
Tuesday, September 17, 2013Posted by Lindsay on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 · Leave a Comment Big Will… a little salute was all he had energy for.Workout of the Day“Tabata This!”Tabata Power Snatch (135/95lb)Rest 1 minuteTabata KB Swing (72/53lb)Rest 1 minuteTabata Box Jump (24/20?)Rest 1 minuteTabata BurpeeRest 1 minuteTabata Wall-Ball (20/16lb)*The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.**Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals, for each movement.Notes–Holy moly. That was hard! And I know I’m not alone because most of you collapsed on the floor after that final beep! For those of you who haven’t experienced a Tabata workout before, it’s definitely a challenging and effective interval workout.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013 : CrossFit Costa Mesa

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John Romaniello Final PhaseJohn Romaniello- Final Phase Fat Loss 2.0The is a wellness and fitness strategy which was designed for those that are trying to lose the last 7 – 10 pounds, those that have excess fat in diverse body parts, or those that need to have to get quite extremely lean. John Romaniello is a brand new York based personal trainer, coach, exercise innovator, author, and fitness model. He is famous for Getting the proper abs inside the fitness business. As a trainer and coach, he has helped thousands of people achieve and surpass their fat loss goals

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John Romaniello Final Phase Fat Loss 2 | Wandee2846

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 What if I told you that by spending 30-45 minutes at the gym running intervals would help you lose fat faster than walking on the treadmill for four hours?Welcome to the wonderful, time-saving world of high intensity interval training! What is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?It’s a kind of exercise that aims for maximum fat loss in a short period of time, and it combines two kinds of training:High Intensity Training. Working out at maximum effort in order to reach VO2 max, which triggers the afterburn effect that makes your body burn calories up to 48 hours after your workout ends.  Interval Training. Alternating periods of low-intensity with moderate-intensity.

Original post: 

The Ultimate HIIT Guide (High Intensity Interval Training)

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HIIT Me With Your Best Shot Posted by classtivity on July 31, 2013 I. Love. Fitness.

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Classtivity | HIIT Me With Your Best Shot

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As you know the Tabata Training Method is a high intensity workout consisting of 20 seconds intense workout following by a 10 second rest period and then repeated 7 more times, totalling up to a 4 minute workout.As easy as this may sound, it’s actually intended to work you harder than you would in a normal 60 minute gym session. Why? Because for each of those 20 second bursts of exercise you should be working at your optimum level without fail.It does and will hurt, particularly the first few times, and it’s for that reason that we recommend starting off slower and building your fitness levels before giving it 150%. But once you’re working out at your best you’ll achieve those results you’ve always wanted.Why is Tabata so effective? The main reason is due to your Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) which is an increased rate of oxygen intake following intensive exercise.After exercising your body will go into a recovery mode and oxygen is transported round the body to help it get back to its normal ‘resting’ state.What this means is that that your calorie consumption will increase and fat will be broken down and released into the blood where it is used up as fuel more quickly to restore itself.The effect of this is greatest straight after exercising and gradually reduces, but can last up to a total of 48 hours post-exercise

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Why is the Tabata Training Method so effective? | TabataLive

