See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

  • Warrior Group Crunches
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7 Habits of Highly Successful Primal Atheletes FinalThings have been busy for the Primal Endurance movement since I released the book back in December. People have been eager to learn more about this novel form of training, so we’ve been answering a lot of questions. Much like how The Primal Blueprint received a lot of attention because it bucked against Conventional Wisdom, such has been the case for Primal Endurance. Lots of head scratching, balking, but then, after learning the science and seeing the results, a healthy curiosity or full blown conversion. So what’s Primal Endurance training all about? What are the fundamentals? Who’s practicing it? And where can you learn more about it?

To get the message out as wide as possible, in the wake of the book we created a dedicated Primal Endurance podcast to gather an assortment of captivating guests to talk all things endurance-related. If you’ve tuned in, you’ve probably heard Brad’s series of shows detailing each of the book’s chapters. The book has been very well received and we’ve already commissioned a second printing after selling out the first print run. So why the buzz? I think there are a couple things at play.

First, the endurance community as a whole is waking up to the exciting and scientifically validated concept that a high fat diet might offer performance and health advantages over the traditional high carbohydrate diet.

Part of this shift results largely from work done by the heroic Dr. Timothy Noakes, Ph.D. in South Africa, one of the world’s leading endurance exercise physiologists and author of the epic Lore of Running (944 pages of all you need to know about the physiology of endurance running). A lifelong runner and leading proponent of the carbohydrate/glycogen burning paradigm as it relates to endurance performance, Noakes has bravely second-guessed his life’s work in recent years, prompted by being diagnosed as pre-diabetic despite careful attention to a healthy per-conventional-wisdom grain-based diet and serious lifelong commitment to distance running. He’s taken a bunch of heat from resistant folks stuck in the carbohydrate paradigm, but is making great progress toward evolving the perspective in the scientific community. The South African public is now embracing what Noakes calls the Banting Diet (after a guy in the 1862 who went low-carb and lost weight). You can listen to my talk with him here.

The amazing athletes profiled in our book are also making great progress in shifting the dated philosophy about carbohydrate paradigm endurance training.

A few notable people include:

Ultrarunning legend Timothy Olson (listen to his episode on the podcast here).

National champion 100k man and prolific blogger Zach Bitter (who burns fat at a higher rate than any athlete ever tested, nearly double the limit of what was previously thought humanly possible before Dr. Jeff Volek’s vaunted FASTER Study).

World age group champion triathlete Sami Inkinen (who showed with precise laboratory data that he could improve his “time to bonk” from 5.6 hours to 87 hours in a few short months of primal-aligned eating).

And prominent primal/paleo physician and self-experimenter Dr. Peter Attia, whose scientific insight is paving the way for change.

Second, people are really resonating with my and Brad’s personal story.

As many readers know, Brad and I hail from the endurance sports scene—it’s where we first connected 28 years ago, when I became Brad’s coach during his career on the pro circuit. While assorted endurance training fads have come and gone over the years, certain themes have held steady. Unfortunately, an overly-stressful, overly-regimented chronic approach to training is one of them. Even though Brad and I have been out of the game for a long time, we’ve been stewing on the sidelines, exasperated at how little progress has been made over time with the hot button items like chronic training patterns, overly stressful heart rate zones, recurring illness and injury as routine instead of unusual, high burnout rates, elevated disease risks (including many of our former peers on the racing scene suffering from serious cardiovascular events in later years; here’s my sobering post about it), and finally, excess body fat concerns among endurance athletes despite their many hours of training.

Nearly three years ago now, Brad and I were lamenting the popularity of the latest craze on the endurance scene: the “hacking” of the process of building a base of endurance competency by engaging in high intensity workouts. As in, “why bother with those grueling 20-mile runs when you can do a bunch of box jumps and power home the final six miles of the marathon!” Don’t get me wrong—resistance training can indeed benefit your endurance performance, but it must be carefully integrated into a foundation of aerobic base training to prevent breakdown and burnout.

