Need Some Motivation?

In a previous post, I wrote about  the weight loss reality show X-Weighted.
Last night, I watched the latest episode.
fitness health obesity diet weight loss
And today, I am going to introduce you to the star of the show:  Analisa.
fitness health obesity diet weight loss

Analisa is a 23 year old with with cerebral palsy.
Analisa is clinically obese.
Analisa has daily seizure brought on by the cerebral palsy
Analisa has impaired control over the right side of her body

And yet, over 4 months, Analisa:

Cleaned up her diet
Regained neuro-muscular control over her right leg in order to ride a bicycle
Worked out daily
Lost over 20 lbs of body-fat
Achieved her fitness goal of cycling 24 kms up and down hills
Motivated her mother & sister to also lose weight and get fit
Increased her self-confidence
Became a public speaker
And impressed the heck out of me.

fitness health obesity diet weight loss
So, what’s your excuse for skipping yesterday’s workout?
fitness health obesity diet weight […]

Original post by healthhabits

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A Light Went On

Today is a great day.
fitness health exercise diet weight loss
I have been working with this woman for almost two months.
During that time, she has said all the right things. She wants to be healthy. She knows it’s not going to be easy but she is willing to do the hard work. She has tried this before but this time is going to be different.
blah, blah, blah
All the same things that we tell ourselves when we know we should do something, but we don’t really believe that we can actually pull it off.
Basically, it was a great big load of self delusion disguised as an Oprah-esque self-help pep talk.
But today, after workout # 19, I get a call from her.
And things were different.
I almost don’t know how to describe it.
Before today, she understood that she could transform her body if she ate and exercised the way I told her. But tody, […]

Original post by healthhabits

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We were recently on the topic of fasted training and the need for pre-workout protein intake as a slight compromise to training completely fasted.
I argued that the need for pre-workout protein intake was due to this being a case where the benefits (increased protein synthesis) simply outweighted the negatives (insulin increase; low insulin being a determinant of the fasting state). It’s also known that BCAAs independently affects the same myogenic pathway through which fasted training may increase protein synthesis in response to post-workout nutrition.
On the whole, the scientific evidence that speaks in favor of pre-workout protein for increased protein synthesis and muscle growth is strong. Some researchers even speculate that it may be just as important as post-workout protein intake.
Last week I came across another study which makes a strong argument for pre-workout protein to facilitate body fat loss. Let me give you a brief summary of the findings.
Participants were […]

Original post by (Martin Berkhan)

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Yesterday, I debunked a few of the common, “evolution-based” arguments leveled against meat-eaters that might have the potential to stump anyone with only cursory knowledge of evolutionary science. By and large, these are arguments that appeal to our emotions. They invoke a peaceful, gentle pre-history of slender, humane early humans co-existing in perfect meatless harmony with the animal kingdom, an image that sounds great and makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Those sharp spears found at various dig sites, you ask? Why, those were just used to skewer hard-to-reach apples, or perhaps to gently separate two squirrels battling over an acorn. But the fossil record shows distinct markings on large ruminant bones that seem to indicate cuts, tools, and butchering – how do you explain those? Oh, those? See, early humans were so grossed out by animal carcasses that they couldn’t bear to actually touch them with bare […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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Workout Tunes #3

This song is addictive…and guaranteed to help you workout faster, stronger, harder, better.
Daft Punk – Harder Better Faster Stronger

or if you prefer the Kanye version

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Want to be happier?

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Magic, Art, Numbers

In high school, I loved art and hated math.
Until I took geometry.
That’s when I realized that their was MATH in ART.
It wasn’t until 15 years later, when I started doing the background research for the Adonis Index that I realized there was also ART in Math.
Nowadays, numbers fascinate me, so to share my fascination with you, check out the following picture.
Not really relevant to anything Health or Nutrition, but entertaining nonetheless.

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Original post by Brad Pilon

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[You know it’s Chanukah in Israel when Jerusalem is lit up by Menorahs and every store is selling freshly baked jelly-donuts. It’s definitely not an easy time to start a diet!]
It’s true that when it comes to losing weight, there is no substitute to exercising and cutting your calorie in take. That being said, there are a few tricks that can make your path to weight loss easier. Here are 5 tricks to help you lose weight:
Make lunch or breakfast your biggest meal. If you’re main meal is at night before you go to sleep, then all the calories you took in are most likely going to be turned into fat while you sleep. Instead of having a big dinner, try eating a big lunch or breakfast. That way you still have time to walk off and make use of the calories you took in, instead of letting them go […]

Original post by (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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Health Habits meets Facebook

Well, I did it.
I set up a Facebook Fan Page for Health Habits.

And, over the next few days, I will probably be adding & subtracting various features and applications as I try to mold it into the type of health & fitness community that I have been imagining for the past few months (years???).
In that imagination of mine, I pictured a place where anyone who is interested in health & fitness can go to discuss the best methods to get lean, healthy & fit.
No B.S. dogma where the low carbers mock the vegans and the Crossfitters try to beat up the Ultra Marathoners.
What I am looking for is a place where science geeks can discuss weight loss theories with a bunch of willing real world guinea pigs.
And a place where we can challenge & support each other as we embark upon another round of New Year’s Resolutions.
Hopefully, all of you […]

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Meat is murder.
Meat will clog your arteries.
Meat is an unnatural food.
Man is really an herbivore.
Meat will give you cancer.
Meat is bad for the environment.
It’s easy to forget that these are the common arguments leveled against meat-eaters. It’s easy to forget that most of the developed world assumes meat is inherently unhealthy – for our health, for the environment, and for animals. It’s easy to forget these things because, as Primal Blueprinters, we’re immersed in the literature and are actively involved in what we eat. To that end we understand that man evolved eating meat, that meat is an important part of a healthy human diet, and that meat production doesn’t have to be the unsustainable, industrialized monster it’s mostly become (and which rightly garners the most negative press). Still, what is the average meat eater to say in opposition to these charges?

First, when people condemn meat-eating, they aren’t actually railing […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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The basis of Tabata Training is 4 minutes of intense interval training/circuit training. What you are doing is taking an exercise we'll use sprints as an example here.
Sprint as hard as you can for 20 seconds
Walk for 10 seconds
Repeat 7 more times for a total of 8 sets.
So what you have is a total of 4 minutes workout time.
Tabata Training can be done with a number of different exercises the idea is to use an exercise that gets the whole body involved or at least the major muscle groups.Tabata Training can be done with Barbells, Dumbells, Kettlebells or just Bodyweight exercises. I'll give you some other exercises and routines to try in a minute but first let me give you some background and how Tabatas work.
Tabata Training was developed by Izumi Tabata (imagine that) at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. They did a study on […]

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