By Chris MartinezNovember. 2011-Why is it that cardio is always the hot topic of fitness discussion and seems to be the fix all solution to burning fat? As we have all learned and I have written about in the past that cardio is not the fix all solution when it comes to body compositional changes anymore.

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Dynamic Duo Training | What type of cardio is right for you?

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High-Intensity Interval Training Looking for a way to add variety to your exercise plan while taking your fitness to the next level? High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a cardiorespiratory training technique that alternates brief speed and recovery intervals to increase the overall intensity of your workout. HIIT is used by athletes and everyday exercise enthusiasts to reach performance goals and enhance fitness and well-being. How does it work?Most endurance workouts, such as walking, running, or stair-climbing—are performed at a moderate intensity, or an exertion level of 5-6 on a scale of 0-10. High-intensity intervals are done at an exertion level of 7 or higher, and are typically sustained for 30 seconds to 3 minutes, although they can be as short as 8-10 seconds or as long as 5 minutes; the higher the intensity, the shorter the speed interval


ACE Fit | Fitness Facts | High-Intensity Interval Training

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Share ! In fitness circles, the concept of intermittent fasting (IF) is catching like wildfire, and it’s no surprise as to why. There is some intriguing new published research showing that IF may offer a host of health and body composition benefits. Additionally, a small but growing group of IF experimenters are swearing by these relatively new fat-loss techniques, techniques that include skipping meals and sometimes going entire days without eating!I know, I know…the idea of fasting for a few extra hours every day seems to fly in the face of conventional nutrition wisdom, and many of you probably think that going entire days without eating is sheer lunacy–I get it.

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What You Should Know About Intermittent Fasting | Wannabebig

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deer antler velvet benefitsSimilar studies demonstrate that as little as 10% decrease in calories set alongside the average high-calorie Western diet can result in weight cholesterol, lower blood pressure and loss along with other health advantages. Other reports achieved the consequence of caloric reduction by way of a combination of lower calories and exercise. Prescribed HGH products and services can also cause swelling of the hands and feet, and musculoskeletal pain which can be treated with medications. Thyroid function and in case of diabetics or non-diabetics, glucose level should really be checked as insulin resistance can be induced by high dose HGH.

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John Romaniello Ultimate Cycle Fat Loss Torrent © A nova rede …

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Forget the fountain of youth or anti-aging potions, the secret to extending youth is all in what you eat or don’t eat. Intermittent fasting combined with exercise can actually reverse the aging process in your muscle and brain tissue! If a younger, rejuvenated body and mind interest you, than intermittent fasting is a lifestyle worth investigating. Simple calorie restriction has long been known to increase life span, but it is unpleasant. Daily calorie restriction is closely associated with depressed mood and irritation (Roky, et al., 2000), but there is an alternative

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Sunwarrior Blog › Intermittent Fasting – Getting Younger Every Day!

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Time to get a rock hard butt with this effective body rocking workout targeting your buns. Get firm, slim, sexy and in shape!Hellicopter Squat both sides. Plie SquatsPlie Squat to SidesJump SquatGlute Squeeze both legs than open flute squeezePelvis LiftTabata video coming soon! get ready!Quick Cardio WarmupTabata Workout AB AB40 Active, 20 Active Rest, 2xYoga Cool Down and StretchExcercise Mat OptionalThere are many different forms of workouts out there and each workout will give you a different result. Some increase muscle mass, some increase strength, others help you lose weight and so forth.Cardiovascular (cardio for short) exercises are a popular brand of exercise designed to improve endurance and stimulate fat loss.

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Quick Butt Workout + Butt and Abs Tabata Workout – Fat Blasting …

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There are many different forms of workouts out there and each workout will give you a different result. Some increase muscle mass, some increase strength, others help you lose weight and so forth.Cardiovascular (cardio for short) exercises are a popular brand of exercise designed to improve endurance and stimulate fat loss. Cardio exercises can be anything from long distance running, skipping, biking or even power walking. All of these usually fall under the category of moderate intensity training because they tend to last anywhere from a half hour to more than an hour going at the same pace.“Tabata” is the name of a particular type of workout program that provides similar health benefits to that of cardio workouts, but Tabata has a bit more spice. Instead of hours upon hours or exercise, Tabata can be completed in 4 minutes.

