[You know it’s Chanukah in Israel when Jerusalem is lit up by Menorahs and every store is selling freshly baked jelly-donuts. It’s definitely not an easy time to start a diet!]
It’s true that when it comes to losing weight, there is no substitute to exercising and cutting your calorie in take. That being said, there are a few tricks that can make your path to weight loss easier. Here are 5 tricks to help you lose weight:
Make lunch or breakfast your biggest meal. If you’re main meal is at night before you go to sleep, then all the calories you took in are most likely going to be turned into fat while you sleep. Instead of having a big dinner, try eating a big lunch or breakfast. That way you still have time to walk off and make use of the calories you took in, instead of letting them go […]

Original post by rafael@thefitnessadviser.com (Rafi Bar-Lev)

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