Complete 10 cycles of:
50 Meter Walking Lunge with Spear Thrust
25 Meter Sprint

Warmup: Walk to the battlefield. Carry your equipment if you’re using any.
We can probably thank the ancient Hellenistic hoplite armies for coming up with the phalanx (although there’s evidence similar formations were used in Egypt and Sumeria), and Alexander the Great for perfecting its usage on the battlefield, but I think reader Jenn deserves credit for making it relevant again. She recently wrote in with a conceptual WOW drawing on the movement and function of the phalanx – so, thanks Jenn!
The phalanx presented a single, unified front to its opponents, a rectangle of interlocking (almost seamless) shields studded with spears. It moved deliberately and, until the last few paces, slowly in order to maintain the formation’s integrity and cohesion. The phalanx would speed things up at the end to hit the enemy with immense force, hopefully to throw the […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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