Yesterday I wrote a post about how you should go ‘back-to-basics’  if you have stopped getting weight loss results from your intermittent fasting routine (You can read it HERE). Basically, I was suggesting that our natural tendency is to add complication in order to ‘speed things up’ especially where weight loss is concerned. Despite our natural tendency to always want to add complication, my advice is if weight loss slows or stops your best bet is to remove complication instead of adding to it.Today’s post will be about what happens when you are already back-to-basics and for some reason you are still having some problems with weight loss.In this example you are doing Eat Stop Eat perfectly: One or two fasts per week, no crazy binges, no crazy restrictive dieting, no excessive exercise, a good well designed workout program. You were losing weight and everything was great. Then one day…nothing.In this situation the first thing I want you to do is RELAX.

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Help with fasting, part 2 | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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Kyle gets really excited about not eating!For most of my athletic “career” I’ve been adding more features: more movements, more good foods, more cutting edge methods.  It never occurred to me that less could be better, especially with my food intake (I’ve always been skinny and trying to add weight). But recently on Primal Personality, Mark Sisson’s site (, I came across a series on intermittent fasting that brought up some pretty persuasive arguments for the benefits of occasional fasting. Further research corroborated the information on the Daily Apple: that going without grub for extended periods of time can have serious advantages for weight loss, lean muscle retention, longevity, brain health, disease prevention and improved determination and confidence.Coming from a guy who ranks eating among his top three favorite things to do close behind baby-making and sleep, fasting doesn’t exactly have strong appeal.  But in the face of the facts, I’ll be observing a weekly fast day for a month and reporting the results to you.One of the primary affects of fasting is pretty obvious: weight loss.  Not only does fasting restrict calorie intake, but it also encourages the secretion of growth hormone and decreases insulin levels.  GH is a primary fat burning hormone and insulin is what stores fat in our bodies (less of it allows more fat to be burned)[i].  All of these factors working together make for a mean weight loss punch, while keeping that lean muscle mass you worked so hard to get at Rugged Crossfit.With some of the junk we put in our bodies today, it’s not crazy that some days we feel like trash.

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21 Feb 2012 Intermittent Fasting and Brain Health Permalink|View Comments (5)|Post Comment|Share|Posted by ReasonLoading…Via the Guardian: “Fasting for regular periods could help protect the brain against degenerative illnesses … Researchers [had] found evidence which shows that periods of stopping virtually all food intake for one or two days a week could protect the brain against some of the worst effects of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other ailments. … Reducing your calorie intake could help your brain, but doing so by cutting your intake of food is not likely to be the best method of triggering this protection. It is likely to be better to go on intermittent bouts of fasting, in which you eat hardly anything at all, and then have periods when you eat as much as you want.

See original article here:  

Intermittent Fasting and Brain Health – Fight Aging!

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deer antler velvet benefitsSimilar studies demonstrate that as little as 10% decrease in calories set alongside the average high-calorie Western diet can result in weight cholesterol, lower blood pressure and loss along with other health advantages. Other reports achieved the consequence of caloric reduction by way of a combination of lower calories and exercise. Prescribed HGH products and services can also cause swelling of the hands and feet, and musculoskeletal pain which can be treated with medications. Thyroid function and in case of diabetics or non-diabetics, glucose level should really be checked as insulin resistance can be induced by high dose HGH.

Originally posted here – 

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