conditioning and what do you think about the lazy jab thats my style of boxing kinda like roy jones
The Ultimate Mma Strength And Conditioning Program  […]

Original post by dominic Paris

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This post is to prove to people they can reach an ultra-high degree of conditioning with something as simple as the pull up bar. I've been writing a lot about body weight training and I've personally been trying to get better at pull ups and chin ups. You guys may or may not have heard of the Bar-Barians, but these guys are flat out impressive. They don't train with weights, but I would go as far to say that they are most likely in better shape and more ripped than just about anyone in your gym. If you have never been exposed to the Bar-Barians, prepare to be "Wow'ed"!

[The Bar-Barians were founded in 2004 and are based out of Brooklyn, New York. These guys are some of the most impressive athletes I have ever seen. Brooklyn has a reputation for being a tough area, but I'm guessing people don't mess […]

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This post is to prove to people they can reach an ultra-high degree of conditioning with something as simple as the pull up bar. I've been writing a lot about body weight training and I've personally been trying to get better at pull ups and chin ups. You guys may or may not have heard of the Bar-Barians, but these guys are flat out impressive. They don't train with weights, but I would go as far to say that they are most likely in better shape and more ripped than just about anyone in your gym. If you have never been exposed to the Bar-Barians, prepare to be "Wow'ed"!

[The Bar-Barians were founded in 2004 and are based out of Brooklyn, New York. These guys are some of the most impressive athletes I have ever seen. Brooklyn has a reputation for being a tough area, but I’m guessing people don’t mess […]

Original post by admin

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Gina Elko, halfway through heavy training, still smiling. What an athlete!

The relationship between KnuckleUp Fitness and AFL MMA (Amateur Fight League) has created a new MMA talent: Gina Elko.
At age 43, Gina is the Captain of the Nags Head Fire Department, and she runs a successful landscaping company in the outer banks. At first, her decision to jump on the ring may come as a surprise to most people, but Gina’s always been an aggressive athlete, no matter the sport.
She is a national competitor at the Firefighter Games, which by itself requires amazing conditioning, but Gina has taken it even further ever since she joined our Kitty Hawk Gym:
She currently holds a 1-0 record from a Tough Man competition, and had her first amateur boxing match last year, against fellow firefighter Donna Black. She won, by the way.
But her very first MMA fight is coming up Sept 26th, and Gina’s […]

Original post by knuckleup

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Another Interview

Here’s a recent interview I did for a dutch site.
Other interviews and articles can be found here.

Martin, we can all read your bio on your blog, but what have you been up to in the last 6 months? Any news on a book for example?
I’ve been keeping very busy with clients, articles (for the swedish bodybuilding mag “Body”) and book writing. More of the former, less of the latter, but I’m picking up the pace to get the book out fairly soon. I actually have a date set in my mind, but won’t say anything more on that topic. It’ll be done when it’s done (and hopefully worth the wait).
Some people complain of headaches during the fast, any idea what causes this and better yet, how to solve it?
The most probable cause in this context is hypoglycemia and the headaches are likely to occur after low carb (rest) […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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