Complete 2 cycles:
400 Meter Run
Clear 5 Low Hurdles
20 Meter Grok crawl
5 Pullups
40 Meter Backwards Weight Drag
20 Meter Balance Beam Farmer’s Carry
50 Meter Weighted Sprint

Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat, three light sprints at 70%.
In last week’s Link Love, I mentioned that the US Army may be instituting a new and improved PT test, one that looks more Primal than not. We applaud this development, and to show our appreciation for the armed services, I thought it’d be fun to try our hand at a slightly altered version of the new test.
Most of these movements are self-explanatory or previously touched upon, like the Grok crawl, the pullup, and running. Clearing low hurdles simply means getting over an obstacle about waist height, either by leaping, vaulting, or climbing over it. You can use the same obstacle over and over again, since most people won’t have five lined up in a row. A Farmer’s […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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