At the same time, we were seeing some elite and recreational athletes alike experiencing better health and better performance pursuing their endurance goals while honoring the ten laws of the Primal Blueprint. It seemed like a perfect time to leverage the general health and fat burning beast elements of the primal approach and present a comprehensive, revolutionary approach to endurance training that would address the flawed and dated conventional approach successfully. We worked very hard to provide a simple, easy-to-read, but powerful message about how to transform your approach to endurance training, slow down to go faster, have more fun and less stress, and last and often not least, finally lose those final five, 10, or 20 pounds of excess body fat that hang around despite your devotion to training and eating sensibly.

All that said, I want to share with you an excerpt from the book that you might enjoy called the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Endurance Athletes. It gives you a bird’s eye view of what Primal Endurance is all about. It’s a great takeaway for anyone looking to improve their training, whether you’re an endurance athlete or not. But if you want some more of the specifics, read on through the end, since I have an exciting project in the works that may interest you.

1. Sleep

Yes, sleep is number one—the next frontier of performance breakthroughs in all sports, especially endurance sports. Your athletic pursuits require you to sleep significantly more than if you weren’t training. Reject conventional wisdom’s “eight hours” recommendation and individualize your approach, honoring these two maxims: minimize artificial light and digital stimulation after dark; and awaken each morning, without an alarm, refreshed and energized. If you are training more, sleep more. If you can’t honor the aforementioned maxims, stop training until you can. If you fall short of optimal sleep one day, take a nap the following day—instead of your workout!

2. Stress/Rest Balance

Primal-style endurance training allows you to reach for higher highs (via breakthrough workouts) and observe lower lows (more rest, shorter, easier recovery workouts, and staying below aerobic maximum heart rate at the vast majority of workouts). This approach will appeal to your competitive intensity by allowing you to focus on peak performance and recovery, instead of focusing on the flawed notion of “consistency” in the context of improving fitness through training. Furthermore, realize that virtually all endurance athletes, from novice to elite, do too much training and not enough rest. Consider backing off on both your mileage and your intensity, and integrating more sleep, recovery, and complementary practices into your “training” routine.

3. Intuitive and Personalized

Your training schedule is sensible, intuitive, flexible, and even spontaneous instead of regimented and pre-ordained. Respect your daily life circumstances, motivation levels, stress levels, energy levels, immune function, and moods. This means backing off when tired, but also pursuing breakthrough workouts when you feel great! Experimentation is necessary to dial in the best approach that works for you, and entails some trial and error. Also, what worked for you last year may not work in the future, so be open to flexibility. The top priority is to enjoy your program and feel confident that it works well for you.

4. Aerobic Emphasis

Endurance success is primarily dependent on aerobic efficiency. Aerobic base building delivers by far your best return on investment, and is best achieved by strictly limiting heart rate to aerobic max or lower during defined aerobic workouts and training periods. Stay out of the black hole (sustained cardio workouts at heart rates above the “180-age” max aerobic calculation), and don’t venture into high-intensity training blocks before you have a strong base.

5. Intensity Structure

Intensity can deliver exceptional results for endurance athletes, when a strong base is present, when workouts are brief in duration and really intense, when they are conducted only when you are highly motivated and energized, and during defined periods that are short in duration and always followed by a rest period and preceded by an aerobic period.

6. Complementary practices

Increased general daily movement, spontaneous, unstructured play sessions, mobility work such as technique drills and dynamic stretching, movement practices like yoga and Pilates, and high-intensity strength training are essential for success, because we live sedentary lives of extreme physical ease. Remember, in endurance competitions, you have to “endure.” Cranking out your daily hour-long workout and then sitting at a desk, in a car, and on a couch the rest of the day is not preparing you to endure anything except perhaps a beatdown on the race course at the hands of a more all-around active human. Expand your perspective to embrace total fitness and an active, energetic lifestyle.

7. Periodization

An annual program always commences with an aerobic base period (minimum eight weeks). With success, high-intensity periods can follow—a few weeks is plenty before taking a bit of rest, a bit of aerobic base rebuilding, and then a return to a brief intensity/competition period. The annual training calendar program always ends with an extended rest/off-season period. The new calendar starts with an extended aerobic base period. This general overview offers plenty of flexibility, but you have to respect the need to engage in blocks of specific training focus as an immutable law of endurance training.

Well, there you go!

Even if you’re not a big time endurance athlete, these tips can help you navigate the challenge of balancing hectic modern life and ambitious fitness goals.

