See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

  • Kick It Jamie
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I work from home, and have for the past few years. When this comes up in polite conversation, people either respond by listing all of the reasons why they couldn’t do it (“Don’t you, like, just want to do laundry all the time?” one woman recently asked me. No. No, I do not.) or by telling me how lucky I am not to be in an office. There are benefits, no doubt. My morning commute is about 15 feet long, and I never have to circle the block to find a parking space, but I do still have the same pile of deadlines and workday requirements as my colleagues who sit in on-site cubicles.


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While there are pros and cons to both gas and electric stovetops, there’s one thing you can feel good about regardless of which cooktop you’re using: cooking with cast iron. Yes, it’s true — electric stovetops (even ones with glass tops!) can handle the trendy, trusty, and yes, very heavy, cookware, both regular and enameled.

We understand the fear: You’ve spent money on a shiny new glass-top stove (or are renting a space that has one), and you’re hesitant to use cast iron for fear of scratching, cracking, or staining it. But if you pay attention to the following reminders, you’ll be searing and sizzling away in no time.


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Most mornings, coffee is the only thing that keeps us upright and moving. And because of the fact that we’re upright and moving, we often have to take coffee on the road with us. (Fact: Languidly sipping a coffee while reading the newspaper only happens in movies, or maybe on the weekends.)

There are a million travel coffee mugs on the market — some good, some not-so-good — but rather than sort through the dizzying number of options, just take our word for it and buy this Zojirushi mug, which is on sale – but only until 3:05 p.m. EST. The timed deal is an impressive 58% off the regular price.


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Aldi is known for a bunch of things. To name a few: yummy chocolate and coffee, low prices, and its decent produce selection (both organic and conventional). I find myself there about once a week — half because I want to check out their snacks (chili-lime cashews!), and half because I need to stock up on the store’s super-inexpensive fruits and vegetables.

While my shopping list for my mainstream grocery store tends to change from trip to trip, there are five fruits and veggies that I almost always get during an Aldi run. The prices can’t be beat and the quality is legit.

Here’s what I get.


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Workouts are work. There’s no way around that. Whenever you move matter through space and time, whether you’re displacing your own body weight or a barbell or a kettle bell, you’re doing work. It’s just physics. But there’s another meaning of “work”: an unpleasant but necessary activity that helps you achieve a desired outcome. Far too many of our workouts end up embodying this second definition. They’re chores, strains. That’s why so many people—all of whom know they should be exercising on a regular basis—remain sedentary, unfit, weak individuals. Physical activity is no longer required to survive. We don’t “have” to do it anymore. If it feels like a miserable experience, why would we?

There are ways to escape this mindset, though. There are ways to make your workouts feel more likely play and less like work. Let’s look at a few today, and I hope you’ll share what works for you in the comment section. Btw, I’ve included a video of me doing one of my favorites below—and a contest to share the fun.

Find an Activity That’s Intrinsically Rewarding

When training, extrinsic rewards are always going to be present. You’re always trying to look better naked, lose weight, hit a PR, get better health markers. But if your training is also intrinsically rewarding—if you derive satisfaction, pleasure, and meaning from the act of training itself— you’ll have no problems sticking with it. Only the hardest of hard core will maintain a training regimen they hate. Everyone will keep a training regimen they love. Find something you enjoy doing, that you’d do even if it provided no health or aesthetic benefits, and make that at least part of your training regimen.

If You Hate Something, Try Something Else

This is the most fundamental mindset shift. Don’t do things that you hate.

A workout doesn’t have to be a walk in the park. Not everything is going to leave you bursting with joy. But if your training regimen is leaving you miserable, if you dread it and find every excuse to skip it, that’s worth heeding.

Maybe you hate back squats, but front squats are downright enjoyable. Maybe you hate spin class, but hill sprints are fun. Maybe you hate dedicated cardio or HIIT sessions, but pickup basketball twice a week does the trick. Find an alternative that accomplishes the same thing.

Try Competing Against Other Entities

I enjoy competing against myself. I like beating my own records, surpassing my own achievements, improving on my former self. I also like competition against other humans. That’s why I ran marathons and competed in triathlon for so long—I liked beating the other guys. It’s also why I love Ultimate Frisbee. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of competition to make you forget about how hard you’re working and how great of a workout you’re getting.

