Play, for 30 minutes:
Follow the Leader

Warmup: 30 second Grok Squat, lateral, forward, and backward leg swings (10 each leg), 1 minute Grok Hang.
This week’s WOW is going to be a fun one. You need at least one partner (though more are better) and some open space. Implements to play on and implements to pick up and play with are also recommended.
You’re going to play follow the leader. If you’re the leader, you’ll be “leading” the workout. The other(s) will be following. If you’re using implements (like sandbags, kettlebells, rocks, or weights), scatter them throughout the workout area. After warming up, start off with a slow jog. Then, start throwing in random moves. Dive and roll. Shuffle to the right. Take off sprinting, then drop into a crawl. Grab and toss a sandbag, pick it up again, shoulder it, and blast out a set of squats. Climb a tree, if […]

Original post by Mark Sisson

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