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse of the Primal Endurance philosophy.

Grab the book in print, digital, or audio format (audio listeners get the added benefit of Brad’s humorous ad-libbing) and subscribe to the podcast to go deeper.

And if you’re really interested in taking things to the next level, we are developing a comprehensive multimedia online education course to bring the Primal Endurance book to life. It’ll be there to help endurance folks more deeply understand and implement the training and lifestyle principles with the help of world-leading experts on specific topics.

I’ll keep you updated as we aspire to trend further in the direction of multimedia with Primal Blueprint Publishing.

But in the meantime, you can sign up here to stay tuned.

Thanks for reading, everyone. What’s your experience with training after going Primal? If you’ve already purchased a copy of Primal Endurance, any questions contained within I can help answer?

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(Image credit: Diana Yen)

If there was ever a grocery store shortcut worthy of an award, it’s the rotisserie chicken. I believe there are few things this fully cooked bird can’t do. And while it certainly makes a simple and comforting meal on its own, it also lends itself to so many other uses. These are my 12 favorite ways to make rotisserie chicken into weeknight dinners.


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(Image credit: Otaku Mode)

  • That stack of pancakes you see above might look delicious, but you can’t eat them because they are actually socks. Yes, pancake socks! Otaku Mode, the retailer of said socks, also socks that look like pizza, sushi, and bread.


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Potato salad is a summer potluck staple. You’d be hard-pressed to find a backyard cookout or picnic that wouldn’t benefit from a generous helping of potato salad. And while everyone has their preferred family recipe, it’s worth branching out occasionally to try a new flavor combination or dressing recipe.

To broaden your horizons, here are 15 of our favorite potato salad recipes to try at your next barbecue.


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(Image credit: Leela Cyd)

For a Midwestern girl who didn’t see the ocean until she was in her teens, I have fallen hard for shrimp. It helps that I married a New Englander who requires plates of these plump little morsels on a regular basis in order to keep all systems functional.

It also helps that shrimp are so easy — the effort-to-reward ratio is high with this particular seafood. Even pulled straight from the freezer, I can have a platter of quick-sautéed shrimp on the table in 15 minutes flat. Add a bowl of garlicky pasta or a leafy green salad, and dinner is a done deal.


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Summer weather makes me so happy, but it also make me a little less ambitious in the kitchen. I was going to say I become the teensiest bit lazy when it comes to culinary pursuits this time of year, but what actually results is an ideal efficiency for creating meals that celebrate the season without overcomplicating it. For example, when I’m craving a sweet treat, I’ll skip baking a cake in favor of a simpler (and speedier!) dessert bagel. This version shows off farmer’s market berries and dark chocolate, pulled together with Arla Blueberry Cream Cheese.


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(Image credit: Gina Eykemans)

Where would we be without refrigerators? If you’ve ever lost electricity for any period of time (as I have recently, thanks to the intense heat and an overloaded electrical grid), you understand quite quickly and keenly the crucial role the refrigerator plays in everyday life. That’s why it’s one of the five greatest breakthroughs in food science, and rightfully so.

You’d think — given how essential the fridge is to cooking and eating — we’d know everything there is to know about this amazing piece of machinery, but as with anything we take for granted, little details get lost in the daily rhythm. Wait, at what temperature should it be set? How do the crisper drawers work again? We have the answers to those questions, and more.


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(Image credit: Brie Passano)

This is the kind of recipe that calls for a bottle of red wine and a reason to celebrate. Did you survive that Monday of back-to-back meetings? Well, that’s definitely a reason to celebrate. Of course making it to Hump Day is a cause for celebration, too. Sure, these steak roll-ups feel fancy, but they’re so quick and easy that they deserve to be made whenever the occasion feels right, be it a busy Wednesday or a slow Sunday.


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(Image credit: Historias de Casa)

From Apartment Therapy → And Now for Something Completely Different: Colored Subway Tile


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What exactly are those circular bruises on so many athletes’ bodies?

The athletically-inclined population worldwide have been glued to the coverage of this year’s Olympics in Rio de Janeiro since Friday, and the fierce competition between the planet’s most passionate athletes has had us all enthralled. But there’s a puzzled question on many people’s lips: what exactly are those circular bruises on so many athletes’ bodies?


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