See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

  • personal training boise
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(Image credit: Gimme Some Oven)

If you usually have some sort of “baked chicken” night in your weekly meal plan, you need to know about this recipe. With salty, crispy prosciutto and a buttery sage sauce, it’ll blow your standard, dry chicken dinner out of the water.


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If position breaks or true overhead becomes unsustainable, adjust one interval down and continue safely.

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Three weeks after our daughter was born, she started having issues. Crying constantly, straightening her legs as if she was in pain and flat-out refusing to sleep. In our desperation, we talked to friends who were about five months ahead of us in the parenting game — they instantly recommended craniosacral therapy. I’d never heard […]

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We’ve all been there, those horrifying first dates you can’t wait to ditch. And believe me, I’ve had some doozies. How about picking up your blind date only to discover his mother was coming along? Or, finding out, six months later that the reason he stood you up was that he’d been in jail. Okay, […]

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Let’s explore how the straight arm plank can benefit you.

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I consider being a mother one of the greatest honors I will ever have. My three daughters, now 21, 18 and 16, have been a joy to raise. And although times were not always easy, they are still blessings. No matter how hard I search my mind, I find it an utter atrocity how some […]

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These drills and exercises add a stability challenge to the handstand position making you more equipped to balance freestanding.

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Your genetics were done and dusted well before you were old enough to read this. So why worry about them? Focus on what you can do.

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It appears as if classified government documents aren’t the only censored content Senator Ted Cruz and his staff are looking at. Sometime early Tuesday morning, a tweet was liked from Senator Ted Cruz’s account — a sexual image posted by @SexuallPosts. Within hours, Cruz’s name was on the top trending stories on all of Twitter. […]

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We’ve written a lot about the farmhouse-style kitchen, and now we present the easiest way to get the look at home: Just hit up Target in November. The retail giant has just announced a partnership with Chip and Joanna Gaines, the oh-so-cute-and-stylish duo behind Magnolia and the hit HGTV show Fixer Upper.


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