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Hunt the work, don’t attempt to avoid it. Transition quickly, move aggressively and don’t stop for more than a quick breath.

Day 355 Of 360

Back squat:
5 x 7 @ (up to) 70% of 2RM


Rest as needed between sets. If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “5 x 7″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight.




50 Kettlebell back squat @ (minimum) 1/2 BW


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How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Refreshed and keen for a new day ahead? I’m guessing not… In fact, I’d be willing to bet that you go from grumpily turning off the alarm clock to diving straight into a list of frenzied to-dos stretching out ahead of you. This immediately […]

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This morning, what did you have for breakfast? Now, ask yourself, how many times do you think you chewed each bite? If you’re like most, you were probably in a hurry to get out the door and start your day. As you scarfed down your avocado and eggs on toast, you probably don’t give this […]

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weekend_linklove in-lineThe fiber content of control diets in mouse studies often throws off the results.

Dark chocolate reduces stress and inflammation, improves mood and cognitive function. In humans.

The probiotic L. rhamnosus GG protects mouse livers against acetaminophen damage.

Baking soda could protect against autoimmune disease.

A novel form of CoQ10 designed to target mitochondria makes blood vessels appear and act younger.

Discoveries on Crete suggest that ancient humans and/or Neanderthals were faring the seas over 130,000 years ago.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 239: Ken Berry, MD: Host Elle Russ chats with the good doctor about ADD, sleep, Parkinson’s, and the carnivore diet.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

Urban wildlife are evolving faster than other wildlife.

Why you should say “no” to the news.

Media, Schmedia

Sometimes (most times), letting nature do its thing really works well.

Nutritional heretic Gary Taubes recounts his embattled journey to vindication.

Everything Else

To deal with pain and inflammation, athletes are swapping ibuprofen for CBD.

The Penn State “Outing Club” is no longer allowed to go outside. Too unsafe.

Bad gut health is bad for your knees.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

How could this be?: When top cardiologists are out of town at conferences, fewer heart attack patients at their hospitals die.

Research finding I enjoyed: Children are about as fit as elite endurance athletes.

Concept I’m pondering: Stress is contagious.

Announcement I’m pleased to, well, announce: Time Traveler wins last week’s contest. Congrats!

Old study worth considering: Exposure to vapors from stir-fried seed oils increases lung cancer risk.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Apr 22– Apr 28)

Comment of the Week

I consumed a bunch of nutmeg a couple times in an attempt to get high back when I was 16 or so. The first time a friend and I choked back a bunch of powder with Coke over our high school lunch, which didn’t seem to do anything. Although I like nutmeg its taste can be very overpowering in large amounts and for a long time after that I could “taste” it every time I drank Coke, which at least made me stop drinking Coke for a while.
The second time was with the same friend and we boiled whole nuts with some crude grade dark chocolate and leaves from at least one type of wild plant that we thought might be hemp or a relative because it looks fairly similar. We were like why not, let’s just throw in anything that we think could make it more of a mind altering potion. It basically turned into a gross tasting muddy brew. Although I didn’t really feel “high” I was kind of out of it, even somewhat through the next day (which was kind of interesting because it was my first tackle football game (a scrimmage before the actual season games started, but same thing – I did alright at least)). At one point my mom called home and asked me to take a Delissio/whatever pizza out of the freezer and then cook it so dinner would be ready when my parents got home. I remember going to the freezer and taking out the pizza, but then when my mom got home she wondered why I had just left it on the floor outside the freezer, which I did not remember doing. That’s basically my experience with nutmeg, so in both cases it was pretty much pointless.

– Vintage Animanarchy.


The post Weekend Link Love — Edition 501 appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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If you ask me, big-batch recipes are where the slow cooker does its best work. With little to no extra effort on your part, it rewards you with meals you can stretch into leftover lunches or future dinners.

From chicken dinners to vegetarian stews, these 15 slow cooker recipes go big and reward you with plenty of leftovers.


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The show takes a turn into the world of medicine, as it focuses on a treatment that is growing in popularity with athletes and fitness enthusiasts.


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We have a lot of water bottles in our house: Little purse-sized ones I carry everywhere, heftier ones that I stash in the car’s cup holder, and big ones my husband and I sit next to all day while we work. Plus, the kids have a few versions we rotate through, too! And while these generally don’t get as dirty as some of our other kitchenware when we use them just for water, and not while we (or especially the kids) are eating, they need to be washed periodically.

A certain kind of film builds up on the inside, debris accumulates along the rims, and the straws can get mildewy over time. Plus, if you ever use the water bottle to hold anything else, like coffee or juice, you know that those flavors really linger. Cleaning water bottles is tricky, though, because you don’t want them to forever smell of soap or vinegar, and it’s tough to hit every nook and cranny.

And so here you go: Here’s how to clean a reusable water bottle.


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lugol’s potassium 5% has given me relief

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5% lugol’s is available in most chemists in Victoria. The chemist just orders it in and you have it in 36hrs. Fantastic improvement with 5% lugol’s after 14 years of agony in my large bowel.

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If you toss away the bones from your Sunday roast or give them to your drooling dog, you’ll be missing out on some serious nutrients. Packed full of amino acids and collagen, a simple bone broth will support your joints, skin, gut health and much more. Perhaps you’re on the other side of the spectrum […]

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