Complete 5 cycles of:
6 Hammer Around-the-Heads, each direction
10 Hammer Shovels, each direction
12 Hammer Slams, each side

Warmup: 15 forward-to-back shoulder dislocates, 2 Grok hangs.
Before you do anything else, procure the proper equipment. This workout is designed around a sledgehammer, which you can find at any hardware store for around thirty bucks. I use a 16-pounder, which may not sound like much, until you try to handle the thing by holding onto the very end of the handle and find it feels like triple the weight. Mess around with some in the store and choose the one that is legitimately hard for you to support. You can always choke up on the handle to move your hands closer to the weight and, thus, make things easier until you’re ready to progress, but you can’t add weight to a too-light hammer. Buying a light hammer will end up a waste of money.
If you […]

Original post by Worker Bee 2

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