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What is Tabata Training? | Tabata Training

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Intermittent Fasting 101 – How to Start Burning Fat SAME DAY cash advance Editor’s note: This was originally written in 2008 and has been updated over the years to give the best information for you to understand on how to get started with “Intermittent Fasting”. Enjoy!Starting Your Own “Intermittent Fasting” LifestyleThe biggest question I have gotten since starting this site (The “IF” Life) in 2008, is how to effectively use “Intermittent Fasting” (also known simply as “IF”, hence the name of the site) to achieve their goals and maximum results.It is also the main reason I started this website, to help spread all the information below.Results and goals can vary by each person with fat loss, muscle gain, better health, improved performance in your sport of choice and more. With all that also factors in the individuality of what is a person’s insulin resistance, current body composition (body-fat%), daily lifestyle, eating habits, macronutrient ratios (carbs/protein/fat), type of exercise program, frequency and volume of training, recovery demands, and so forth.What I am trying to hint at is that you are unlikely to find large groups of people with the exact same set of parameters and responses to an intermittent fasting protocol.What does this mean? Well just that you need to start with a basic intermittent fasting (or “feeding” as mentioned below) format, and then learn how to monitor results and adjust as you go.Even down the road things will change as you improve health, lower insulin resistance and maybe change performance and recovery needs. So nothing is really ever just one set way (as it shouldn’t have to be).Life is dynamic (always changing and evolving) and so should be the way you see your own journey for health and fitness.What is Intermittent Fasting (IF)?For those that may not be familiar to the term, intermittent fasting is just taking “intermittent” times of fasting (no food) and working them into your lifestyle.


Intermittent Fasting 101 – How to Start Burning Fat | The IF Life

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There’s always new fitness training methods and buzzwords popping up.Some things stay the same, but maybe called something new.That’s the case with MRT or Metabolic Resistance Training, which has actually been around for quite some time.It also has many different names, such as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption).Whatever you call it, it seems to be gaining popularity these days and rightfully so.What is MRT?You’ve probably heard of circuit training before right?Again, the concept is really nothing new.The new term for this in fitness is Metabolic Resistance Training.What exactly does that mean?It basically means that you are doing shorter, higher intensity workouts moving quickly through the exercises in a “circuit like” fashion.It’s basically combining resistance exercise with cardiovascular training.What this does is “rev up” your metabolism to burn body fat.Let me explain.Your body is in oxygen deficit for many hours post exercise (hence the name EPOC).The key to MRT is short, intense exercise programs that increase your body metabolism.  The end result is a fat burning machine, so to speak.Research has shown that there are great benefits following this type of training.The major benefit is that after resistive training, your body’s metabolism (how your body burns energy) is ramped up for as many as 38 hours post exercise (in a study by Schuenke, et al).That’s a pretty significant result.You work out and your body continues to burn calories for many hours after you’re done.This effect is known as the “afterburn effect“.This is a major difference from aerobic conditioning, such as running on the treadmill for an hour.This type of exercise only burns the calories during the exercise, not for the hours after, as is the case with resistance exercise.Strength training essentially continues to burn the calories while you sleep, while at rest, and maybe even up until your next workout.And here’s another benefit of resistance training as compared to aerobic exercise alone.Building lean muscle makes it easier to lose fat.Why?Because muscle is much more efficient at burning calories.  Fat is not.By adding 1 pound of muscle, your body may burn up to 50 extra calories per day.This says that muscle tissue is a highly effective component of an efficient metabolism process that helps your body to burn body fat.MRT or Metabolic Resistance Training may be a newer fitness buzzword, but the concept is proven.This type of training provides for endless training options, especially if you’re limited on time.You can have quick, highly effective workouts that will help to blast the body fat (with the proper nutrition, of course).So, think about training “metabolically” for fat loss, increasing strength, and enhancing performance and energy.The long cardio routines can be beneficial too, but not to the extent of MRT and that type of training DOES NOT create an “afterburn” type of effect.If you truly enjoy long cardio routines and your goals are running marathons or other endurance challenges, then continue to do so.But if your goals are fat loss and lean muscle building, MRT is a great training method for these results.

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Metabolic Resistance Training | Rdella Training | No BS Strength …

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