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Q: We just re-located to a new state and are renting for the first time—we used to be home owners. We are renting a single family home, and it’s been riddled with problems, all of them rather significant. The landlord has been working with us to get things fixed for the most part, but we’ve reached an impasse over what seems like such a silly thing: we have no door on the master bathroom…


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DevsEggs_1Today’s guest post is an original recipe from my eldest, Devyn Sisson! Devyn is hard at work writing her first cookbook, Kitchen Intuition. In the meantime, check her out on Instagram for more recipes and kitchen tips.

I’m Devyn, aka, The Intuitive Chef, aka, Ms. Kitchen Intuition. Whatever alias I go by, “Dev” is always a good fallback. I just received my Masters in Spiritual Psychology, started writing a cookbook called Kitchen Intuition, and recently completed an integrative nutrition program.

Although I’ve learned from cookbooks, the trusty Food Network, and amazing chefs along my journey, I’ve always trusted my intuition when it comes to cooking, paying close attention to my body and taste buds to create strange, delicious, new, exciting recipes that I get to test out on my brave friends and family. And I’d like to share one of those intuitive variations with you today.

Like I say in my upcoming book, I don’t like to use “recipes,” per se, since I always encourage folks to take their own spin on any traditional formula. It’s good to have a template, but the final product is only limited by your own creativity and imagination!

For today’s deviled egg recipe, I used PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Mayo and chopped artichoke hearts. Sometimes I top the eggs with chives and paprika, other times with rosemary. But in today’s recipe, I was feeling the need for some capers! Whatever variation you choose will be delicious. Just pick your favorite based on your particular mood, taste, and whim that strikes your fancy.

I hope you have a blast creating today’s recipe or one of its MANY available variations.

Until next time, trust your kitchen intuition and enjoy!

Time in the Kitchen: 25 minutes

Servings: 2


  • 3 hard boiled eggs
  • 3 tablespoons PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Mayo (or homemade)
  • 1/4 cup chopped marinated artichoke hearts
  • 2 teaspoons of mustard
  • Garlic & onion powder, to taste
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Optional toppings: Capers, paprika, chives, or rosemary


  • Hard boil the eggs by placing them into a pot and bringing to a boil. Once the water boils, remove from the heat, cover and let sit for 20 minutes.
  • Run the hard boiled eggs under cold water and then peel. Slice in half and remove the yolks.
  • Mix yolks with remaining ingredients. Salt and pepper filling to taste.
  • Put mixture in a piping bag and then fill the middle of the egg whites with the yolk mixture.
  • Garnish with whatever strikes your fancy (today I used capers) and enjoy!


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By now you’ve mastered making a pot of grains. You know all about the freestyle route, and how to avoid common pitfalls, but are you in a flavor rut? No worries — that’s an easy problem to solve. Simply follow these small and helpful tips for bigger and better flavor in your favorite pot of grains.


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I recently moved into a new house, and with it came an amazing floor-to-ceiling pantry. Unlike my last apartment — where I ended up squirreling away extra Costco purchases in the coat closet — everything is all neatly in one place, and my organization-loving brain is at ease. Seeing everything together keeps me on my toes and reminds me of ingredients that should be used up. This week, we are using the ingredients lurking in your cabinet and transforming them into meals you won’t believe came from the depths of the pantry.


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“Know that there’s no “right”—only the fun, ongoing experimentation of building a home.”

Fay Wolf’s Fun & Functional Silver Lake Apartment


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Greg Walsh demonstrates an unusual kettlebell progression to diversify to your ground-to-overhead routine.

Ground-to-overhead movements like snatches, clean and jerks, and thrusters are all excellent full-body strength and conditioning exercises. But if you find yourself looking for a little more variety, check out the full range kettlebell high pull.



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