Intermittent FastingOver the years we have seen a whole host of different diet plans designed for fat loss, all of which, in terms of when we eat, follow a very similar pattern.In this article I am going to talk about a ‘diet’, known as intermittent fasting (IF), that doesn’t quite follow this ‘normal’ pattern.Put simply, intermittent fasting sees the participants fasting on different days of the week, and on those days consuming nothing but water or low calorie drinks.This eating plan is used by people for variety of different reasons such as muscle gain, improved health, increased performance in sports, as well as what we’re going to talk about here; fat loss.Before we look any further into this sort of eating plan, let’s first look at some of the benefits that are said to come out of such a plan.Benefits of Intermittent FastingAs I said above, there are various reasons as to why people will take on intermittent fasting, and that is primary because it offers up quite a few compelling reasons for giving it a go. To name a few, they include:Reducing insulin level to so the body goes to fat for energy Increasing fatty acid oxidation so fat can more easily be broken down for energy Lowering blood pressure Help stave off neuro-degenerative diseases Keep metabolism healthy Over time you effectively become less hungry as your body adapts to a lack of food, meaning you consume less overall. There is also a really good case from a lifestyle point of view.

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The Basics of Intermittent Fasting – Friend or Foe? |

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Could the fasting diet be the key to eating whatever you want five days a week and still losing weight? Image: Olga Dogadina/Shutterstock The ‘new’ weight-loss strategy known as the 5:2 diet has been receiving much attention in the media since the book The Fast Diet: The Secret of Intermittent Fasting – Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, Live Longer was launched late last year. The 5:2 diet allows you to eat as usual for five days and to fast for two days.

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Here's the skinny on fasting for weight loss – the 5:2 diet – ScienceAlert

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TRULY HIITJune 4, 2013 by danny · 2 Comments Sorry that it has been so long since my last blog post.  I’ve been spending a TON of time giving basketball lessons, training people, and changing poopy diapers.  I promise to be back on here again soon though!  As for today’s post…Many people claim to be doing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) as a part of their cardio program.  But in reality, few actually reach an intensity that I would TRULY consider HIGH intensity.

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Tue 28-05-2013Intermittent Fasting and the Fast DietThe question that I am being asked more than any other at the moment is ‘what do you think about the fast diet?’ For anyone not in the know, the fast diet (also know as the 5:2 diet) is where you fast for two days out of every week. On your fast days women are allowed 500 calories and men are allowed 600 calories. For the rest of the week you can eat and drink as you please.The diet rose to popularity based on this BBC panorama episode called Eat, Fast and Live Longer. The presenter has then taken this further by creating a diet book, a cookbook and website. Its popularity is now huge and fully deserves the title of ‘the new Atkins diet’

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Intermittent Fasting and the Fast Diet | Frameblog

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Dear Mark: The Purpose of Body Hair and the Non-Essentiality of Dietary Cholesterol In today’s edition of Dear Mark, I finally field a question that has been weighing heavily on the hearts and minds of the ancestral health community: body hair. I will tell you that there has been a lot of behind the scenes chatter between big names in the community about just how to tackle this question, and until now, no one has stepped up. To be frank, no one really knew what to say.

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Dear Mark: The Purpose of Body Hair and the Non-Essentiality of Dietary Cholesterol

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Fad diets are developed quicker than it takes someone to look at a cream cake and decide to eat it even though they know they shouldn’t. It seems that one of the most popular search terms for diets, however, is how to lose 10 pounds in one week. For some reason, popular perception is that 10 pounds is the amount that someone can lose if they try really hard. So what are the latest diets out there that claim to help you lose 10 pounds in just a week?

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Lose 10 Pound In A Week – How Do Some Claim It Is Done, And …

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EmailBy Live Well 360 Guest Blogger Brad ShepherdYou’re eating healthy, working out regularly, and you’re in a good relationship. Life is good. This means you should never feel stress again, right?

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Intermittent Fasting Equals Stress: Why It May Not Be Right For You …

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EmailBy Live Well 360 Guest Blogger Brad ShepherdYou’re eating healthy, working out regularly, and you’re in a good relationship. Life is good. This means you should never feel stress again, right?

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Intermittent Fasting: Why It May Not Be Right For You | Live Well 360

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Based on cutting-edge, scientifically validated methods known only to the fitness elite, Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha provides a step-by-step roadmap to regaining your health, looking your best, super-charging your sex life—even reversing the aging process. The systems in this book have changed the lives of countless men who’ve worked with Romaniello and Bornstein.We recently sat down with the authors of  the New York Times bestseller to address some frequently asked questions about the book.SMB Staff:The plan in Engineering the Alpha is quite comprehensive but definitely appears to be slanted towards fat loss. What do you recommend for those looking to gain muscle mass?John Romaniello:Yeah, it’s definitely a bit more of a “fat loss plan”, but there are muscle-gaining components to it. Phase 3, for example, is all about muscle gain, and phase 2 and phase 4 also have aspects there

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Engineering the Alpha – Q&A with Adam Bornstein and John …

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Based on cutting-edge, scientifically validated methods known only to the fitness elite, Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha provides a step-by-step roadmap to regaining your health, looking your best, super-charging your sex life—even reversing the aging process. The systems in this book have changed the lives of countless men who’ve worked with Romaniello and Bornstein.We recently sat down with the authors of  the New York Times bestseller to address some frequently asked questions about the book.SMB Staff:The plan in Engineering the Alpha is quite comprehensive but definitely appears to be slanted towards fat loss. What do you recommend for those looking to gain muscle mass?John Romaniello:Yeah, it’s definitely a bit more of a “fat loss plan”, but there are muscle-gaining components to it. Phase 3, for example, is all about muscle gain, and phase 2 and phase 4 also have aspects there

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Q&A with Adam Bornstein and John Romaniello – Spot Me Bro

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