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Inline_Live-Awesome-645x445-03The fact is, life teaches us. I’m not talking just about the collection of data—more information gathered, more studies skimmed. I mean the self-knowledge acquired, sometimes through hard-won means as well as the priorities that have come into focus over time. It’s often about the lessons learned through a variety of epic mistakes and frustrating dead-ends. Beyond the neat world of “good life” theory exists the full dimensional backdrop of living feedback.

Still, I wonder what it would mean if we could take certain viewpoints on faith earlier in our lives. Maybe we do once in a while. While you think on how that’s worked in your own life, let me throw out a few pieces of retrospective truths I’ve found or friends and clients have shared over the years.

  • Let yourself rest more. Seriously, there’s plenty of time.
  • Find something you really love to do as a way to move every day. Make it something you look forward to – a want rather than a should.
  • Learn to cook. No, really. Learn to enjoy it. Enjoy experimenting with it. Value your time in the kitchen in a way the culture doesn’t encourage as much anymore. You’ll be healthier for it – and a kick@$$ host.
  • Pretty much 90% of what you’re stressing about will mean nothing in ten years – most of it nothing in 10 days. Learn to let it go.
  • Play more. But don’t make it an official, planned, self-conscious exploit: “Hey, I’m going to play now!” Just stop taking your life so seriously. Look for ways you can make everyday life more in the spirit of play – exercise, parenting, work, cooking, etc. Loosen up and embrace your inner fool.
  • Tithe your time – to yourself, to your own joy.
  • Look for a job that doesn’t take all your time and energy. Think about the conditions that will make or break your happiness here: long commute – no, long vacation time – yes.
  • Meditate – not because it’s supposed to be “good” for your health as you get older but because it will help you enjoy your life more exactly where you’re at.
  • Don’t think of health in terms of components – like add-ons you can incorporate one after the other. Give up the divisions in your life. Live from a healthy center, and make everything else – all your other – choices reflect that value.

What are yours to share? And to read more this morning, check out “What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?”


The post Primal Starter: Retrospective Truths appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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It’s no secret that we love a smart storage solution. A storage solution that looks smart too? Well, we just lose our minds over that kind of stuff.

And so explains our current obsession with YAMAZAKI home. Do you know the brand?


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When you need a quick one-pan dinner that has tons of veggies and protein, look no further than this egg roll skillet. Inspired by the tasty filling in Chinese egg rolls, this ground pork skillet requires very little chopping. thanks to a bag of coleslaw mix, but it’s full of ginger and garlic and all the hallmark flavors you expect from egg rolls. Skip the takeout tonight and give this a try instead!


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I’m a huge fan of my Dutch oven. I break it out so often in the wintertime for hearty foods like delicious stews and braised meats that by the end of the season it’s ready to hibernate! And every once in a while I abuse the poor thing by making something without enough liquid, or leaving it on the stove for so long that I end up with burnt bits everywhere.

While we typically clean the dutch oven with soap and water after every use, it’s not always as vigorously as humanly possible. So after a few months, it gets a bit of a patina — even if it doesn’t have burnt-on bits.


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This is what happens when an old-fashioned country recipe called scalloped cabbage gets dolled up and heads into town for a dinner party. It elevates cabbage into elegance with a creamy Gruyère sauce and a tumble of sautéed mushrooms.


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Breathe and brace like you know how, and attempt no rest outside of the designated duration; Conquer each movement, don’t simply complete it.

Day 306 Of 360

Front squat:
3 x 10 @ (up to) 60% of 2RM




Double kettlebell swing clean + front squat:
5 x 5 @ as heavy as possible in each (1 swing clean + 1 front squat = 1 rep)


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Have you ever had the feeling someone is hiding something from you? It’s happened to me several times now, so I know it’s not a fluke.

You see, I’m a pelvic health physical therapist — yep, the kind that helps you when you have abdominal separation after pregnancy, when you experience pain during sex, and when you have urinary or bowel incontinence. Patients confide in me, sharing things they wouldn’t tell their closest family and friends, so you can imagine my confusion when I realized some patients were hiding something from me.

I can say with certainty that some of my patients have been afraid to tell me they do CrossFit. Once they’ve finally told me, what has happened next has usually been the most surprising — my confession to them.

Yes, I’m a CrossFitter, too.

Typically, they respond with a sigh of relief that seems to say, “Thank goodness. I thought you were going to tell me to stop and take my happiness away, and I don’t know what I would do without it.” After that conversation, we move on with a bit more ease to discussing urine leakage when doing double-unders or box jumps or when running.

Are Physical Therapists Really Against CrossFit?

No. Absolutely not. Where did this idea that physical therapists don’t like CrossFit originate? A little history is warranted here — and full disclosure, there was a time that I wasn’t a fan, probably around 2013 when this video about how “normal” it is to pee during workouts came out and went viral in my field.

In the video, an athlete interviewed at a CrossFit event introduced her gynecologist (also a CrossFitter) who declared it was OK to pee yourself during workouts. Of course, this set off a collective groan across the pelvic physical therapy community. Today there is much more understanding on both sides, training and physical therapy. However, the stigma is still there. Why? It comes down to something to which we can all connect: fear. We fear what we don’t understand.

