
Contemporary scientific evidence suggest that you have to pick the right type of (short intense) exercise if you don’t want your beta alanine supplement to end up as another “false starter” in your closet. In the past couple of weeks beta alanine (BA) has gotten some bad press, here at the SuppVersity. While some conspiracy theorists may already have smelled a personal vendetta of a sodium bicarbonate advocate like myself against its ‘high tech competitor’, the actual reason for the negative, or at least not necessarily exciting news is the exercise specificity of beta alanine (BA) supplementation.The most recent BA study from the University of Bern and the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport in Switzerland and the Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden is yet another rather disappointing BA study to support my previous assertion that the benefits for the average gymrat are largely overblown.What did the researchers do As Gross et al. point out, the aim of their two-part intervention study was to alter the physiological systems discussed above in ways that could improve severe exercise performance

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Beta Alanine Fails to HIIT Back – SuppVersity – Blogger

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Train less, achieve more: The Benefits of HIIT Training November 12, 2013Blog, Fitness Samantha Whitaker trials Hiitgirl – a 30-minute workout that’s the equivalent of more than two hours’ traditional exerciseHiitgirl, as you may have guessed, is high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for girls. HIIT is really having a moment – and here’s why: alternating bursts of intense, anaerobic exercise with short periods of recovery provides the same benefits as hours of cardio in just a fraction of the time (a study at Canada’s McMaster University confirmed that 2.5 hours of HIIT training provides the same benefits as 10.5 hours of slow cardio). HIIT also raises your resting metabolic rate for up to 24 hours after exercising, and significantly improves your VO2 max (the maximum amount of oxygen that can be taken in during an exercise session) – in other words, your endurance and stamina. What’s more, constantly switching between exercises challenges different muscle groups in turn, so that none suffer too much from wear and tear.Hiitgirl founder Susan Dyson launched her 30-minute sessions in Harrogate, and has just opened her first studio in Crouch End. It’s a beauty: cosy but contemporary with (mostly pink) modern equipment, incense candles burning and words of encouragement on the walls.

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Train less, achieve more: The Benefits of HIIT Training | Hip & Healthy

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The same holds true for other vitamins and minerals. Mercury toxicity can cause or contribute to virtually every disease known. You should also get used to taking in lean protein sources like fish and chicken leptin diet recipes.


Metabolic Resistance Training – stonedog147's blog

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LONDON — For the past year, Stuart Adams has been fasting twice a week. While he has lost 15 pounds, the real reason he’s depriving himself is to stave off brain disorders including schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease.“There’s a virulent strain of madness running through my family, and I reckoned my chances of going down that route were pretty high,” said Adams, 43, a freelance translator and interpreter in London who learned of a possible link between Alzheimer’s and diet while watching a BBC documentary last year. “Anything that could help with that was of great interest.”Fasting two or more days a week is catching on as people seek ways to avoid a range of ailments linked to obesity, from dementia to cancer. Building on promising findings in studies of mice by the U.S. National Institute of Aging, researchers are planning the first studies in humans of fasting’s potential to stave off the onset of Alzheimer’s

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Fasting studied for disease prevention; diet books not waiting for …

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Have you heard of intermittent fasting? Basically, it’s a diet that involves a period of regular eating followed by one of fasting. The fast can last as long as 24 hours and involve only drinking water, black coffee or tea, or it can last for just eight hours. In other iterations, the fast period involves a restriction of calories – such as consuming only 600 calories on the fast day – which is much more feasible for many people

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Intermittent fasting: Does it work? | Naturade

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The American dream is all about making a fortune on your terms, not working for The Man on his. If you’ve got big ideas and feel stifled by your current career path, it’s natural to begin pondering what it would be like to kick down the walls of your cubicle and start fresh with a company you believe in and trust: your own. However, the worst mistake would be to act purely on passion without reasoning how you’ll make your dream come true, logically and deliberately, only to end up back where you started. As two entrepreneurs who’ve had some success in going our own way (and plenty of failure we’ve learned from as well), we can show you how to bring this fantasy to fruition.10 Ways to Kick Ass at Work>>> FOLLOW YOUR HEART According to researchers at the University of Tennessee, about 50% of all businesses fail, with 25% closing their doors by the end of Year One. Often, the reason boils down to greed and impatience: People want to get rich quick and can’t handle losses, so they pack it in before they’ve given their venture a chance to succeed.

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How to Start Your Own Business – Men's Fitness

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Think you don’t have enough time for exercise? Good news: The body of evidence supporting short, high-intensity workouts continues to grow. According to a small new study commissioned by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), Tabata-style workouts done for just 20 minutes provide measurable cardio benefits.The time-friendly Tabata trend began with the Japanese speed skating team. Head coach Irisawa Koichi had been asking players to follow a training routine that involved alternating short periods of high intensity work with even shorter periods of rest. He asked training coach Izumi Tabata to analyze how effective this setup was.

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High-Intensity Tabata Training Deemed An Effective Workout, Study …

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The results of the study at hand clearly suggest: There is no single ideal type of exercise; plus: What’s optimal may change when your health / physique changes”You got to exercise!” When the average overweight patient hears these words coming out of the mouth of his doctor, the type of exercise he usually will be thinking about is “classic” steady state cardio training on a treadmill, elliptical, stairmaster, or ergometer. It’s the textbook approach and still the predominant form of exercise in most of the pertinent studies on nutrition + exercise interventions that are designed to help overweight / obese individuals shed weight and improve their health.Among the (usually) non-obese and rarely insulin resistant members of the health and fitness community this type of “cardio training” (LISS) has however gotten quite a bad rep as of late. More and more trainers suggest that it may bet better to lift weights and do the occasional HIIT sessions for everyone – irrespective of your body weight, health and training status. If we put some faith into the results of a recently published study from the University of Massachusetts this could eventually turn out to be another unwarranted over-generalization that disregards the very specific needs of lean vs. obese and insulin sensitive vs.

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Obesity Negates Glucose Sensitizing Effects of Resistance Training …

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Editors Note: For those of you who follow my blog you know that I have written extensively about intermittent fasting. I have written about both the science and the practical experience I have had with IF. So when one of my friends, Emery Max, posted on his Facebook page, the dramatic changes he made to his health and physique, I wanted him to share his experience. One reason is because Emery followed the good old-fashioned bodybuilding diet that didn’t seem to work anymore (think insulin), and because he is also a very educated person as you will soon find out.

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Intermittent Fasting: A Firsthand Account | Justin Grinnell

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With the notion of boosting fitness in just four short minutes, it’s no surprise that Tabata training is all the buzz. What originally began as a high-intensity interval training protocol performed on a cycling ergometer by Japanese Olympic speed skaters has now morphed into workouts that combine everything from plyometrics to traditional resistance training exercises using the same format: eight cycles of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. To investigate the benefits of this intense type of training, the American Council on Exercise® (ACE) enlisted the research team at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse to examine the true calorie-burning potential of a total-body Tabata session.In the study, 16 moderately fit to very fit men and women completed two 20-minute Tabata workouts.

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The Research-Approved 20-Minute Tabata Workout – Shape

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