12 Weeks To Optimize Your Hormones, Boost Testosterone And Lose Those Stubborn Last Pounds Of Fat?  If Only It Were So Simple…! So, John Romaniello and Adam Bornstein reckon that they’ve got the three-month answer to the body and life you’ve always dreamed of.  Well, we don’t know about you, but we’re getting mighty cynical about ‘the latest and best’ home workout product that’s continuously being touted as the must have product.But, no-one can doubt that Romaniello and Bornstein know mucho about bodybuilding, fitness and nutrition.  So rather than dismiss Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha without giving it a chance, we decided to get down and dirty with the book that’s got the whole industry abuzz.And what we discovered certainly makes for interesting reading…What do you get for your money?Okay, so what Engineering the Alpha is based on, is the fact that so many guys simply don’t lie up to their potential.  In other words, they’re average.  Hmmmm, doesn’t that sound awful?  After all, who on earth wants to be though of as ‘average?’So the guys have got together and created a revolutionary fitness and nutrition system which literally can turn that around.  It provides a step by step ‘roadmap’ to literally force you to regain your health, reverse the aging program, get you looking a million dollars and, it goes without saying, supercharging your sex life beyond anything you’ve previously had…Wow!  So what does this book actually contain…?  Well, it includes the following:Phase 1:  Training and Nutrition: Prime – Here you learn all about improving your body’s sensitivity to insulin and increasing your production of testosterone and GH through intensive, metabolic workouts that focus primarily on fat loss. Phase 2:  Training and Nutrition: Adapt – In this section everything gets a bit more serious, and you build strength and endurance with the result of burning tons of fat, increasing muscle and gaining testosterone. Phase 3:  Training and Nutrition: Surge – Time to push your body to the limit here, with workouts that utilize a total body approach.

See the article here: 

Man 2.0: Engineering The Alpha Review – Is it Good? | Man 2.0 …

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