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The Female Athlete Triad 13 Comments Thursday, June 20th, 2013 As a dietitian, I’ve worked with a variety of individuals (ranging from those with eating disorders to  neurological conditions) improve their health through nutrition and other lifestyle modifications.  Often times when I meet with clients, the desired goal is weight loss, but when it comes to women that can come at a cost.Whenever we talk about weight loss everyone has theories on what constitutes the “best” program.  For some people, that means doing a very low carbohydrate/ketogenic approach, for others that means focusing on that “old school” calories in vs calories out equation.  Whatever the method you use to get there, there is one thing we all need to consider.  Women are fragile.Now, before you start attacking that statement and showing me how many 200 lb snatches you can do, let me rephrase that statement.  Women’s hormones are fragile.  For this very reason I am extremely prudent when working with women who want to tinker with intermittent fasting, frequent metabolic conditioning greater than 20 minutes, very low carbohydrate diets, or other stressful lifestyle “hacks,” as some call it.There has been some discussion about this in the community and for that I am very grateful.  Just as we talk about certain foods or diets not fitting into a one-size-fits-all model, we absolutely need to take into consideration the differences between the female and male anatomy when it comes to handling stressors.Women’s health is my passion.  I am dedicated to having women understand how their bodies work and empowering them to take actions that help support their beautiful temple.  With that being said, I’d love to introduce a topic to this community that hasn’t really been discussed.Enter: The Female Athlete Triad.So what IS the Female Athlete Triad?The word triad signifies three, so it makes sense that this syndrome would include three different interrelated conditions.  These three problems include:Low energy availability/intake – this is with or without an eating disorder Menstrual disturbances – amenorrhea or irregular cycles Bone loss – osteoporosis/osteopenia *Please check out Figure 1 from the position paper by ACSM for a fantastic model showing the progression of the triad here.As I mentioned before, these conditions are interrelated.  If a female athlete is experiencing one of the conditions of the triad, the others should also be considered.An example of how these conditions flow together is as follows:Scenario:A female athlete is trying to maintain her lean body composition and struggles with an eating disorder.  She is not consuming adequate calories to meet the requirements of her sport and due to this calorie deficit she starts to lose her cycle.  She may go a few months, or even years, without having a period.  The stress from the low energy intake starts reprioritizing which hormones she makes and her sex hormones get the back seat.  She is now looking at a low estrogen state, even having a sex hormone panel similar to a post-menopausal woman. Since estrogen is important factor in bone health, the lack of estrogen prompts bone loss. One day during practice, she ends up fracturing her foot even though there was minimal impact to the area.Who is at risk?Any female is susceptible to the triad, but it is commonly seen in female athletes whose sports emphasize low body weight or leanness – think gymnasts, ballerinas, or endurance runners.  The female doesn’t have to be an athlete nor do they need to be in a sport that emphasizes leanness.  It could simply just be a woman who is  restricting her calorie intake.**As a side note: while it is not technically called the Female Athlete Triad for guys, energy deficits can also lead to problems with bone health and hormone disturbances for men too.  Low testosterone anyone?  It doesn’t matter who you are or what sport you play, there has to be balance.  Too few calories and too much exercise is a recipe for hormonal havoc.Problems associated with the triadLow nutrient intake:When we’re looking at a low energy intake, we also need to think of a likely low micronutrient (vitamin/mineral) intake.   The female is probably not getting adequate building blocks for proper bone formation in addition to having low estrogen.Do you think having a low bone density is a problem for a female athlete?  Most definitely.  Think about sports where the body is constantly “pounding the pavement” or participating in high impact sports.  You’re just “cruisin’ for a bruisin’” if your bones are weak.  And what about the fact that during your reproductive years your bones are building their potential?  You’re putting the breaks on a very important time for peak bone density.In fact, sometimes women have no idea that they are experiencing the female athlete triad until they present to the doctor with a broken bone.  It sounds crazy, but even signs and symptoms, such as a lack of a monthly period, become second thoughts to these women.  Sometimes they are even happy about not having to DEAL with a monthly cycle.  This is not okay.  Women are supposed to have monthly cycles during their reproductive years. Fertility is a sign of health – whether or not you want to get pregnant.


The Female Athlete Triad – Robb Wolf

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People are always looking for quicker, more effective answers to the age old question of how to lose weight and HIIT is one of the methods which has sprung into the limelight over the last decade. Many trainers recommend high intensity interval training as their ‘secret weapon’ against fat loss and today we shall look at it with you.This method can be used by those with a performance related goal, such as those training for a sporting event, as well as those looking to increase muscular strength but primarily it’s adopted by those trying to find ways to shed unwanted body fat. Today we’ll show you how and why it is so popular.In addition we will give you a few dieting tips to help you get more from your hard work in the gym. By putting a good HIIT routine alongside the simple basics of a good diet plan you will reap the rewards most people spend their lives trying to achieve. We know far more about exercise than we did two or three decades ago

Originally from – 

Will You Lose Weight Faster With HIIT? ~ Weight Loss And Fitness

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The Tabata Method, or perhaps more widely known through celebrities and the media as ‘The 4 minute fat burning miracle workout’, is based on High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), rather than the more commonly used endurance training often associated with going to the gym.Where does the Tabata Method come from?Tabata is named after Professor Izumi Tabata who carried out a training study on his Olympic team in 1996. He decided to split his Olympic speed skater team into two and train them differently to see which reaped the greater training benefit.One group trained at what’s called a ‘Steady state’ – 70% VO2max (70% of the maximum capacity to transport oxygen round the body whilst exercising), the other group trained by using 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise (at an intensity of about 170% of VO2max) followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8 cycles).The results?The ‘steady state’ group achieved a higher VO2max on completion, but the Tabata group who had started lower, gained more overall. In addition only the Tabata group had gained anaerobic capacity benefits – meaning being able to live without air for a period of time.OK, so I know most of us aren’t Olympians and therefore you probably just want to know what this actually means in layman’s terms for you.

Originally posted here:

What is the Tabata Training Method? | TabataLive – Tabata Live's

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The saying ‘pain is gain’ has made the rounds in the fitness domain for decades. It has become a way of working out and understanding what it takes to reach higher levels of fitness. The ‘Tabata’ method has established itself as one of the major tools towards enhancing athletic performance and overall fitness. It is a measured and ‘scientific’ approach to working out that pushes the body through its limits in order to reach new highs

Originally posted here:

How Tabata Enhances Conditioning and Overall Athletic Performance

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HiiT Plc is an experienced Company in the ICT Industry with major focus on IT training/ Education, Publishing, IT Solutions Development & Services, e-Learning Solution Development and Implementation among other businesses. We seek to recruit passionate, competent, committed and result-oriented person to fill the following position: Job Title: Marketing Officers Location: Abuja Requirements Candidate must hold BSc/HND in Marketing or any other Social Science discipline At least 5 years post-NYSC experience in Sales and Marketing of FMCGs Excellent Communication skills and Capacity for meeting Sales targets. Proven track record of performance. Application Closing Date 28th May, 2013 Method Of Application Interested and qualified candidates should forward their CV to:

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Welcome to Nigerian Jobs Blog: Marketing Officers at HiiT Plc

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