See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

  • Kick It Jamie
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Traditionally, bolognese uses a mixture of ground beef and veal to create a rich, meaty sauce that’s perfect for spooning over thick noodles like pappardelle. Using ground lamb adds a complexity and distinctness to the classic sauce. This recipe also differs in that it incorporates some slightly nontraditional flavor elements that pair well with lamb, like cinnamon and coriander.


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If you’ve ever wondered why your homemade burgers or bolognese sauce aren’t nearly as good as the recipe your friend makes or that you’ve enjoyed at your favorite restaurant, you might think it’s the seasoning that’s off or the cooking method. But in fact, it could simply be a matter of the lean-to-fat ratio in the ground meat.


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Babka is a buttery, eggy, sweet treat that is filled, rolled, twisted, and baked; it lies somewhere between bread and cake. When you serve a great babka, it takes two seconds for folks to break out their “best ever” babka stories. Sometimes they even go right to the Seinfeld episode where Elaine and Jerry dispute whether cinnamon babka’s a lesser babka or not. This babka is certainly not lesser.


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Our choice of cooking fats that we employ in the kitchen seem to be constantly growing and evolving. Gone are the days when our choices were just butter or a bottle marked “vegetable oil.” Even all-purpose olive oil (extra-virgin or otherwise) is receiving some tough competition. Inspired by traditions from all over the world, we’re now experimenting with cooking fats like ghee, niter kibbeh, and coconut oil.

But here’s another one you should get to know that originates from North Africa. It’s funky, flavorful, and unlike anything you already have in your kitchen.


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When we first moved into our condo in Chicago, we loved everything about it — everything except the natural light. We were actually lucky to have good-sized windows that, in theory at least, would flood the living room with bright sunlight. But living in a city combined with the shorter daylight hours in Chicago’s winter meant fewer hours of sunlight for us — and our indoor plants.

So what to do when natural light doesn’t abound, but you still want the benefits of indoor plants — be they edible, decorative, or functional? Enter grow lights.


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Rich and nutty brown butter is a powerful ingredient that can transform just about any recipe into something truly magical. Making it can be tricky, though, so it’s helpful to know about the pitfalls before you get started.


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The growing number of direct-to-consumer meal plan companies and the ease of use belies a deceptively complicated business model. It takes a lot of planning, and a lot of people, to get that big box of ingredients for pad Thai burgers and ginger salmon cakes to your front door. For the folks at Plated, for example, it takes close to 500 people with multiple areas of expertise, from recipe development and sourcing, to packing and shipping, to technology and marketing. Here, we take a closer look at the business of meal kits.


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