Complete for each leg:
1-minute Single Leg Balance
6 Single Leg Balancing Leg Sweeps
30 seconds Single Leg Balance w/Eyes Closed

Warmup: None necessary.
Do you enjoy ankle sprains? Are you looking forward to taking a fall late in life and ending up with a fractured hip? Does feeling stable on your feet in any situation not interest you? Then stop reading.
For everyone else who wants to be stable and avoid ankle sprains and nasty falls, read on. Balance is crucial for everyday living, weight training, climbing, running, or even just walking around. Our bodies are constantly shifting positions unbeknownst to our conscious selves, and the better our balance during acute controlled instability, the better we’re able to sally forth and make the most of this life without worrying about tripping. So – I’ve got a simple single leg balance progression for you to work on today.
Remove your shoes and find an even surface to […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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