Cardio (Pyramid Style): -3 min walking (warm up) -HIIT Jog (level 1 time length) Sprint (level 1) Jog (level 2) Sprint (level 2 – increase time) Jog (level 3 – increase time) Sprint (level 3 ) Jog (level 4 – increase time Sprint (level 4) Jog (level 5 – increase time) Sprint (level 5 ) Jog (level 4 – decrease time) Sprint (level 4) Jog (level 3 – decrease time) Sprint (level 3) Jog (level 2 – decrease time) Sprint (level 2) Jog (level 1 – decrease time) Sprint (level 1) -3 min walking (cool down) Abs:-Cable rope crunches-Decline crunches holding plate-Russian twists holding dumbbellDollar a Day Training: Downloadable version includes time, incline, and speed specifications for the cardio intervals, further details on the pyramid style, and step by step instructions for the ab workout; I included my personal training tips and exercise descriptions for the abs movements.buyFor the week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts): buy Confession: I worked really hard up until the holidays to ensure that when I took my Christmas vacation, I could take a more relaxed approach to healthy eating and workouts. I found it difficult to jump back into my normal routine when I returned home and found myself in a bit of a motivational funk. If you can relate…it’s okay – it happens to so many of us. I usually take those times to get an extra bit of sleep, do extra stretching, use an off day to get to yoga…anything to help my body recover.

Original post: 

FitnessBarbie: Pyramid Style HIIT Cardio & Abs – 1/29

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