Earlier today, I vomited during my workout.And it was a good one.Before everyone freaks out, I don’t have an eating disorder or anything like that. I just have a mildly sensitive system, which reacts to extreme physical demands by rejecting the things I’ve put into my body.I stood there, bent at the waist, hands braced on my knees to keep me from tumbling over into my own nastiness, thinking, “Hmmm, more distance than usual this time. Must have been the push presses.”Whether or not there is actually a correlation between push presses and distance hurling, I have no idea; however, what is clear is how great I felt after.That must sound strange (because it is), and I should mention that I am not generally into vomiting as a rule. I do not, for example, go to vomit parties, or watch vomit porn or anything like that. I just enjoy the way I feel after a workout so challenging that my body responded by voiding the contents of my stomach on the grass.


John Romaniello: Increase Intensity, Increase Results

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