
BOSS’s programming and recommendations are someone unique compared with the average international exercise physiology or strength and conditioning organization. It is also unique compared with what you’d see on the CrossFit main site or Jillian Michael’s blog. I’m often asked, when the rest of the world is saying that the best way to lose weight is aerobic exercise, why do we say high-intensity interval exercise is better? If you continue to read this blog and learn more about BOSS’s programming model, you’ll soon learn that I’m a geek. Being a geek whose job it is to advance exercise science, I am always questioning exercise programming models

Original article: 

HIIT AND WEIGHT LOSS – CrossFit saskatoon

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Prostate Cancer and Omega-3 Fats 23 Comments Thursday, July 11th, 2013 Howdy folks!This is going to be quick and likely full of type-o’s, I just want to get this posted and I’m not even going to pester Squatchy with a proof-read, so please accept it, warts and all. I’ve been hammering on the nutrition cert and the only way I get any work done on that is dropping off the map. Multi-tasking seems good for cortisol production and LOOKING busy, but not getting a damn thing done!Ok, so lots of hub-bub about some recent papers implicating N-3 fats and increased prostate cancer risk. Here are two papers which largely cover the same material, which I will refer to here in a bit (serum fatty acids prostate cancer risk1, plasma FAs and prostate cancer2).


Does Fish oil cause prostate Cancer? – Robb Wolf

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Eat stop eat brad pilon free download. Generally Eat Stop Eat is known as a diet plan treatment guideline that will help lose fat, in no way by eating fewer, taking in the appropriate meals along at the correct time. It s not likely your own normal weightloss process plus it s definitely not similarly to many guidelines in abs. Brad Pilon presented the Eat Stop Eat program several years ago. The earlier versions, even as it have been helpful along with suitable, was just approximately 75 results pages .

Original post: 

Eat Stop Eat Brad Pilon Free Download

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This is day 49 of my Transformation Challenge and my day of rest from workouts. Tomorrow I will be back hitting it hard with the first workout of week 8 of the Challenge. I decided to post a Saturday blog.

Read original article: 

Saturday-March 16, 2013-Brad Pilon on Intermittent Fasting …

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In a day an age where science is EVERYTHING, we sometimes forget that philosophy is the ‘thinking of thinking’ and needs to play an important role when we discuss how we should eat. After all, we shouldn’t confuse data collection with wisdom. The more we simply absorb data without truly critically analyzing its meaning, the more we can potentially fall victim to many of the diet and nutrition scams that are so prevalent in today’s world.We have an unbelievable amount of data, and thanks to our  love affair with the ‘sound bytes’ that come from science we have all but abolished philosophy as a discipline, save for the quotes that occasionally appear on a person’s Facebook update status.But philosophy is of critical importance if we are to truly understand how and why we eat.It’s been said that philosophy calls us when we’ve reached the end of our rope. The insistent feeling that something is not right with our lives and the longing to be restored to our better selves will not go away.I’d be willing to guess that ‘end of our rope’ ‘somethings not right’ and ‘restored to our better selves’ would accurately describe how many feel about nutrition and deciding what to eat.We become philosophers to discover what is really true and what is merely the accidental result of flawed reasoning, recklessly acquired erroneous judgments, and the well-intentioned but misguided teachings of experts and gurus.  In this sense, philosophy and the scientific collection of data aren’t really opposites but rather necessary components of the whole ‘picture’.No mater what nutritional beliefs you hold true, you will probably agree when I say that we simply cannot eat everything that is available to us on any given day. food is simply too abundant, too available and too cheap for us to live in a constant state of eating at raw impulse

Read this article – 

My Philosophy of Intermittent Fasting | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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HIIT research ranges from fundamental methods and technologies to novel applications and their impact on science, people and society. Research areas include developing advanced data analysis, mining, and modelling methods. At: Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT) Location: Finland Web: Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT invites applications for Postdoctoral researchers Excellent applicants in the research fields of HIIT are welcome and the positions will be filled for three years maximum, starting 2 May 2012, or as agreed. For more detailed information, please see the full call text at HIIT research programs include Algorithmic Data Analysis Developing advanced data analysis, mining, and modelling methods for different areas of science and technology: combining basic research in computer science with applications

Excerpt from – 

Postdoctoral researchers at Helsinki Institute for Information …

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