See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

  • Balance Baby!
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Many moons ago I was a vegetarian, and recently with all the buzz around plant-powered diets I’ve been reminiscing about how I felt when I ate mostly plants. For starters, I don’t ever remember feeling hungry, nor do I remember ever feeling stuffed. It seems a pleasant fullness was usually how I finished meals, and I believe a lot of that had to do with the shape of my plate — vegetables and legumes led the way, filling me up with fiber and complex carbs.

Even though meat is a part of my diet today, making plants a big part of the plate is the number-one step I take when I want to reset my eating habits. That practice is a reminder that these deeply nutritious foods can leave you just as satisfied as any animal protein-packed meal.

So this week we looked at what a crop of vegan cookbooks had to offer by way of hearty plant-based food and asked our food photographer pal, Maria Siriano, a vegan herself, to share her thoughts on the recipes. Finally, we asked Maria to share one of her own hearty vegan dishes. It’s a spicy peanut butter tempeh number that can’t be missed.


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A brutal Turkish get up session awaits you today before rest day.

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(Image credit: Marie-Lyne Quirion)

From Apartment Therapy → A Realistic Kitchen Refresh: The Inside/Out Cleaning Plan


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Keep up with your exercise and diet efforts, and there will be a lot less weight to lose.

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This fresh, hot benedict will quickly become a weekend favorite.

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After marching down every aisle at the Winter Fancy Food Show this week, I realized that some of my favorite bites were decidedly cheesy and savory, helping to counteract the endless booths of cookies and chocolates.

If you also love cheese snacks, check out these new ways to devour them all day long. And look for them to start popping up in grocery and specialty stores soon.


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Planning a first birthday for your own little one? Attending a first birthday party as a semi-enthusiastic guest and helpful cake-maker? You’ll want to read these stories before that wonderful 365th day.


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When it comes to our favorite Chinese foods, the path from China to our plates isn’t as straightforward as you’d think. Several books that have come out in recent years — such as Chop Suey, Chop Suey USA, and Chow Chop Suey (no joke!) — tell the story of a uniquely American cuisine that was born out of a complex relationship between Chinese immigrants and their host country. (There is currently an excellent exhibit on this very topic at the Museum of Food and Drink in New York City.)

Turns out, going into the restaurant business was one way that Chinese transplants established themselves in a country that, through racial discrimination and harsh immigration policies, made it extremely difficult to do so.


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