You can compete in CrossFit, in pickup games at the park, in adult rec leagues. Anything at all will work.

Get Better Goals

Me? My goal is to play better:

  • I want to be able to play Ultimate every weekend with guys 3o years younger (and keep up).
  • I want to go out for a paddling session whenever I want and not have it feel like work.
  • I want to hit the slopes all weekend and be able to drive home without my quads cramping up every time I hit the brake.
  • And I want to do all that while staying injury-free.

My training focus, then, is to maintain: my fitness, my muscle mass, the viability of my connective tissue, my bone mineral density. I’m not going for PRs anymore because it’s too risky at this stage while bringing me no closer to my goals. But that’s fine. I’ve found what works for me and my goals. And it makes the more “boring” training that much more enjoyable, because I’m working toward something that I love and frankly need to be healthy and happy.

Half my training is play. The other half is training that supports the other half, the play, and gets me closer to it. I know what and I’m doing and why. Do you?

Integrate Training Into Your Work Day

When you’re plugging away behind the computer, take ten minutes to go for a walk, run some sprints in the stairwell, do a few sets of pushups and squats, or swing the kettlebell you keep in your office when you feel like a break. You’re still working, but it’s different. You’ve switched from the mental to the physical, and that change is everything. Suddenly you want to train, because it’s not filling out a report or writing another email.

The added benefit is that taking fitness breaks will make you more eager to get back to work and, thanks to better blood flow to the brain, more productive when you do.

A ten-minute break to move or train every hour is the sweet spot, I find.

Take Up a Martial Art

Humans have a predilection for violence. Human history is in many respects a history of violence. We all need to acknowledge that and integrate it. That doesn’t mean we should be violent. It means there’s nothing wrong—and perhaps a lot right—with developing our capacity for physical conflict in a controlled, safe environment. Sparring, not street fighting. Staying calm in tense situations, not freaking out and escalating. Roughhousing, not brawling.

One of my big regrets is not learning a martial art. I have been learning a bit with an experienced friend, who’s shown me a few things and runs drills with me, and that’s only made me realize how much I’ve missed out on. Don’t make that mistake.

Set a Few Rules

Making rules that “force” you to exercise can be liberating.

One rule I’ve been following lately is “exercise when Shanti (our dog) exercises.” I’ll take the ball or frisbee out to the park, and every time I throw it I’ll exercise until she brings it back. I’ll do as many pushups or bodyweight squats as I can. I’ll hold a plank. Maybe I’ll even bring a kettlebell along and do swings or overhead presses or cleans or goblet squats. Depending on how far you throw the ball and how fast your dog is, you can end up doing short or long sets. This has ended up being one or two of my workouts each week.

Another example is people who hang pullup bars in a doorway and have the rule that they must do five (or however many) pullups each time they pass through. Without fail. If it’s a heavily trafficked part of the house, you might accumulate 30 or 40 pullups on an average day. Those add up.

Maybe you do squats while brushing your teeth. Or “sprint every hill you see.” Or “walk after every meal.” The point is to repeat these rules and stick to them until they’re part of you, and you find yourself training without making the decision to do it. What begins as an arbitrary rule (what rule doesn’t?) will eventually become sacrosanct.


If you have kids, this is a great way to spend some awesome family time. Have everyone hang out in the kitchen as you prep dinner. Throw on some music. Dance. Get silly. Try something new, don’t be afraid to really move. A Spotify (or similar service) account works well here, because you can create playlists and just throw them on when needed.

I’m partial to the “A to Z of African Dance” YouTube video. Great beat, great dancing, and it’ll give you some good ideas to try that provide a good workout.

Go Creek Walking

Don’t have a creek at hand? Apologies. If you do, however, I want you to visit it at least once a week for the next month—and spend at least an hour during each visit traveling up and down it, jumping from rock to rock, balancing on logs, wading through the water, squatting down to look for crawdads (or crayfish) and frogs and salamanders (but definitely not newts), sprinting up banks, crawling, lifting heavy rocks and logs. It’s a great opportunity to get a variety of movement patterns, expose yourself to nature, and get some barefoot time.

