See Some Warriors Sweatin’ It Uuupp!

  • Kick It Jamie
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(Image credit: Starburst)

Every pack of original Starburst fruit chews comes with an assortment of four colors: red, orange, yellow, and pink. While all flavors offer fruity deliciousness, the pink-flavored fruit chew is hands-down the overwhelming favorite.

Do you pick through the bag of Starbursts to find the very best flavor? You’re not alone. Wrigley — the parent company of Starburst — is making everyone’s dreams come true and creating a limited-edition bag that is only filled with pink Starbursts.


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Ground turkey tends to be a little polarizing, but it does some serious convincing in this delicious pasta skillet. It’s cooked in a spiced tomato sauce along with big handfuls of Swiss chard and cooked pasta until it’s tender and infused with the flavors of garlic, chili, and cumin. The skillet is sprinkled with cheese just before serving for a one-pan meal that’s easy to make and even easier to eat.


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The reason you’re not losing weight may not be your fault.

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(Image credit: Honestly Yum)

I’m not sure if I’ve had a lingering cold for the last month or if allergy season is upon us — all I know is that I’ve got a bad case of the sniffles. If you, like me, are on the hunt for a bowl of something brothy, warm, and comforting, look no further than this spicy white bean and kale soup. It’s just what the doctor ordered.


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(Image credit: Tara Donne)

Like most other Instagram addicts, I use the hugely popular photo-sharing app to not-so-humbly brag about my kitchen creations, devour videos of friends’ adorable pets, and spy on exes. But my favorite use for Instagram is one you might not immediately think of: as a travel guide.


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If you are a frequent traveler, like I have been at points in my life, packing your bag becomes almost second nature. You don’t have to think about it; you just know what you need (and, just as importantly, what you don’t). Over the years I have made the somewhat controversial decision to leave one item behind: my water bottle.

This is not to say I don’t love a cute water bottle or that I don’t hydrate. I do! I’m eyeing these Soma water bottles right now and I am a big proponent of hydration at all times. I just don’t bring my water bottle with me. Here are three reasons why.


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It is at this time of life that we really need to focus on maintaining both an intelligent exercise protocol and a healthy diet.

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(Image credit: Gina Eykemans)

I love a clean and organized fridge. I relish the time after a grocery shop where I can put everything away so it makes sense and looks pretty. However, it’s easy to ignore the gunk. You know what I’m talking about: the little bits of dried up kale dried in your veggie drawer, the sticky patch on the middle shelf where some rogue jam made its great escape.

So every now and again it’s nice to give your entire fridge a scrub down in order to de-stick and de-ick all the nooks and crannies. I know that emptying out the whole fridge can be overwhelming. (All of those veggies and sauces and leftovers sitting on the counter makes me feel like I’m on an episode of Hoarders: Foodie Edition.) But, the temporary stress of counter clutter is well worth it. It’s a pretty easy process. Let’s get to it!


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Snake venom sounds ominous enough but can it help your aching joints.

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From Apartment Therapy → The Thing You Use Everyday that You Should Probably Throw Away (Or At Least De-Grossify)


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