I get the fear part. I’ve been an athlete all my life — running, nordic skiing, swimming, yoga, pilates, and yes, some weight training at one point, too. I have two kids, ages four and six, and I’ve needed to adjust my exercise habits and time management accordingly (a polite way of saying that my kids rule the roost).

I was intimidated by the idea of going into a gym full of massive weights and what I imagined would be a group of “muscle heads” blaring music, throwing around terms I didn’t understand like metcon and WOD, and flailing at the bar (my understanding of kipping at the time). However, the happy, quiet zen of my runs and mommy-baby yoga were not helping me get my body and mind where I wanted them to be.

If I stepped foot into the CrossFit box would that mean that I accepted leakage as the norm? Would my pregnancy souvenirs (diastasis recti, a few pelvic floor issues, and pain from a hip surgery) keep me from being able to do anything? Did I belong there?

To my surprise, this strange place meshed well with what I knew as a physical therapist.

As a mom, I am not broken, and there’s a lot I can do. Movement is scalable. The body craves adding load intentionally.

Now, when I walk into my local CrossFit box, my gym friends are there — moms and dads from my neighborhood, their kids in the childcare area — and we chat about the day’s workout and how each of us is going to scale for that day. The music is still blaring but there’s no fear, just promise.


As a mom, a physical therapist, and a CrossFitter, here’s some of what I’ve learned and share with my patients.

Find a Good Coach That You Trust

My shift away from fear came only with the help of well-trained, intuitive coaches who met me where I was and who continue to guide me safely through the journey. I trust that they understand what’s going on with me, that they will not put me in harm’s way knowingly, and that they are willing to work with me in the context of what I can do right now while I work toward what I want to be able to do.

Be Smart

If your car is leaking oil, you take it to the mechanic. If your body is leaking urine during jumps, get checked out. The most beautiful thing about CrossFit is that scaling movement is a normal part of the culture. Just because you leak now doesn’t mean CrossFit is over for you. It means that it’s time for your coach to assess your form and your breathing and work with you to identify where the breakdown is. If you can’t figure it out, it may be time to expand your movement team to include a pelvic health physical therapist familiar with CrossFit. All states in the U.S. (and some other countries) have some form of direct access, meaning you can seek care from a physical therapist without having to see a physician first.

Knowledge Is Power (So Is Understanding)

There can be a lot of reasons for Stress Urinary Incontinence (leaking urine when you lift, jump, bend, and so forth). Fortunately, we’re in a time when most clinicians, trainers and athletes understand that the solution doesn’t always lie in doing Kegels or strengthening alone. Someone with overactive pelvic floor muscles (as a result of birth trauma or sub-optimal movement strategies, for example) may have difficulty coordinating muscle activation and relaxation strategy well enough to counteract increased abdominal pressure occurring with these activities. In many cases, looking at technique, breath, and movement strategies and retraining pelvic floor muscle relaxation can result in reduction or elimination of urine leaks with activity.

Get Help From Someone Who Supports and Understands What You Want to Do

As much as it pains me to say, not every coach will tell you that leaking should be addressed and not every physical therapist will be able to help you scale your double unders instead of advising you to stop CrossFit. That said, spend a little time doing research to find a coach or physical therapist whose approach aligns with you as an athlete and patient. If you leak, something needs to be addressed. Not all leaks can be “fixed” with physical therapy or coaching, but in most cases, the right care team can help you make improvements.

Back in 2013, when the infamous “pee during workouts” video went viral, there weren’t many options and most medical professionals weren’t willing to talk about how to treat urinary leakage without taking someone completely out of their workout. Five years later, it’s time to move on.

Wouldn’t it be so much nicer if we could move fear aside, communicate more openly, and work together to find a solution that doesn’t take us away from the movement that our bodies and minds want?

Connect with a coach who acknowledges that leakage is common but not normal. Make an appointment with a physical therapist who can help you find the underlying cause of your leakage, and work with them both to scale your training toward what you want to be able to do while respecting what you can do right now.

No more “true confessions” on either side. Let’s just get back to our workouts!

Note from GGS: To find a pelvic health physical therapist in your area, search one of the following websites.

If nothing comes up in your area, a general Internet search using one of the following terms: pelvic health, pelvic floor, women’s health physical therapist, or women’s health physiotherapist and the name of the city will provide some leads. In the U.S. use the term physical therapist. Outside of the U.S., use the term physiotherapist.

The post Considerations for Returning to CrossFit After Pregnancy appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

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Depression feels like a dark fog that never lifts. It obscures the simple pleasures of life, limits our relationships, and impedes us from fulfilling goals and aspirations that can bring us joy, fulfilment and meaning. Getting past the black clouds that disrupt our lives is no easy task. Depression and anxiety are not conditions that can […]

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Have you noticed any changes to your feet lately? Perhaps they are cold, are experiencing pain, or the coloring in your toenails has changed? Because feet are the furthest body parts from our heart and spine, they are often the first parts of the body to be affected by nerve issues, as well as other […]

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There are simple, concrete steps that must be taken if we are to reclaim our society from the jaws of predatory industries.

Over the past four weeks, we’ve looked at a collection of industries that I believe are every bit as deadly and corrupt as Big Tobacco: convenience food, pharmaceuticals, and addictive technology. Today, they are far more socially acceptable and ubiquitous than smoking, but as their detrimental effects become more widely understood, that must change.


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