Make the World Your Playground

No matter where you live, the environment offers a wide variety of options for movement, play, and exercise.

Trees: Climb them, do pull-ups on the branches, do handstand pushups against the trunk.

Stairs: Run them, jump them, bear crawl up and down them.

Park Benches: Jump over them, crawl on the back, balance on the back.

Hills: Roll down them then sprint back up.

Traffic Lights: pull-ups, sprint across intersections (when green).

Curbs: Treat like balance beams, do calf raises (or stretches) off the edge, single leg hops up and down.

Target (Store): Hurdle and climb those big red balls they have at the entrance (beware of dirty looks from parents whose kids try to emulate you).

Everything is an opportunity for movement and exercise. You just have to be willing to stand out.

I’d say make the local playground your playground, but certain cities have strict laws against adults using playgrounds without children. Too bad.

Still, know you can always add workout “toys” to your own the backyard (or a willing friend’s if you don’t have one yourself). The slackline has been one such piece of play equipment for me. Check it out—and then see how you could WIN one yourself. 

Now For the Contest…

I want to hear your favorite ways to turn exercise into play—and your questions around enjoying more play in your (and your family’s) life. Simply leave a relevant comment here by the deadline, and you’ll be entered to win.

The Prize: 

Your very own Slackline + The full line of PRIMAL KITCHEN® Collagen products (Collagen Fuel, Collagen Peptides, and Collagen Bars)—the ultimate ways to support the health of your joints, tendons and muscles (not to mention skin, hair and nails).

The Deadline: Midnight PDT, June 21th, 2018

Thanks for stopping in, everyone. Good luck!

The post 10 Ideas to Make Workouts More Fun (and a Contest) appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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I’ve been nursing a sourdough starter for well over a year now, ever since a friend gifted me a portion of hers. If you must know, his name is Mr. Funny Pants and he’s the closest thing I’ve had to a pet since my hamster died when I was 9. So I care for him quite a bit.

So when my husband and I began to plan our move from New York City to Charlotte, North Carolina, Mr. Funny Pants was one of the first things I worried about — aside from leaving all our family and friends behind and packing up our whole lives, of course.

I store my starter in the fridge and feed him weekly, so I had no idea how he’d fare on a long-distance move and then an arrival to a bare kitchen that could take a few weeks to get fully up and running. Then I discovered a little secret: I could dry him in order to preserve him long-term.


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Whether you’re looking for a coffee substitute or a Primal treat, this Matcha Latte offers plenty of flavor and goodness. Primal Kitchen® Collagen supports healthy connective tissue as well as skin, hair and nails, while matcha offers antioxidant power. The result? A warm treat that brightens your morning and boosts your anti-aging arsenal.

Coffee may have just met its competition….

Time: 10 min

Servings: 1



Pour 1 cup almond milk into a small stove pot. Heat the milk on medium setting.

Pour the heated milk into a cup. Add a packet of Primal Kitchen Vanilla Coconut Collagen Fuel and 1 teaspoon Tenzo Matcha.

Stir to combine, and enjoy!

For more great recipes, check out the Primal Kitchen blog.


The post Midweek Quick Cooking: Matcha Collagen Fuel Latte appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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On any given trip to Trader Joe’s, there is about a 99.9 percent chance I will buy snacks. This is the store’s sweet spot. And it’s not just the fun and sometimes quirky selection I love — it’s the fact that so many of their snacks are super portable. And my fellow Kitchn editors agree.

These are the go-to snacks our editors always grab, whether it’s for road trips, plane rides, school lunches, or emergency fuel to stash in their work bags.


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If you’re already dreaming about your vacation rental for the summer, aside from thinking about that pool or beach time you’re desperately craving, you may be starting to think about what you’ll cook up to feed the crowd. Rental kitchens can sometimes feel a bit limiting, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make some delicious meals (and desserts! And drinks!) that will please everyone. Here are 10 easy recipes to inspire you.


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It’s easy to go overboard at Anthro. So many cute hooks! Gift-y monogramed mugs! All those cheese knives! And more! It’s actually pretty hard for me to show some restraint in that store. Luckily, though, there is one thing I will never buy or waste time looking at ever again.

Can you guess what it is?


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