Pick at least one exercise to:
Grok the groove

Warmup: None.
If the title confuses you, wait for today’s “Dear Mark” to show up and it’ll make more sense.
“Grok the groove” is in reference to Pavel Tsatsouline’s “Greasing the groove.” It’s a way to improve your ability to perform a specific exercise by accruing lots of training volume without overloading your body. Basically, you perform a movement as often as possible without hitting failure and without grinding out any reps.
Pick an exercise that you’d really like to improve. Pullups are a popular one, but any exercise will work. If you choose two or more, make sure they’re complementary. Don’t choose movements that hit the same muscle groups. Squats and deadlifts together, for example, would be poor choices because you wouldn’t last very long. Squats and pullups, or deadlifts and pushups, though? Great combos. Pullups and pushups are an awesome combo that you […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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