Here’s a recent interview I did for a dutch site.
Other interviews and articles can be found here.

Martin, we can all read your bio on your blog, but what have you been up to in the last 6 months? Any news on a book for example?
I’ve been keeping very busy with clients, articles (for the swedish bodybuilding mag “Body”) and book writing. More of the former, less of the latter, but I’m picking up the pace to get the book out fairly soon. I actually have a date set in my mind, but won’t say anything more on that topic. It’ll be done when it’s done (and hopefully worth the wait).
Some people complain of headaches during the fast, any idea what causes this and better yet, how to solve it?
The most probable cause in this context is hypoglycemia and the headaches are likely to occur after low carb (rest) […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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