Tue 02-04-2013Intermittent FastingThe most common question I get asked at the moment as a nutritionist is “Does intermittent fasting work or is it a diet ‘fad’?”  When I answer, “Yes, the current scientific evidence is very compelling” the next questions come thick and fast…“How do I do it?”“How long do I have to do it for?”“Won’t I feel starving?”“What do I eat when I’m fasting?”“What do I eat when I’m not fasting?“How does it work?”The list goes on and the answers are less clear. Hence here I am, writing a blog to hopefully make it all a little less discombobulating.So intermittent fasting …. What is it and how does it work?Intermittent fasting is having regular fasting times during the week when you eat no or few calories for a set period. That period has been set from 16hrs to 48hrs depending on the trial.  The truth is, how often and how long you should fast depends on your lifestyle and goals.

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